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  1. #1
    davidboy's Avatar
    davidboy is online now Associate Member
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    knee swelling day after shot, help..

    hey guys, ok tues i did my first shot of test cyp 1.25cc in right outer thigh ang next day my knee started hurting and swelled up, it took two days to swelling and pain to go away, friday i took 2nd shot in my left outer thigh and today my knee is swelled up and hurts like mofo, bearly can walk, i dont get it why my knee is getting swelled up and pain, i have thigh soreness but knee is keeing me???????????????.i am doing something wrong ..using 25gauge pin 1 inch and doing all sterile preseduces, its not a infection my temp is about redness, just little bit at knee..i am doing something wrong ...please guys help..thank you

  2. #2
    EdMan2's Avatar
    EdMan2 is offline Associate Member
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    This happened to me too in my last cycle. In my case it would have also been a result of hitting my knee on the bar while doing deads, but I really didn't hit it that hard. I was pretty scared, but it went away and never happened again.

    In your case since it's happened twice you might have some dirty gear, especially if it's a UGL.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidboy
    hey guys, ok tues i did my first shot of test cyp 1.25cc in right outer thigh ang next day my knee started hurting and swelled up, it took two days to swelling and pain to go away, friday i took 2nd shot in my left outer thigh and today my knee is swelled up and hurts like mofo, bearly can walk, i dont get it why my knee is getting swelled up and pain, i have thigh soreness but knee is keeing me???????????????.i am doing something wrong ..using 25gauge pin 1 inch and doing all sterile preseduces, its not a infection my temp is about redness, just little bit at knee..i am doing something wrong ...please guys help..thank you
    It sounds like fluid,it should go away in a few days,if it doesnt then go to the doctor.It might be a idea to hit the glute next time!

  4. #4
    davidboy's Avatar
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    but i didn't do any leg excercies do to pain & swelling in my knee, it seems that when i shoot, my gears travels down in my knee and gets stuck in there!!! and swell up my knee..i don't whats going on, i think i am going to cut loose my cycle, can't take that swellings, any other advices?????????

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidboy
    but i didn't do any leg excercies do to pain & swelling in my knee, it seems that when i shoot, my gears travels down in my knee and gets stuck in there!!! and swell up my knee..i don't whats going on, i think i am going to cut loose my cycle, can't take that swellings, any other advices?????????
    Do proper PCT if you decide to stop cycle.

  6. #6
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    this just happened to me. i made my first calf injection with test prop and some b12 and my ankle, calf, and knee blew up like i've never seen it before. scared the hell out of me. i didn't think it was an infection because it was so dramatic and the onset was so fast so i just elevated it and iced it. i couldn't walk for nearly three days and after that it slowly started to go away. i'm about a week out from the injection and i'm almost back to normal. i would say inject higher up in the thigh or use the glutes and delts and see what happens. if it persits, it could be the gear.

    also, what's your cycle experience? have you ever used test cyp?

    if it get s much worse then i would suggest seeing a doctor just to be safe.

    good luck.

  7. #7
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    also, i'm not sure if this would work or not, but i also started to up my letro dosages. i figured if letro can help get rid of water retention then maybe this can help with swelling. i didn't use much.. just .1mL/day from Lion and whether it worked or not, the swelling went down. i think the swelling declined because of elevation and icing. i suppose more testing would have to be done in order to see if it helps.

  8. #8
    EdMan2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davidboy
    but i didn't do any leg excercies do to pain & swelling in my knee, it seems that when i shoot, my gears travels down in my knee and gets stuck in there!!! and swell up my knee..i don't whats going on, i think i am going to cut loose my cycle, can't take that swellings, any other advices?????????
    Funny thing is this is exactly what I thought. I was so paranoid that I might have missed the muscle or something (highly unlikely). Just to be sure though I did go on antibiotics for a few days, but the swelling did go away after about 1.5-2 weeks, then after that all quad injections went perfectly. If it's your first time, as it was mine, this could just be a reaction we have to the gear. I'd say wait until it subsides, then shoot the right quad again. If the same thing happens then you've got a problem and should stop this particular cycle. For me the pain was just as bad, I struggled VERY hard doing squats for two weeks because of this, but worked thorugh it and everything turned out fine.

  9. #9
    Lavinco's Avatar
    Lavinco is offline Anabolic Member
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    This happened to me before because I was doing EOD shots in only my glutes. It finally catches up to ya.

    Try rotating injection sites more oftin. Do something like delts, glutes, quads. For now, give your quads a little break.

    Do'nt inject in the same area more than once a week and don't inject in the EXACT same spot as the last time. move it around a quater inch or so.

  10. #10
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    You injected too low. I've had that happen to me before where my knees swole up too and it hurt so bad I limped for 4 days straight. I use the exact same gear you do so I know what it's all about. You need to inject higher on your thighs.

  11. #11
    davidboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pdog80
    You injected too low. I've had that happen to me before where my knees swole up too and it hurt so bad I limped for 4 days straight. I use the exact same gear you do so I know what it's all about. You need to inject higher on your thighs.
    i used 1 inch pin, would i use 1 1/2 ?, it seems that gears travels in my knee and stays there and gets swelled up and i got bad pain in my knee i can't even bend my knee little bit, first injection i did i thought i didn't injected all the way about 80% of pin and swelled up, this friday i shot on left thigh and i pinned it all the way and swelling even worst then right, my right one is ok now but my left is stll swelled up and bad pain, i posted my gear while ago and everyone said good to go this is my gear I am using it now

    next shot coming on monday night, i will try to shoot maybe 1/2 cc in my right delt and see what happen, more help guys ..thanks for inputs guys

  12. #12
    davidboy's Avatar
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    guys that this is my very first cycle, two shots only.

  13. #13
    hippie1171's Avatar
    hippie1171 is offline Junior Member
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    ive got the same 'knee swelling' problem but its in the knee i had knee surgery from. if the swelling goes away in couple of days like you said you should be fine, just use ice to prevent further swelling and heat to loosen up before workouts. if the swelling doesnt go down, you can always go to an orthopedic doctor to drain all the excess liquid.

  14. #14
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    I know exactly what your talking about david. I've had the exact same kind of pain in my knee from that particular gear. Like I said before, your probably shooting too low. You can either try again next time or just stick to delts and glutes and you should be fine. The gear you are using (same one I use) tends to hurt a bit more than gear from other companies from my experience.

  15. #15
    davidboy's Avatar
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    thanks a lot guys for advices and inputs, i will try shoot in delts on monday see what happens, thanks guys

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