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  1. #1
    spoonta66's Avatar
    spoonta66 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2004

    Which is better and why?

    Hi everyone.

    I am interested in running a test only cycle. i have run several cycles before but have always mixed things up i.e. D-bol, sustanon or d-bol, Enanthate , deca or prop, eq, winny etc..

    This time I am only interested in running test as I want to try and workout what each individual drug is doing to me so I can be more accurate with my levels and drug intake in the future (when I am running Gh and slin).

    Currently at 16%bf, 295lbs, 6'6"

    I wanted to know if it would be more productive to run (and why?):

    500mg Test-e for 20 weeks


    750mg Test-e for 14 weeks

    Let me know what you guys think. I have run test-e before up to a gram a week but didn't notice much difference than running 500mg except more bacne! I have all the necessary secondaries i.e. nolva, hcg , letro, clen etc.etc.etc. to keep the sides down if necessary.

    Thanks in advance for your opinions.

  2. #2
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Feb 2006
    I would have better sucsses with 750mg per week for 14 weeks

    The reasone why is my gains start to tapper off around week 12

  3. #3
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by horse2006
    I would have better sucsses with 750mg per week for 14 weeks
    The reasone why is my gains start to tapper off around week 12
    Good point!
    And he's absolutely right, Test's kick-in/out time varies with the individual. Some people don't even begin to get results until week 8, for whom obviously an extended cycle would be more beneficial.

    With your background and dosage experience, I too would recommend the above, but caution that you play it by ear and make adjustments as necessary. One size truly does not fit all.


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