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Thread: DNP efficiency

  1. #1
    Cleaner13's Avatar
    Cleaner13 is offline Junior Member
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    DNP efficiency

    ok first I realize its not AS however, I dont have any other idea where to place this question

    Ive been running it at 300mg every day for about 2 weeks along with 50mg of T3 as Ive read your T3 is depleted while on DNP . I definitely take in all my water vitamins and all supplements that I need as Ive planned this out and also have ran a cycle before

    Ive dropped roughly 11lbs by the 8th day, however Im at 14 days now(going to run a total of 20days) and all weight loss has subsided

    I do my 45 mins of cardio whenever I can early in the morning, if Im not too tired from restless nights of sleep, what else can I possibly do to make this more efficient and get the most out of it?

    thanks guys I appreciate it


  2. #2
    EdMan2's Avatar
    EdMan2 is offline Associate Member
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    There is a debate about carbs and being on DNP . Some people claim that doing a low carb diet really helps them lose more and others say that a diet moderate to high in carbs is needed to really burn off the calories. You could experiment with that, just have a can of coke at hand in case you go hypoglycemic, which can happen very easily. On the other hand bro, you lost 11lbs in 8 days, and youre complaining!!? Id be ecstatic. You know that more likely than not you are also retaining water, so when you come off youre going to drop another few pounds.

  3. #3
    Cleaner13's Avatar
    Cleaner13 is offline Junior Member
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    hey bro thanks for the reply

    no I definitely wasnt complaining lol

    Im just saying, it was very odd that it was going down and down etc. and then suddenly it just came to a halt, I figured since my supplier takes so long with the pills that I need to get the most efficiency when I run them regardless
    I just figured maybe there was something I was missing or misread or didnt get to read at all about how to get the best of the cycle.
    I dont think ive drinkin this much in my life, everyday I feel like a sponge and someone is wringing me out at work (work in a machine shop) thank god or else if I were in an office Id be done for..

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I think I'd put more effort into a sound diet and cardio and have the energy to do both for extended periods of time, thus making your fat loss and health far better. Learn to get/stay lean w/out taking explosives, and you'll be able to do that for as long as you have discipline.

    Making fitness your lifestyle is the key to true success, not being lethargic all the time and sweating like a bloated crack whore waiting around for a substance to work. Work for it!


  5. #5
    TommyTrainR's Avatar
    TommyTrainR is offline Associate Member
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    What's your diet like? Remember you'll drop additional weight when you come off the DNP because you hold water.

  6. #6
    EdMan2's Avatar
    EdMan2 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I think I'd put more effort into a sound diet and cardio and have the energy to do both for extended periods of time, thus making your fat loss and health far better. Learn to get/stay lean w/out taking explosives, and you'll be able to do that for as long as you have discipline.

    Making fitness your lifestyle is the key to true success, not being lethargic all the time and sweating like a bloated crack whore waiting around for a substance to work. Work for it!

    Very true. Discipline is what keeps the fat off.

  7. #7
    Cleaner13's Avatar
    Cleaner13 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I think I'd put more effort into a sound diet and cardio and have the energy to do both for extended periods of time, thus making your fat loss and health far better. Learn to get/stay lean w/out taking explosives, and you'll be able to do that for as long as you have discipline.

    Making fitness your lifestyle is the key to true success, not being lethargic all the time and sweating like a bloated crack whore waiting around for a substance to work. Work for it!


    Thank you swole, your 100% right, I had been out of it for a bit, had a tough time with some at home problems amongest other things as well. and I do firmly believe I was just doing this in an attempt to "get back" into things. I had gotten very lazy with my new schedule since Im barely home (6AM-10PM) is when Im out, and I think at that point I had just convinced myself to keep procrastinating, but after seeing some of my pics with my girlfriend and I in the bahamas, I was like whoa.... whos that guy? And from then on Ive been picking alot of this up

    but thank you for the support and the professional help as usual, I WILL be putting it all to good use.



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