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  1. #1
    Tazwell's Avatar
    Tazwell is offline Senior Member
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    Question Tolerance to Cialis

    Does anyone know if you can actually grow a tolerance to Cialis?

    I use the stuff when i'm with the GF and have had good results, but sometimes it seems that it doesn't give me as great of an affect as other times.. Could it be i'm growing a tolerance? I usually take it 2-3x a week at 20mg

    i know there are allot of other factors that could explain this, such as; alcohol, mood, rest, etc.. I did a search and didn't find anything.. Should i lay off it for a while?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I think you build up a tollerence to most things if you use them regularly.

  3. #3
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    I agree

  4. #4
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Mar 2005
    If you are using a research chem. co's product the cialis may not be suspending well in the solution. Always make sure to SHAKE liquid orals well before use and every once and a while if not being used religiously.

  5. #5
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
    juiceboxxx is offline Banned
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    Looks like its time to move on to bigger and stonger things i.e viagra

    jk jk too much sides for takin viagra in the future.

    I agree, I believe if you build up a tollerence to most things if you use them regularly.

  6. #6
    305GUYistheman is offline New Member
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    Jul 2006
    DAMN!!!2-3x/week... shit yeah youll build a tolerance, just like any drug. Take a break for a while bro cause it sounds like your using it as a crutch and you wont be able to perform without if you continue imo. How old are you and are you on cycle.

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