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  1. #1
    Matt2323 is offline New Member
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    Hair Loss With Sustanon?


    Will Sustanon cause me hair loss? If so, how do i combat that? Is there anything i can take to help my hair grow or something?



  2. #2
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    it's test so yes it can exacerbate MPB if you're prone
    finasteride or better yet dutasteride will help reduce the risk

  3. #3
    Bigun's Avatar
    Bigun is offline Senior Member
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    Proscar 1.25mg a day and Nizoral. That's what I use on and off cycle. I shampoo the Nizoral every day

  4. #4
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    Sustanon will contribute! Actually in a Read the board rules. Do not post lab names. way. As the long esters build in your system, the androgens pile on to your hair follicles. One day, you will begin to see hairs falling out and your remaining hair will begin to feel thinner - less full. I have never had an issue with MPB until my cycle of Sus. Suddenly, hairs are dropping.

    So what are the symptoms? First, I had an itchy head about 8 weeks into my 12 week cycle. I didn't think anything of it except oils from the gear. This was wrong. Itching is a sign of hair loss. There is a change in your autoimmune system that triggers it to attack hair follicles - essentially rejecting them from your body. The itching is this process at work.

    Next, hairs falling into my face in the gym and in my brush. Looking back, this was a sign I should have noticed. But we all have this happen so it was not as clear to me.

    I also firmly believe that my 12 week cycle was another culprit. Had I shortened the cycle to 8-10 weeks, this might have been prevented - but who knows. Now I am taking Dutas for the thinning and hanging in there. So what about my cycle? It turned out excellent with great results! I am happy with the body.

    Next time I will use Test E instead as it will not accumulate and compound over time - I suspect.

  5. #5
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    TheSentinal- Ive felt that itchy scalp a few times too, but I have never lost any hair, neither has my hair thinned out. I feel it right now too, but my hair is actually exstremely thick.

    When people lose between 50-100 hairs daily natrually, how do you know it was MPB-type of hairloss? b/c of receding hairline?

  6. #6
    Hitman's Avatar
    Hitman is offline Senior Member
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    I will have to go against the grain here and have to say I not only experienced no hair lose but was subject to INCREASED hair production on various parts of my body when I tried sust in the early days, and i believe im not the only one.Motto....every one is different.

  7. #7
    TheSentinal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    TheSentinal- Ive felt that itchy scalp a few times too, but I have never lost any hair, neither has my hair thinned out. I feel it right now too, but my hair is actually exstremely thick.

    When people lose between 50-100 hairs daily natrually, how do you know it was MPB-type of hairloss? b/c of receding hairline?
    My hair was super thick as well. The itch started a few weeks ago, then it seemed like hairs were dropping on my shoulders and into the sink. It really caught me off guard because I have relatives who have done Test and had zero hairloss - I really thought I did not have the MPB gene. I believe I have slowed the loss by getting on Dutasteride, but it takes a while to kick in.

    Your itchy head just might be oils from the gear. Just keep a watchful eye. Gentically, once your body starts the MPB cycle, it never stops. My gear started something that probably would have naturally occured several years from now.

  8. #8
    newbe77 is offline New Member
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    I have just recently finish a 10 week cycle of sustanon 250 and took 50 5mg d-bol orals at the beginning of the cycle. This was the my first cycle. 2 mouths post cycle and my scalp is very ichy and i am really starting to notice thinning hair. I am freaking out to the point that i can barely fall asleep at night. I got some bad information and did not do any post cycle therapy . They told me hair loss is a long term steriod abuse side effect and since this was my first one i figure i would be fine. is there anything i can do to stop the hair loss? mabe regrow it? Also will Saw palmetto help to block DHT. Please help i am 20 year old and don't feel like going bald!
    Last edited by newbe77; 04-02-2007 at 01:34 PM.

  9. #9
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbe77
    I have just recently finish a 10 week cycle of sustanon 250 and took 50 5mg d-bol orals at the beginning of the cycle. This was the my first cycle. 2 mouths post cycle and my scalp is very ichy and i am really starting to notice thinning hair. I am freaking out to the point that i can barely fall asleep at night. I got some bad information and did not do any post cycle therapy. They told me hair loss is a long term steriod abuse side effect and since this was my first one i figure i would be fine. is there anything i can do to stop the hair loss? mabe regrow it? Also will Saw palmetto help to block DHT. Please help i am 20 year old and don't feel like going bald!
    hey man i'm in the same exact position (21, took sus, started shedding like crazy) i know how awful it can be. saw palmetto might help a little, maybe in addition to something else but won't really stop anything. propecia or finasturide (same thing) takes a long time to work. get on Dutast from asap, 55 dollars but totally worth it. it's strong stuff but it will stop the thinning pretty much immediately and even regrows hair for some people (which is more likely since you are young). side effects are it may hurt your sex drive a little but as long as you keep the dose at .125 (3 squirts) every day you won't notice anything. if you're on cycle you are gonna wanna up that dosage to .25 or .5 ed.

  10. #10
    operationgetbig's Avatar
    operationgetbig is offline Senior Member
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    if you are genetically predisposed to hairloss then yes, sus can make you lose your hair quicker than you would have if you didnt juice. if you dont have a history of hairloss in your family i wouldnt worry.

  11. #11
    newbe77 is offline New Member
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    gooer did the Dutast work for you. and has anyone else ever tryed this stuff?

  12. #12
    newbe77 is offline New Member
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    and is this something i have to take forever?
    Last edited by newbe77; 04-02-2007 at 07:05 PM.

  13. #13
    TheSentinal's Avatar
    TheSentinal is offline Member
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    Dutas works very well. For me, I will be taking a maintenance dose until the day I am ready for nature to do its thing. You can save your hair - many guys just bic it and let it go.

  14. #14
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbe77
    gooer did the Dutast work for you. and has anyone else ever tryed this stuff?
    yes my hair looked better almost immediately, and by a month you couldn't even tell i had ever been thinning. i had been hesistant to get on in the first place because a lot of people say you have to stay on it forever or you will lose the hair you've gained, but i looked at my situation. i was losing 50-100 hairs a day anyway, so the worst that could happen is i'd revert to a state i was already in. but honestly i've heard of people gradually lowering the dose and keeping their hair. the choice is obviously up to you, but for me i wanted my hair to stop falling out - now!

    now i cant even take my hair out if i pull on it, unless im on roids, in which case id say i lose like 20 a day, but thats still a lot better than being off them and losing 100.

  15. #15
    newbe77 is offline New Member
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    hey i just got a bottle of 30ml dutast,,, i notice you said .125 a day or three sqirts. i was just wondering if i should split up the squirts begging middle end of the day or just take them all at once. i also looked at the ussage chart but could not read anything on it. and how long is this going to last me at 3 squirts a day??? Thanks for your help!

  16. #16
    johnny juice is offline Junior Member
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    I use nioxin when mine fell out and it worked well most came back and it hasnt happend since. Its a shampoo you get at hair salons great stuff

  17. #17
    John88Test's Avatar
    John88Test is offline Member
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    can you switch from finesteride to duasteride without much problem? ive been on finasteride for over a year now.

  18. #18
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by newbe77
    hey i just got a bottle of 30ml dutast,,, i notice you said .125 a day or three sqirts. i was just wondering if i should split up the squirts begging middle end of the day or just take them all at once. i also looked at the ussage chart but could not read anything on it. and how long is this going to last me at 3 squirts a day??? Thanks for your help!
    there are 300 squirts in a bottle. you should take them all at once before you go to sleep, as duta can make you lose some strength in the gym and if you do it before you go to sleep you sleep that effect off. each squirt is .05 mg of duta, some people take as much as .5, but most research shows thats only effective for your prostate (it's other use) and by taking a dose that high you are only going to increase side effects and waste squirts, but if your hair loss doesn't stop after 2-4 weeks you might want to up the dosage (it will stop though, bros have gotten results on 1 squirt a day).

  19. #19
    gooer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by John88Test
    can you switch from finesteride to duasteride without much problem? ive been on finasteride for over a year now.
    you can switch, and you will probably grow more hair in the long run. you may experience a brief period of shedding, but this is a good sign.

  20. #20
    DJWhiteT is offline New Member
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    It's interesting to me that no one here ever mentions Rogaine. I have used Finasteride in the past, but I didn't want to use something that would block DHT in my entire body.

    I prefer Rogaine because it only blocks DHT where I put it on. I have really short hair though and I buy the foam so it is easy to apply right out of the shower.

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