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Thread: Tren/prop/winny

  1. #1
    Korn is offline New Member
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    IM 24 6'1'' 215lbs 12%bf been working out hard for10 years. this is my first cycle. This is my plan
    weeks 1-10 prop 75mg ed
    1-8 tren 50mg ed
    6-10 50mg winny ed
    i plan on running letro at .25mg during my cycle and using clomid and tribulis for my pct. does this cycle look any good suggestions please!

  2. #2
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    That is alot of compounds for a first cycle... Your going to pin 3 compounds ED for your first cycle??? Probly could get away with just test for a first go at it.... And clomid only is not the best pct.. You can look into hookers pct protocol if you like . It is the best PCT I have ever used here is a link if you want to check it out .. And Welcome to AR!!!

  3. #3
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Id go 6 weeks with winny.

    Looks good, try caber and let me know how it goes for my own benefit lol.

  4. #4
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I can understand you have to be careful with yer first cycle but me personally, I wish I wouldve done deca /test/dbol /winny for my first cycle. I wouldve saved time and money. had ot go through what I did to learn that though.

  5. #5
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    prolly should just stick to prop @ 75mg ED for your first one.

    are you trying to bulk or cut?

  6. #6
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    well depending on what your goal is what I would recommend...Quite honestly the cycle doesnt look bad at all...however it is your first cycle...Your training and nutriton need to be on the $$ for max results on that one.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    No need to use all them compounds for your first cycle,if you have been training for over 10yrs like you stated your body should be like a dry sponge and will soak any type of AAS up very quickly and produce good quality gains,

    Stick with just test only and see how you respond, if to many compounds are use and you get some bad sides you will not know which of the compounds are causing them, stick with test only and a good solid training program and make sure your diet is in order, diet will make you grow not more compounds.

  8. #8
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Dont get your hopes up with test only but still put your maximum efforts in. And you are going to have to be safe for you rfirst cycle anyway, just to se how it goes.
    Last edited by guest589745; 07-31-2006 at 02:09 PM.

  9. #9
    Roid Rage's Avatar
    Roid Rage is offline Member
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    For my first cycle i did prop at 75 mg ed with EQ...

    It was a very simple cycle, yet i yield some great gains. I think you should keep it simple for your first cycle as marcus said.

    (welcome to the boards)

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