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  1. #1
    gunner27 is offline Junior Member
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    So 4 years ago I decided to do a cycle...

    This August marks the fourth anniversary of beginning my first, and to date only, cycle. A lot of people claim that they are only going to do one cycle when they start…and I’m proof that sometimes that actually happens. I thought it might be interesting to look at what effects from it I still have. It was a 12-week cycle followed by PCT, and I used:

    Weeks 1-4: 20 mg D-bol/day
    Weeks 1-10: 300 mg Deca /week
    Weeks 11-12: 50 mg Winstrol /day

    When I started, I had reached my natural potential. I had been working out very hard with a great training partner for a number of years, and had made good gains naturally, and more with the help of non-hormonal supplements, such as creatine and HMB. I was in good shape, and happy with my body, but was getting no more gains and still wanted to add a bit more muscle. I had no interest in competing in bodybuilding or other sports, and really didn’t feel like cycling was something that I had to do for any reason. My goals were:

    1. No serious side effects
    2. Moderate, keepable gains

    I have to say that I succeeded. Over the course of the cycle, I gained 20 pounds of muscle and kept 15 of them. To this day, I have also kept about 2/3-3/4 of my strength gains. This has involved continued regular training, although for the last year or so at a less intense level, and decent calorie and protein intake. Also, no severe or lasting side effects. The Deca/Dbol combination did shut down my natural testosterone production while I was on cycle, but my natural test levels were back to normal within a few months. Likewise, my liver values were elevated while taking Dbol, but were still within the normal range. I actually have a very good doctor, so I was able to be honest with him about what I was doing and have him check both my liver values and test levels during the cycle and afterwards. This is a lower dosage than many people advised me to take. Nonetheless, I am happy with the gains. Maybe I could have gained more, and possibly even kept more, but the risks weren’t worth it to me.

    Am I glad I did it? Yes. I got what I wanted, with no damage. Would I do another cycle? Probably not, but I’m not ruling it out. I really enjoyed the gains, but I am at a different place in my life now. I’m in a long-term relationship and am very focused on my career these days. While I still work out, I am not nearly as intense as I was before, and my recreational interests have shifted. For example, you are much more likely to find me on BBs devoted to food and wine than to lifting. Would I recommend it for anyone else? Depends on lots of things. Why do you want to? What sorts of gains do you want to get? How high is your risk tolerance? In the end, the decision, and your dosage levels need to be your decision

    So that’s my view of juicing 4 years after the fact. YMMV.

  2. #2
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    a very subjective viewpoint. good post. The media should use more stories like that!!

  3. #3
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2005
    Well done!

    gunner27-Did you run PCT? How long exactly is a few mounts?(before your natty test was back to normal)

  4. #4
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    I like this post a lot...I would never recommend this cycle but I'm glad you didn't get any of the common sexual side effects that can possibly come from a cycle with nandrolone . Sounds like you did what you had to do on cycle and post cycle to make and maintain those gains. Just curious what were your before and after stats? & what are they now?


  5. #5
    gunner27 is offline Junior Member
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    May 2002

    Unfortunately, I don't remember my PCT precisely. I believe it was:

    Day 1 (72 hours after last winny dose): 150 mg clomid
    Rest of week 1: 100 mg clomid/day
    Weeks 2 & 3: 50 mg clomid/day

    Not sure exactly how long it took for natty test to come back. My doctor checked test levels 2 months after the end of the cycle and they were normal, so 2 months or less.


    I'm 5'10". When I started the cycle, I was 188. When I finished, I was 208, and dropped to 198, rebounded to 203, and stayed there for several years. In the last several years, my weight has gone up, but unfortunately that hasn't been lean mass...

    When I first started working out, I was about 155, but had just finished a crash diet to drop a lot of fat, and lost a lot of muscle as well. I got up to about 175-180 naturlly and gained the rest with non-hormonal supplements. I was plateaued for over a year before starting my cycle.

  6. #6
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Dec 2004
    sounds like a sensible way to approach a cycle.

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