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  1. #1
    cmax's Avatar
    cmax is offline Associate Member
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    Steroids Shortening Lifespan

    A doctor told me the following about steroid use:

    What people don't reveal to potential users is the high calorie diet to increase muscle mass & the excessive weight necessary to increase growth, pretty much guarantees early heart disease in men and arthritis in both genders.

    IMO you should expect a 10-25 year reduction in your lifespan due to heart disease and an increase in morbidity after one successful cycle of steroids .

    Of course, if you are a professional athelete, then what happens is expected.

    Ask the Governator (Arnold) about his heart surgery.

    Say a prayer for Reggie White too about the problems with heart disease.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    NCNPC29 is offline Associate Member
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    After 1 succesful cycle? I say bullshit..that's ridiculous

  3. #3
    Ufa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmax
    A doctor told me the following about steroid use:

    What people don't reveal to potential users is the high calorie diet to increase muscle mass & the excessive weight necessary to increase growth, pretty much guarantees early heart disease in men and arthritis in both genders.

    IMO you should expect a 10-25 year reduction in your lifespan due to heart disease and an increase in morbidity after one successful cycle of steroids.

    Of course, if you are a professional athelete, then what happens is expected.

    Ask the Governator (Arnold) about his heart surgery.

    Say a prayer for Reggie White too about the problems with heart disease.

    What do you think?
    I'm 55, looks like your Doc is pulling your leg. Even he knows better.

    They usually use that one for pain killers.

  4. #4
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    Bro we are all going to die someday why not look bad ass??

  5. #5
    bigbadbootydaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Doubt very much if that really is the case.

  6. #6
    cmax's Avatar
    cmax is offline Associate Member
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    My endo has no problem prescribing me gear, but my GP seems determined to scare me away from gear anyway possible.

  7. #7
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmax
    A doctor told me the following about steroid use:

    What people don't reveal to potential users is the high calorie diet to increase muscle mass & the excessive weight necessary to increase growth, pretty much guarantees early heart disease in men and arthritis in both genders.

    IMO you should expect a 10-25 year reduction in your lifespan due to heart disease and an increase in morbidity after one successful cycle of steroids.

    Of course, if you are a professional athelete, then what happens is expected.

    Ask the Governator (Arnold) about his heart surgery.

    Say a prayer for Reggie White too about the problems with heart disease.

    What do you think?
    So I have done three cycles plus I am on HRT, by his calculations I should be dead now ? The guy is a fvcking tool !!!!

  8. #8
    thatswet is offline New Member
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    Everyone is different. One cycle will have different affects on different people. Plus, it depends on what's in the cycles and how long they are. If you're talking about averages, that's completely ridiculous. It's like what people say about weed. Yes, it isn't good for you, and can be terrible for some people (causing severe mental disabilities,) but it's generally not going to hurt you too much if you use it responsibly.

  9. #9
    james21's Avatar
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    He's saying its not the steroids directly but the fact that you have that much more mass and that much more work for the heart to do. So if you are on HRT etc your probably eating alot for years at a time.

  10. #10
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    whats an HRT

  11. #11
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
    Mighty Joe is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by got juice man
    whats an HRT
    Hormone Replacement Therapy

  12. #12
    PhiNally is offline Associate Member
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    I think it depends on the person, but in no way will you lose that amount of time off your life, just trying to scare you.

  13. #13
    powerlifter's Avatar
    powerlifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think I won't miss the years as they are at the end of my life anyway LOL
    That guy is full of shit. Professional football players die early due to being 300 + lbs and eating like pigs long after they stop working out so hard.

  14. #14
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    I call BS can he provide any studies from reliable sources to back that up???

  15. #15
    rock75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercedesdd
    I call BS can he provide any studies from reliable sources to back that up???
    I call BULL$HIT!!!!!! what abour HRT patients?

    he can probably find something that supports part of what he was saying, just as we can find something that would support our stand on the subject.

  16. #16
    D-Money's Avatar
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    I'm sorry but a comment from a health care professional like that would make me question his advice in the future. I think if anyone gets regular blood work and watches their health and diet, they can expect to have a full and healthy life...aas or not! If you abuse your body yes you will have health problems peroid. I wouldn't take that comment to heart, cause I guarantee he has no studies to back his statements. It just makes me mad when a doc tells a patient something that has no medical reasoning or clinical studies to back his claims! Get regular bloodwork, watch your cholestorol, and I guarantee you'll be better off then the average public! And Arnolds heart condition was a genetic defect, he was born with it. His dad had heart problems and well so it's heretitary, not the aas.

  17. #17
    Lavinco's Avatar
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    I think it's more what you eat and how your lifestyle is vs just blaming it on steroids .

  18. #18
    humungus88's Avatar
    humungus88 is offline Associate Member
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    That is supposedly the same decrease in years as smoking two packs a day!

  19. #19
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    Ya that is true about arnold, his grandma dies from the same conditon because she denied treatment

  20. #20
    statuZ's Avatar
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    arnolds heart condition was not from steroid use , but from a hereditery disease passed down from his parents (straight from the doctors mouth).

  21. #21
    Okley70's Avatar
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    Think about it alcoholics,drug users,fat people. these people are more ****ed then us. We actually use the correct low fat diets. If anything we will live longer. Steroids or not we do not shovel bad food into our bodys. Smokers! Dude how many smokers are in the world. Your body will die when it wants to. Shit I could die tomorrow in a car reck.

  22. #22
    Samson7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Okley70
    Think about it alcoholics,drug users,fat people. these people are more ****ed then us. We actually use the correct low fat diets. If anything we will live longer. Steroids or not we do not shovel bad food into our bodys. Smokers! Dude how many smokers are in the world. Your body will die when it wants to. Shit I could die tomorrow in a car reck.

    Couldnt agree more, I think are doing that people who are on fast food diets are doing way more damage to their bodies. Drinkers, smokers, junkies, and fat asses are way more prone to heart, kidney, liver, lung disease if you ask me. I know I take one light cycle per year at moderate doses and have great gains in size, strength and weight. I am an extremely healthy eater and would say my body is in better shape than most people inside and out.

  23. #23
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    virtually everthing one does effects their life span... diet, exercise, smoking, drinking, drugs, stress levels (from work) AND steroid use ... however, although we may be "shortening our life span" by taxing our endocrine and cardiovascular systems thru gear, we are also "lengthening" it through proper diet, exercise and staying clean (of smoking, drugs, etc..) the net effect may balance each other out and you end up living as long as you were meant to live anyway...maybe even longer since medical technology has progressed... yeah, so the guy is only telling you an exaggerated half truth...and thats ignorant if he actually believes it himself

  24. #24
    Smak is offline AR's Midget Beater
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane
    virtually everthing one does effects their life span... diet, exercise, smoking, drinking, drugs, stress levels (from work) AND steroid use... however, although we may be "shortening our life span" by taxing our endocrine and cardiovascular systems thru gear, we are also "lengthening" it through proper diet, exercise and staying clean (of smoking, drugs, etc..) the net effect may balance each other out and you end up living as long as you were meant to live anyway...maybe even longer since medical technology has progressed... yeah, so the guy is only telling you an exaggerated half truth...and thats ignorant if he actually believes it himself
    Well said cuz.

    Moderate & responsible steroid use + healthy diet + physical activity = LONGEVITY in my book.
    Last edited by Smak; 08-01-2006 at 11:41 PM.

  25. #25
    AleX-69's Avatar
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    did he even know that steroid induced growth of the heart septum is almost completly reversable after discontinuing AAS?... With hGh this process takes a lot longer but even then it is reversable.

    Your doc should be more concernd about amphetamiens and diurectis. That is where most BB-related fatal casualties are to be found.

  26. #26
    ShnouzedUp's Avatar
    ShnouzedUp is offline Banned
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    Deep in some Guts!!! haha
    contact your favorite anti-aging clinic and ask them...

  27. #27
    longtom74's Avatar
    longtom74 is offline Junior Member
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    Tell me me how happy you'll be at 80 and someone wiping your ass like a baby?

  28. #28
    Mighty Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longtom74
    Tell me me how happy you'll be at 80 and someone wiping your ass like a baby?
    Geeze bro! That about sums it up right there! Now where is my gear! I got some livin left to do!


  29. #29
    Morpheaus's Avatar
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    whatever the doctor's said, it's not going to change someone's mind once they've been on? most people know the 'risk's', how the f**k does he know what's going to happen to me, you or anyone else in 20+ year's time, tell him to shove his opinion's up his ass and f**k off.

  30. #30
    LX-1's Avatar
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    good. i dont want to be old. ill be happy if i live till 65 or so, doing what i want and looking how i want to.

  31. #31
    NEW_IN_THE_GAME's Avatar
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    well arnold had done like 20+ cycles. and guys like ronnie coleman have been on at least 30 cycles, plus year orund gh for years at a time, and prolly gear year round for a few years. he is almost 42. so i think your doc is a quack.

  32. #32
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    I dont want to trounce on a man's grave but did you and your doc discuss reggie white's crack cocain problem???And the fact that he was dangerously over weight???No offense but your doc better stick listening to whatever with his stethoscope and writing out scripts.

  33. #33
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Oh and by the way reggie white died of sleep father in law has this also and i know for a fact he's never done a cycle.

  34. #34
    Bigmax's Avatar
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    steroid shortening life span

    Quote Originally Posted by NEW_IN_THE_GAME
    well arnold had done like 20+ cycles. and guys like ronnie coleman have been on at least 30 cycles, plus year orund gh for years at a time, and prolly gear year round for a few years. he is almost 42. so i think your doc is a quack.
    From what ive read and spoke to people that lived and trained and new arnold very well said he never got off...and the clique he rolled with ate blue dbol like it was candy....who knows.

  35. #35
    SlimJim27's Avatar
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    The way I think of it is, your last 10-25 years are usually the worst anyway.

  36. #36
    YZFR1Tim is offline Junior Member
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    is it true or is it not.... who knows. no one will ever know. Do steroids shorten your life? To SOME EXTENT its a definite possibility. Cycle correctly, don't get too greedy, and take care of yourself.

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