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  1. #1
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    Whatcha all think of this cycle?

    Alrighty fellas, i think i finally decided what to run for my second cycle so here it is....critiques are EXTREMELY recommended. Thanks

    1-12 Test Prop @75mg/ed
    1-12 Proviron @ 50mg/ed
    1-12 Nolva @ 15mg/ed
    6-12 Winny(Oral) @ 50mg/ed

    *PCT 3 days after last shot of Prop
    1 Clomid @ 300mg
    2 Clomid @ 200mg
    3-21 Clomid @ 150mg/ed
    1-21 Nolva @ either 15 or 20 mg/ed

    Now for some questions I have myself for all of you. Would it be better to run the proviron during PCT, Cycle, or throughout? Because I already plan to run proviron throughout cycle would the use of nolva be a necessity? My goals are quite explanatory through my cycle, I want to gain weight yes, but have it be as lean as possible. Through this, I would only expect to gain enough to make myself look bigger while reducing any lose ends in bodyfat i have left. My diet is very strict, cardio and sleep are in check. Stats are 6'1'' 200 and around 12-13%BF. Bump this please.

  2. #2
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    proviron is great for wont need to reduce much bloat from prop so the proviron/nolva combo isn't needed imo...

    looks like a good run clomid 100mg throughout,proviron 50 mg throughout and nolva 20 mg throughout the wholeee pct

  3. #3
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    so i can basically drop the pro during the cycle and save it for PCT? or should i drop the nolva throughout the cycle and include my pro? i was kinda skeptical on which to use so i placed both on since both could pose beneficial.

  4. #4
    AleX-69's Avatar
    AleX-69 is offline Member
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    well i think you will not retain very much water from this cycle, if at all. I don't think there is a need for a SERM during cycle alltogehter. Moreover provirone is not necessary either, but you could run it nevertheless to get even harder.. i would set up your cycle like this..

    1-12 test prop 75mg/ED
    6-12 winny 50mg/ED
    1-12 proviron 50mg/ED


    1 Clomid @ 300mg
    2 Clomid @ 200mg
    3 Clomid @ 100mg
    4-28 Clomid @ 50mg/ED
    1-28 Nolva @ 20 mg/ED
    1-28 Provirone 25gmg/ED (i would go as low as possible here, to lessen impact on HPTA recovery)

  5. #5
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    That sounds pretty legit to me, I will definately keep some nolva on hand tho during the cycle. Thanks alot fellas.

    Bump for more input......

  6. #6
    Anabolios's Avatar
    Anabolios is offline Anabolic Member
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    The proviron /nolva combo REALLY cuts down on estrogen. I think nolva @ 10mg/ed will be fine during cycle. I don't see the need to add proviron until pct alongside the clomid/nolva. This cycle looks like it'll will turn out very well after everything all said and done.

  7. #7
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    So what your telling me is that because ive been eating my whole grain anabolios that ive been able to concoct a cycle worthy of even you? thats astonishing!! Thanks

  8. #8
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    Im bumping this cuz i would love some more feedback on it..Preferably with the proviron and nolva situation. SO can people please give me some feedback...Greatly appreciated

  9. #9
    thebrakes is offline Associate Member
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    i would never run a suppressive substance during PCT. that's recovery time. i certainly wouldnt jeopardize my HPTA for some damn proviron .

    cycle is fine otherwise. with prov in there you shouldnt need ANY nolva, but keep it on hand just in case.

    there are alot of ways to go about hardening up - proviron & winny is one, and a potent one. masteron is another. tren is another. primo is another - more permanent but more $$$ too. just some options.

    i assume you dont have MPB? if you arent sure, you'll know by the end of this cycle!

  10. #10
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    and im not quite following what the heck MPB is? i mean for all i know it could be the Metabolic Pathways of Biology? or How bout Molecular Physiology and Biophysics? i would love some more input on this.....BUMP!!

  11. #11
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    I wouldn't run the nolva with the proviron , IMO just not needed. Also would not run Proviron during PCT, I know it's not that supressive, but I look at PCT as part of my time to clean out my body of androgens so I can start my next cycle, if I use one through PCT then I just extended my time off. Also, MPB=Male Pattern Baldness.

  12. #12
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    ya i was skeptical about running the proviron through PCT for that exact reason. I would really love to get rid of any androgen like you said. But why would the MPB thing be a concern as TheBrakes mentioned? I already know that the possibility is there but is there something im missing when in conjunction with proviron?

  13. #13
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    While my thread is underway im gonna add another question in there: Will this winny hinder my running performance through the effect of dryness of the joints? In running i mean short bursts of speed not endurance and long distance running. Im a bigger fan of sprinting so i dont want this to be a concern

  14. #14
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Run at 50 mg/day for 6 weeks should be OK, but nice thing about winny if you do get the dry irritated joints then just drop it and you'll be good to go in a few days.

  15. #15
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    is there anything that can counter this effect, besides Deca of course but im not adding anything else to this cycle.

  16. #16
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    Possibly for another bump or has this thread kinda dried out?

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