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  1. #1
    one8nine's Avatar
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    test p EOD still better than test e 2x week

    i just thought of this when i was playing aroudn with this pct calculator. if this calculator is correct (although the only way to have truly stable levels is to do every day injection) EOD prop prop looks more stable than 2x a week test e. but on this board i always see it recomended to use test e 2x a week but prop ED only no one suggests that EOD is a good idea

  2. #2
    one8nine's Avatar
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    also this is based on having about 700 mg of test shot each week for 100 days

  3. #3
    one8nine's Avatar
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    if you look the spikes apear to be about the same size but if you look closer the spikes form test e are based on a 1200mg scale but the prop cuts off at 400mg... showing that prop is more of a close up and if they were the saame scale the spikes would be about 1/2 the size of those of test e

  4. #4
    vermin's Avatar
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    Cool calculator - not sure if you can compare the magnitude of the cycles on a 1:1 basis, though, because the magnitude of the curves are so different. If I read the charts correctly, you are showing about a 120mg swing with prop, with overall levels at a 400mg peak, so about a 30% swing.

    For the enth you are showing a swing of 366mg out of a peak of 1220, which is also 30%. From this it suggests that you should look at prop with a similar peak, if it simply scales then it would have about the same magnitude as enth., though with prop. the period would be much shorter, which is probably either much worse, or much better. My instinct says much worse, but I can't prove it.

  5. #5
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    Also, did you enter the half life numbers, or were they built into the calculator? I have 10.5 days for enth and 2.5 for prop.

    I am not sure how the calculator works, but unless it contains very specific data on each and every substance and its specific metabolic curve, I suspect that, other than dosing differences, if you enter in dosing at exactly the half life given (as you've done with both substances) you'll get that 30% peak to peak magnitude (15% amplitude).

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
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    its just some random calculator

    im not really convinced either way i just thought i would throw this up for discussion as i was wondering everyone else's point of view.. thats a good point though the 30%

    also this chart makes me wonder to get the same effect of 700mg test e a week should i be using 1500 or more of prop a week so it can be up to 1200 like the test e?

    but ill never us elong esters again every day injects of short esters will be for me

  7. #7
    vermin's Avatar
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    Yeah, interesting - I am glad you posted it. I was wondering the same thing - there's a tendency to assume 700mg=700mg (less the ester weight differences), but this calc implies that the levels of prop never reach those of a "depot" types without really huge doses of prop.

    Curiouser and curioser.

    I did realize that I made a mistake in my analysis, though: You compared a "worse than usual" EOD prop with enth at half the (at least listed) half life, so I wonder what the prop curve would look like at 1200 levels....

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