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  1. #1
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    BINO and RUDE's next cycle...INPUT PLEASE!

    Well bro's PCT is nearing and end for me, which gets me to start prepping for my next cycle. I always take ample time off and have bloodwork done but like to plan my cycles in advance as most people do. So give me all the feedback you have good or bad, just wanted to see what everyone would think. I will be running this cycle with Rude_7246, my biological bro. We pretty much run everythin together...and his stats are...well bigger than me so the doses/compounds should be about right for both of us.

    And yes the compounds may seem a little odd but I like the combo for what my goal is.

    I am doing it to bulk as usual but obviously I dont allow my bf% to balloon so 10lbs would be good for me with probably 1%bf increase. So 6-7lbs lbm.

    1-4 LR3 IGF-1 100mcg ed (50mcg bi-laterally PWO)
    5-10 Halo 40mg ed
    5-19 EQ 150mg ed
    10-21.5 Prop 200mg ed
    10-18 NPP 100mg ed

    1-22 Letro .5mg ed

    22-24 HCG 500iu ed
    22-24 Letro .5mg ed
    22-25 Clomid 50mg ed OR Aromasin 25mg ed
    22-27 Nolva 20mg ed
    22-24 Vit E 1200iu ed

    Pretty much following the awesome PCT by Anthony Roberts. A couple of changes I made to it because I like clomid and letro. I ran it for this PCT and have recovered just AMAZING and no sides.

    23-26 LR3 IGF-1 100mcg ed (50mcg bi-laterally PWO)

  2. #2
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
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    I thought you were saying something bad about taking letro and nolva together during pct?

  3. #3
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Hey Bino, I like the cycle. Whats the deal with the IGF front load. And by the way I want recognition for your title as well !!!!

  4. #4
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    I thought you were saying something bad about taking letro and nolva together during pct?
    To me it is still debateable. I use letro in the am and nolva in the PM. Several co-administrations have been noted in medical journals where blood plasma levels were NOT diminished. Personally my take it: even if it does diminish the levels somewhere I dont care, no one ever said it would take blood plasma levels down 100%. In fact most cases where they say it is reduced the average is around 38%. So I am still benefiting from the letro eitherway.

    I am doing this now and like it very much. Letro has been my savour and I wont turn my back on it lol.

  5. #5
    briansauras's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    To me it is still debateable. I use letro in the am and nolva in the PM. Several co-administrations have been noted in medical journals where blood plasma levels were NOT diminished. Personally my take it: even if it does diminish the levels somewhere I dont care, no one ever said it would take blood plasma levels down 100%. In fact most cases where they say it is reduced the average is around 38%. So I am still benefiting from the letro eitherway.

    I am doing this now and like it very much. Letro has been my savour and I wont turn my back on it lol.
    have you noticed a diff in kept gains when using it during pct and not?

  6. #6
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    stats and cycle exp please jk

    cycle looks krazy.. thats a lot of injections but good luck

  7. #7
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Hey Bino, I like the cycle. Whats the deal with the IGF front load. And by the way I want recognition for your title as well !!!!
    LOL, I still dont know who gave me the title, but it cracks me up when I see it cuz I always forget its there.

    Well the IGF I did for 2 reasons:
    1)heard great things about running it pre-cycle for hyperplasia and thus hypertrophy with those new muscle cells with the AAS use after.
    2)I have never used it before and like to run nit without anything else so I will be able to really judge how it works and be able to help people with their IGF from now on etc as I will get a MUCH better idea of what its doing how I react.
    Last edited by C_Bino; 08-06-2006 at 11:40 PM.

  8. #8
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by briansauras
    have you noticed a diff in kept gains when using it during pct and not?
    To be honest I have never really lost gains post cycle running any type of PCT. But I have gotten acne and shit before and this time maybe a couple zits but pretty much NOTHING.

    I really feel GREAT during this PCT to be honest. Letro for testosterone increase is just really great coupled with HCG I really start to recover FAST.

    BTW I will be running HCG probably for 2 weeks in the middle of the cycle around 250iu ed. Just see how I feel really. My balls have NEVER shrunk on a cycle so we will see.

  9. #9
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    What advice can we give YOU?

    I guess you shoudl just wait til baj, jayhova, carlos or nark chimes in.......

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I would drop the EQ introduce something like tren and start all compounds at once on week 5, also id cut the whole cycling down IMHO its to long,

    Id prime the body beforehand and take advantage of your fresh body and the state it is in and hit it hard all compounds at once, this will produce good quality muscle tissue gains straight from the start, run the prop until pct time and drop all other compounds accordingly so you finish on prop

  11. #11
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Thanks Marcus, I know you are all for short cycles. Im sure you never run EQ but I think its a good drug. Any other comments you can make or suggestions?
    I mean I just came off a tren cycle with winny, which was on the shorter side, usually my winter cycle is a longer one and like doing it this way.

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Thanks Marcus, I know you are all for short cycles. Im sure you never run EQ but I think its a good drug. Any other comments you can make or suggestions?
    I mean I just came off a tren cycle with winny, which was on the shorter side, usually my winter cycle is a longer one and like doing it this way.
    Ran EQ many times bino, i don't think its all that good within your stack thats all, introducing different AAS throughout a cycle isn't in my experience the best way to get gains, hitting your body when its fresh is a far better system, Ive studied it many times and i am 100% convinced its a better way, the body responds better because over time the body gets tolerant to the AAS and it just doesn't seem to have that hit like at the start of a cycle,

    Good time off and proper pct and a long prime and then hit your fresh body with the right dose and mg per week will produce excellent gains no need to do extend cycle IMHO, you just build up a tolerance to them and it gets harder and harder to make gains and recover/maintain,

    Am not saying do a really short cycle i would say go with how your body is responding keep the number of wks open, attack the body when its fresh not when you have built up some tolerance, attack when fresh and gains will be better,

    suppose try both ways and you will find out which way is better for yourself.
    Last edited by marcus300; 08-08-2006 at 03:06 AM.

  13. #13
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I like the idea of using the igf before any AS. Would agree with Marcus, I am not a fan of changing compounds in cycle. I would start them all at week 5. Look forward to seeing your results whatever way you decide to go.

  14. #14
    Bear-StrengthWithin's Avatar
    Bear-StrengthWithin is offline Junior Member
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    I have a question... What is the Halo for? Isn,t halo just for strength? Why not add a oral that puts on mass?

  15. #15
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear-StrengthWithin
    I have a question... What is the Halo for? Isn,t halo just for strength? Why not add a oral that puts on mass?

    I think you answered your own question.

  16. #16
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    Thanks for the imput again Marcus. Me and my bro have been lookin at it and are gonna change it up a bit thanks.

    The only reason I wanted to run EQ on its own for a while is because I wanna run it for 15 weeks and I DO NOT want to run prop for 18 weeks. That would be hell.

    Thanks boys for all the input. Cycle has been revised.

  17. #17
    masterjuice's Avatar
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    ive ran prop and tren together how is prop and npp bc i have all three compounds and im not sure which two run wit the prop??
    Last edited by masterjuice; 08-08-2006 at 12:40 PM.

  18. #18
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree with Marcus on starting all the androgens on week 5.

    The IGF pre-cycle experiment is interesting

    I honestly don't think you'll get much from it.. if anything honestly. I'm not impressed by the compound thus far... But then again maybe i'd've needed to run it for longer.

    Honestly i'd drop the EQ.. and take up tren .

    I'd also drop the NPP and take up a DHT-derivative... and extend the dht-derivative's run to match that of the test.

    Not gonna comment on the PCT 'cept to say i like the igf in there. I ran slin + igf (10 IUs slin; 125 mcg IGF) for 8 days.. then IGF (100 mcg) and slin (10 IUs).. I've been on this for um.. about a week... and my seminal load increased 2-fold.. so i think they've DEFINATE application in PCT.


  19. #19
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos

    Not gonna comment on the PCT 'cept to say i like the igf in there. I ran slin + igf (10 IUs slin; 125 mcg IGF) for 8 days.. then IGF (100 mcg) and slin (10 IUs).. I've been on this for um.. about a week... and my seminal load increased 2-fold.. so i think they've DEFINATE application in PCT.


    Can we get a before and after picture of that please ? ?


    but why is halo from 5 'til 10th, and not from 12th 'till the 19 ?

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