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  1. #1
    CReePeR is offline New Member
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    Pain And Swelling After Shot

    I have a second issue with my test cyp. Now The Injection Site (My Thigh) Is Sore and Is Swelling Near My Knee. I Think I Didn't Get Into The Muscle. Would This Happen If I Didn't Get Into The Muscle
    The Whole Process Just Didn't Work. The Pin I Used Was A 25 Gauge which did work well with the oil. I ordered New 23Gauge Pins I hope These Work.

    So Much Knowledge And I'm a freakin' Sponge

    Thanx Everyone
    Last edited by CReePeR; 08-07-2006 at 09:12 PM.

  2. #2
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    its not the gauge but the inches. I've used 25 gauge 1 inch in my thigh with great success. its just going to get sore and once in a while you might hit a nerv and that will cause excessive swelling.

  3. #3
    diezell's Avatar
    diezell is offline Senior Member
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    no ugls man

  4. #4
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Please edit the lab name out of your post that is against the rules.....

    You will have to be a member for 45 days and make 100 quality post to get a source check....

    Please take the time to read the rules before you post anymore so that you dont break anymore...

    Thanks and welcome to ar

  5. #5
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    yea on the injection note u should also not jamm it in there but insert slow also inject slow for either of these not being done can cause bruising

  6. #6
    CReePeR is offline New Member
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    Well The 25 Gauge Didn't Allow Me To Draw The Oil In, It Was Very Springy.
    I Did Insert The Pin Slowly. The Pin Was 1.25" I figure I went 75-80% in.
    Sorry About The Co Name. I Saw A Name Posted In Another Posting.

  7. #7
    fatale's Avatar
    fatale is offline Banned
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    If it's warm to touch , Red, feel like there's a lump or knot on the site where you injected it, painful then it is an infection especially when is associated by a High fever. Go to the Er asap

  8. #8
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Bro, I know it takes time but eventually you will learn that we do not use the same pin to draw as we use to inject. I use to use an 18 guage to draw but it use to fcuk up the rubber so I now use a 20 guage and that works perfect. that 1 pin draws your whole cycle bro.

  9. #9
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    I use two difrent needels one to draw with and another to inject....

    Is this your first time injecting quads???

  10. #10
    CReePeR is offline New Member
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    Yep It's Warm To The Touch, I Don't Have A Fever Yet, I'll See In The Morning
    I used The Same Needle To Draw And Shoot, I Didn't Want To Contaminate The Shot. Lot Of Good That Did. I Showered Then Cleaned The Area With Alcohol And Didn't Touch The Needle. Not Much More I Could Do.

    Thanks All
    Last edited by CReePeR; 08-08-2006 at 12:03 AM. Reason: Added Info

  11. #11
    pumpd4lif's Avatar
    pumpd4lif is offline Senior Member
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    i always use the same pin to draw that i shoot with but i digaurd it after one use.i never use the same stick more then once
    23g or 25 g by 1 inch

  12. #12
    CReePeR is offline New Member
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    My Knee Is Warm To The Touch, It Isn't Red And Only Sore If I Really Bend It Or Push On IT.
    Do You Think It Could Get Infected This Quick, The Day Of The Shot It Was Swelling, But The Swelling Slowly Moved Down To My Knee. Sound Familiar. The Reason I Ask Again, I Really Don't Want To Have To Explain What Happened If I Don't Need To.

  13. #13
    Huckster's Avatar
    Huckster is offline Associate Member
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    Was this the first time you shot there?

    To me it sounds like you shot into tissue, not muscle. Message the hell out of it. Put heat on it for 20 minutes then off for a while then another 20 minutes. I don't think it's an infection. It should be much better in about 3-5 days.

  14. #14
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huckster
    Was this the first time you shot there?

    To me it sounds like you shot into tissue, not muscle.

    There are a lot of possibilities, but what it boils down to is that you'll be sore and swollen for several days and maybe have bruise afterwards.

    In the future try to keep everything as sterile as possible, give alcohol time to dry, make sure no sweat gets in, go 1'' deep on everything and 1.5'' on glutes.


  15. #15
    davidboy's Avatar
    davidboy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CReePeR
    My Knee Is Warm To The Touch, It Isn't Red And Only Sore If I Really Bend It Or Push On IT.
    Do You Think It Could Get Infected This Quick, The Day Of The Shot It Was Swelling, But The Swelling Slowly Moved Down To My Knee. Sound Familiar. The Reason I Ask Again, I Really Don't Want To Have To Explain What Happened If I Don't Need To.
    bro had same problem, my first two shots were left and right quads and both my knees swelled up and hurted for whole week i mean my knees swelled up like baloon and swelling went away after a week, i still don't know what i did wrong i used 25g 1 inch just shoot in my left and right delts and no pain no swelling al all, i heard quads has lots of nerves there so i am going stay a way from quads, love my delts shuts

  16. #16
    CReePeR is offline New Member
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    I Went To The ER, They Think It Is Cellulitis (is an infection of skin and tissue underneath it caused by bacteria Usually staph or strep). Gave me an anti-biotic
    I Did tell them what I did. First the doc said that I could be vascular in the muscles but It would have turned blue by now. So They think it is Infected.
    Told Me To Heat The Site.
    So I Will Go This Route And Try A Glute Or A Delt Next Time. I Want To Be Back To Normal First.

    Thanx For All The Info And Ideas- This Forum Is The Best.

  17. #17
    CReePeR is offline New Member
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    Jul 2006

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