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Thread: sleepiness

  1. #1
    texasaggie05's Avatar
    texasaggie05 is offline Junior Member
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    just got done taking dbol 30mgs/day for 4 1/2 weeks, currently on deca -durabolin at 600 mgs/week and test e at 500 mgs/week. has anyone who has ever takin this cycle before notice you seem to sleep a HELL of a lot more? i remember on tren ace i couldnt sleep at all...

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Thats a good thing right?

    Enjoy and grow.

  3. #3
    davedizzle's Avatar
    davedizzle is offline Associate Member
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    Should Test not be run at 200mg more than Deca to avoid floppy willies?

  4. #4
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Quote Originally Posted by davedizzle
    Should Test not be run at 200mg more than Deca to avoid floppy willies?
    Everyone is different, and if deca isn't causing libido problems, then he can get away with less test or even no test . I wouldn't do it, but it can be done

  5. #5
    texasaggie05's Avatar
    texasaggie05 is offline Junior Member
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    yea im not getting any libido problems, still bangin as usual. its workin fine for me

  6. #6
    axiomatic6's Avatar
    axiomatic6 is offline Associate Member
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    i know i am tired all the time, i already posted this, and i guess the next step is to get blood work done, seems like my Red blood cell count may be really high, i tried to give blood to get a pint out, but they could only get 1/3 of a pint b/c my blood stopped flowing for some reason, they used A 16 GUAGE NEEDLE IN MY VEIN, anway not sure if this is the same problem you are having or not, i also am very winded all the time, short of breath, like if i bend over to tie my shoes, i will start gasping for air.

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