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  1. #1
    maxreps is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Is sustanon and sustanon 250 the same?

    Is sustanon and sustanon 250 the same thing? I know the 250 has 250 mgs of different tests but is there just plain sustanon or is that a knick name for 250? the other question I have is Deca durabolin ? I know it has many names but is just (durabolin ) as good as deca ? is it common? and used the same as deca? Thanx for any help bro,s Maxreps

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Sustanon or 'Sust' is just a shorthand for Sustanon 250.

    Durabolin is similar, but not the same, as Deca -Durabolin. Durabolin is slightly less effective for putting on mass and strength (although still pretty good), but holds less water than Deca so it is often preferred before a contest or during cutting cycles. I know a buddy of mine tried Durabolin and he was getting good strength gains and some size. I think he was using around 200mg every other day or so, but I'm not sure.....

    Hope that helped!

  3. #3
    maxreps is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Thanx for your replies guys. every little bit of info helps.

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