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  1. #1
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    my mind

    is depression a factor in AAS??

    i was reading somewhere and someone said something about depression and they get it during or after a cycle... is this common???

  2. #2
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Its not common, but some do get it and its not nice, however you wont know until you test the waters. IMO its about 1 out of every 1,000

  3. #3
    JohnboyF is offline Banned
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    I have not experinceed my self.. So i can not comment.. But i found a intresting thread about it.. Some ppl say you need to be aware of it etc.. But none the less it a very good thread IMO

  4. #4
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    I have not experinceed my self.. So i can not comment.. But i found a intresting thread about it.. Some ppl say you need to be aware of it etc.. But none the less it a very good thread IMO
    thanks bro

  5. #5
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    interesting topic!


    Interesting topic this!

    Was reading throught AR reasearch stuff and came across 'Exemestane (Aromasin ) is a steroidal suicide aromatase inhibitor'

    Is this in reference to depression and suicide? or they talking about suicide of test as it converts into estrogen?

    Because reading the rest of the discription of this product it sounds simular to liquidex or letro?!!?

    little confused......

    But on the subject of depression, ive got in my head the situation of when the miss's is 'on'! and how up / down her emotions are when her hormones are all over the place! (and the tears over absolutly nothing!!! lol) and how this is when there system is full of estrogen.....

    guessing propper pct is the key!

  6. #6
    cantspeak is offline Associate Member
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    I had symptoms of depression after my 1st cycle, Im going on my 4th and it hasnt happened since

  7. #7
    mab6260 is offline New Member
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    i personally have had depression bouts after cycles and my "doc" told me about cabergoline. Cabegoline's primary action is to limit the production of prolactin, which greatly affects the mood. Not wanting sex after you get off - thats main cause is the release of prolactin.

    SO on deca amd trem cycles cabergoline is absolutely essential.

    I read multiple studies on its mood enhancing benefits WITHOUT juice. it is cheap and worth it - if depression is a concern.

    1 full year of cabergoline have no side effects - just better sex and much less prolactin

    and if your not worried about depression - ive seen positive mood effects in those that DONT juice - just take it to be happier and the sex is crazy on it too

  8. #8
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    If you have history of depression does that make you more likely to get it?

  9. #9
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    hey ya got-juice-man!

    i used to suffer from depression, and when i did a cycle a couple of years ago i didnt do propper pct afterwards, and felt pretty low (assuming) it was because of it.
    But the course after i did propper pct and didnt have the same problem!
    Infact, felt happier than ever cause of my gains!
    Now planning on doing a course as havent since then, just ganna make sure i do propper pct and not really worry about it!

  10. #10
    Geodogg's Avatar
    Geodogg is offline Associate Member
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    if you have a depression, aas will most likely worsen it.
    if you don't have it anymore because you were taking ssri's within the last 2years or less then there is a good chance of it returning.
    if you are going to do a cycle and you recently had a depression i would suggest you get back on your ssri medicine.
    It happend to me before. I did a cycle 3months after i stoped my anti-depressants. my depression came back big time. it was even worse then before. than agian it could have been just me. but from then on i would never do a cycle without it
    I also read somewhere that back in the days many b.bers took antidepresants during their cycles and pct.

  11. #11
    Geodogg's Avatar
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    also many doctors are not willing to prescribe accutaine if you have a history of depression. because it can cause it to return.

  12. #12
    davedizzle's Avatar
    davedizzle is offline Associate Member
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    I've been on SSRI's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) for over 6 yrs now.
    I'm on my first cycle and it's a gamble weather ill be in shit state during PCT. A stupid risk to take but ill survive..
    The causes of my depression is a little different anyway.. it's recreational drug induced from messing around as a teenager, I wasn't born with a chemical inbalance, I burnt out my serotonin reserves abusing street drugs. If only we could go back in time and give ourselfs a good kick up the arse and a bit of educating..

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