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  1. #41
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rock75
    Rick Collins, J.D., a veteran lawyer and former competitive bodybuilder, is the author of the groundbreaking new book LEGAL MUSCLE: Anabolics in America

    All right fellas, we all agree that the new laws are bullshit. But honestly do we really think by us sending in a letter to our congressman/woman will change what they plan on doing. NO. There needs to be a bigger movement, a bigger stance on it from people who have the influence i.e. lawyers and doctors etc., not from the "users." Where do you find these people, well lets start by looking at this board - yelp the owner(s) of this board have the access to the lawyer (Rick Collins, JD - Legal Muscle) to start an actual petition that the 60k members of this board alone could sign. We have a sponsor, Oasis - who prescribe AS for medicinal purposes and have doctors that agree with the proper usage in mature adults, not ****in 16 yr old who can't even handle the natural test they have running freely through their body. THEN, add the owners of the other hundreds of boards that are out there, their sponsors who prescribe under a doctors recommendation and supervision, their lawyers who have access through the judicial system and you can that the 60,000 has quickly increased to millions of protesters, not just one single email coming in on Tues and another on Wed - those just get deleted and ignored.

    So as a member of this board I call out to Brian and who ever else owns this board to join forces with other board owners and their lawyers and sponsors to make a commission for the legalization of AS for adults and seriously make an attempt to defend what so many of us believe to be a choice that we should be able to make by ourselves without big brother telling us what is what and who is who.

    Let's remember that the AS that some of us use are the same AS that were once approved for use by the FDA; they are the same AS that are prescribed to patients with muscle deteriating diseases - cancer, aids, ms etc; they are the same AS that are prescribed to hundreds of thousands of male patients for Hormone Replacement Therapy.
    The United States of America is evolving into a communist nation, you can't seriously think that the actions that you speak of above have even the slightest chance of happening do you??? The only hope to save the United States of America now is another civil war. Which I don't see happening because most people are way too comfortable sitting in their air conditioned homes watching satellite tv to get off their fat asses and fight for what is right, like our freedoms that were suppose to be guaranteed by the bill of rights and the constitution. Neither of which means squat today. As I have said before, our once great nation is being controlled and run into the ground by traitors who are becoming increasingly against the very constitution they have swore to protect. The United States days are numbered I am afraid. This war on terror and drugs is just another excuse to take more freedoms away. There will always be an excuse that they will have to justify what they are doing. It is suppose to be "We the people" Not we the government. I fear all will be lost soon.

  2. #42
    rock75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StringfellowHawke
    The United States of America is evolving into a communist nation, you can't seriously think that the actions that you speak of above have even the slightest chance of happening do you??? The only hope to save the United States of America now is another civil war. Which I don't see happening because most people are way too comfortable sitting in their air conditioned homes watching satellite tv to get off their fat asses and fight for what is right, like our freedoms that were suppose to be guaranteed by the bill of rights and the constitution. Neither of which means squat today. As I have said before, our once great nation is being controlled and run into the ground by traitors who are becoming increasingly against the very constitution they have swore to protect. The United States days are numbered I am afraid. This war on terror and drugs is just another excuse to take more freedoms away. There will always be an excuse that they will have to justify what they are doing. It is suppose to be "We the people" Not we the government. I fear all will be lost soon.
    Do YOU honestly believe the shit you just wrote. The US as a " communits nation" GIVE ME A FUKIN BREAK. The actions I speak of are the only actions "WE AS A PEOPLE HAVE" - Do you really believe the only way is to have another "CIVIL WAR" what the fuk are you on bro. You are gonna say that another civil war won't happen "because most people are way too comfortable sitting in their air conditioned homes watching satellite tv to get off their fat asses and fight for what is right," Truth is, it won't happen cause it can't happen because as a "people" we do love our nation and the freedoms we do have. Then you say "freedoms that were suppose to be guaranteed by the bill of rights and the constitution," laws have been created and changed to govern people who can not govern themselves. To protect those whom people plan or attempt to hurt. Please tell me what civil rights of yours have been broken that you are afforded under the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. What, the right to smoke crack, shoot heroin, smoke a joint or take steroids , don't think those are covered under either. The only thing "we the people" have left to do is ban together, join arms and demonstrate through mass numbers that what "our" government is doing is not right, not a fukin civil war. The truth is, there are too many people like you who are too pestimistic, too negative to even give this a consideration, as the only plausible solution. Instead you say we need to have a civil war, destroy our own land, kill our own "people."

    Why, the country is being run by a man people "voted" into office. He didn't over throw a government and take control of a nation, it was fukin handed to him. You want to change the government you have a voice, let them hear it. Not one at a time, but by the hundreds of thousands until the walls start shaking. Ahh, but that has never worked - Well have you ever heard of the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT???? It wasn't a CIVIL WAR MOVEMENT, people stood up for equality and what they believed in and what they knew was right through demonstrations and protests and things did change because of it. AND THAT IS FACT!!!!

  3. #43
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    look at the guys avatar...sums it all up

  4. #44
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Okay guys, You go ahead and do what you have to do.
    Yes, the civil rights movement was sucessful, however it affected allot more people too and allot more people would be willing to stand up for that. Fact is, there is not a damn thing you can do about this new law, nothing, nada zilch short of the things that i mentioned which is also not going to happen. Most americans don't even care about building muscle much less drugs that aid that. Besides, they have been so brainwashed against it that nothing will ever change the opinions of the masses now.
    But you go ahead and flame me if you want. I'm not going to get into a political debate with you. You have your opinion and I have mine.

  5. #45
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rock75
    Do YOU honestly believe the shit you just wrote. The US as a " communits nation" GIVE ME A FUKIN BREAK. The actions I speak of are the only actions "WE AS A PEOPLE HAVE" - Do you really believe the only way is to have another "CIVIL WAR" what the fuk are you on bro. You are gonna say that another civil war won't happen "because most people are way too comfortable sitting in their air conditioned homes watching satellite tv to get off their fat asses and fight for what is right," Truth is, it won't happen cause it can't happen because as a "people" we do love our nation and the freedoms we do have. Then you say "freedoms that were suppose to be guaranteed by the bill of rights and the constitution," laws have been created and changed to govern people who can not govern themselves. To protect those whom people plan or attempt to hurt. Please tell me what civil rights of yours have been broken that you are afforded under the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. What, the right to smoke crack, shoot heroin, smoke a joint or take steroids , don't think those are covered under either. The only thing "we the people" have left to do is ban together, join arms and demonstrate through mass numbers that what "our" government is doing is not right, not a fukin civil war. The truth is, there are too many people like you who are too pestimistic, too negative to even give this a consideration, as the only plausible solution. Instead you say we need to have a civil war, destroy our own land, kill our own "people."

    Why, the country is being run by a man people "voted" into office. He didn't over throw a government and take control of a nation, it was fukin handed to him. You want to change the government you have a voice, let them hear it. Not one at a time, but by the hundreds of thousands until the walls start shaking. Ahh, but that has never worked - Well have you ever heard of the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT???? It wasn't a CIVIL WAR MOVEMENT, people stood up for equality and what they believed in and what they knew was right through demonstrations and protests and things did change because of it. AND THAT IS FACT!!!!
    Wow man, you've been thoroughly brainwashed by the media and whoever else it seems. Lol, you believe that your 'vote' means anything? News flash, you dont vote shit into office. Explain how the people are "represented" when a candidate WINS the popular vote (you know, the ones you and I cast) and then LOSES the electoral college? This tells me that our votes are not being considered and the people we trust to basically decide for us have already made up their minds and are not listening to the people. So please, save that self righteous bullshit for someone else, you are truely naive if you believe that you actually have a say in your government through the voting system. I am not pessimistic, but I do believe that if the United States stays on its current path its doomed for the same fate that the Roman Empire met.

  6. #46
    2bshredded's Avatar
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    Fvck the Gov., I'm still going to juice...I'm sure you can score in the joint.

  7. #47
    StringfellowHawke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Wow man, you've been thoroughly brainwashed by the media and whoever else it seems. Lol, you believe that your 'vote' means anything? News flash, you dont vote shit into office. Explain how the people are "represented" when a candidate WINS the popular vote (you know, the ones you and I cast) and then LOSES the electoral college? This tells me that our votes are not being considered and the people we trust to basically decide for us have already made up their minds and are not listening to the people. So please, save that self righteous bullshit for someone else, you are truely naive if you believe that you actually have a say in your government through the voting system. I am not pessimistic, but I do believe that if the United States stays on its current path its doomed for the same fate that the Roman Empire met.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Wow man, you've been thoroughly brainwashed by the media and whoever else it seems. Lol, you believe that your 'vote' means anything? News flash, you dont vote shit into office. Explain how the people are "represented" when a candidate WINS the popular vote (you know, the ones you and I cast) and then LOSES the electoral college? This tells me that our votes are not being considered and the people we trust to basically decide for us have already made up their minds and are not listening to the people. So please, save that self righteous bullshit for someone else, you are truely naive if you believe that you actually have a say in your government through the voting system. I am not pessimistic, but I do believe that if the United States stays on its current path its doomed for the same fate that the Roman Empire met.
    Each state has been demographically assigned its political party based on passed elections and local government currently in office. Then each state is weighed and given a certain number of "electorial votes." If candidate X wins 60% of the states with the smaller amount of "electorial votes" and candidate Y wins 40% of the states with the larger "electorial votes" then candidate Y would win. Yes candidate X did win the "popular vote," but not in the states that weighed heavier than the others in the "electorial votes." So continue to believe that your vote doesn't matter and yes you are correct, our great nation is doomed - but it will be becuase you elected not to vote and voice your opinion. Or you can be like stringdick and start another civil war. Please educate yourself and stop listening to the media.

    Look at this site to get a better feel on the weight that each state carries
    Last edited by rock75; 08-24-2006 at 12:24 PM.

  9. #49
    Cookeman is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rock75
    Then you say "freedoms that were suppose to be guaranteed by the bill of rights and the constitution," laws have been created and changed to govern people who can not govern themselves. To protect those whom people plan or attempt to hurt. Please tell me what civil rights of yours have been broken that you are afforded under the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. What, the right to smoke crack, shoot heroin, smoke a joint or take steroids, don't think those are covered under either.
    You're right that those things aren't covered under any law. They should however be a right of any human being to do whatever the hell he/she wants to his/her own body as long as they don't cause harm to others. It makes no sense to lock someone in a cage because they "hurt" themselves or had some fun in their own mind. And if we're going to continue to call ourselves the "land of the free" we need to start rethinking some of these retarded drug laws

  10. #50
    TommyTrainR's Avatar
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    I was planning on doing my first cycle next summer, but of course I haven't ordered my gear yet. Do you guys suggest that I get it now or just wait?

  11. #51
    BlInDsIdE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTrainR
    I was planning on doing my first cycle next summer, but of course I haven't ordered my gear yet. Do you guys suggest that I get it now or just wait?
    dude- its a personal decision, theres always a chance u'll get caught so if its a risk ur willing to take then go 4 it.

  12. #52
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rock75
    Each state has been demographically assigned its political party based on passed elections and local government currently in office. Then each state is weighed and given a certain number of "electorial votes." If candidate X wins 60% of the states with the smaller amount of "electorial votes" and candidate Y wins 40% of the states with the larger "electorial votes" then candidate Y would win. Yes candidate X did win the "popular vote," but not in the states that weighed heavier than the others in the "electorial votes." So continue to believe that your vote doesn't matter and yes you are correct, our great nation is doomed - but it will be becuase you elected not to vote and voice your opinion. Or you can be like stringdick and start another civil war. Please educate yourself and stop listening to the media.

    Look at this site to get a better feel on the weight that each state carries

    ps. remember it is better to keep your mouth shut and be assumed an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
    Lol...thank you for the brief tutorial, however I'm quite aware of how the system works and how its setup. Furthermore, I am educating myself Im a political science major and my view points are my own which I have formed from studying the political system in this country. It does not take a college education to understand that your elected officials are not doing what you elected them to do. There is no way around it, whether you vote for a President or not, you are often trying to vote for the lesser of two evils.

    The way you have expressed some of your views makes me believe that you may be of the "Elitist" mindset, which would mean that you believe the masses of people are not qualified to govern themselves therefore only the "Elite" of society should make decisions for the masses because we're all too ignorant to govern ourselves. Democracy literally means ' the people'...There is no democracy if the ultimate power does not rest in the people. We are fooled into believing that we have control over our government by casting a vote once a year for the next jackass to be called President who isn't much more than a figurehead and cant wipe his own ass without Congress saying its ok. The United States is NOT a Democracy, not in the truest sence of Democracy. In a Democracy every single citizen would vote on every single issue and law. Obviously this was not practical in 1776 for such a large population, so that brings us to the representative democratic system, which sucks in my own personal non-media influenced opinion.

    Let me ask you this, why does a candidate for Congress spend $175 million dollars campaigning for a seat in Congress that pays $155,000 a year? Two reasons, POWER and protecting their own interests. Rock, you and I have been PRICED OUT OF DEMOCRACY. You will be hard pressed to get elected in this country without very deep pockets of your own or very deep pockets of someone who wants you to get into office with very deep pockets who also is only concerned about their own interests. The Romans actually had a very impressive system when they would randomly select townspeople to serve in their form of Congress for a 3 year period and after that they would not be able to serve again. Let me remind you that empire lasted 800 years, whereas America has been around about 300.

    I am not arguing points about HOW the system works as like I said I'm quite aware of it, I have a problem with the way the system works for the people and your attitude seems to be that we are not qualified to have power over our own lives and this I have a serious problem with. So, I resent your previous remarks, and I doubt many people assume that I'm an idiot...

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by rock75
    Please tell me what civil rights of yours have been broken that you are afforded under the Bill of Rights or the Constitution. What, the right to smoke crack, shoot heroin, smoke a joint or take steroids, don't think those are covered under either.
    What an assinine comment. You have just done what every other crooked ass backwards politician on a crusade to make a name for himself has done. You have grouped apples with oranges. Smoking crack, shooting heroin, smoking a joint are drugs which cause crimes in society and debilitate human beings to the point of being unproductive and a drain on society. These drugs cause people to rob rape and murder innocent citizens of this country in order to get their next 'fix'. These drugs also have a high potential of death leading from overdose or substances laced into the drug. Steroids on the other hand, do not cause any of these problems which the aforementioned drugs do. Steroids are only affecting the USER and not any other members of society. If you have any studies which can prove otherwise feel free to post them. Honestly, I cant believe I have to explain the difference between narcotics and steroids to a member of a steroid message board.

    Americans are entitled to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. So long as the person on their pursuit does not encumber any other citizens life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. Tell me how steroids hinder any other members of society in their pursuit of those 3 things? They dont, but crack cocaine, heroin, and marijuana do!

  14. #54
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    Godfather, I do agree with you, on some of your points. You are correct, and what you speak of is exactly how he who is in office is there. Backed by some very deep pockets, pockets that have become even deeper since 9/11. But, historically we as a "people" have not been able to govern ourselves. We have drug dealers, rapists, murderers and the biggest bunch of crooks - US GOVERNMENT, that laws were passed because of. You and I The "supplier" of anything illegal does not care what age the end user is, all they see is cash money.

    My point is that we do have a say, we can vote and voice our opinions. It may/not make a differnce on this particular subject. But as a whole that is all we have. As a political science major you should know that is all we can do. For someone to say we need another civil war is ludicris and wouldn't solve anything.

  15. #55
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    Godfather, I retract my previous post. it has been edited...

  16. #56
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rock75
    Godfather, I retract my previous post. it has been edited...
    thanks..sorry for the misunderstanding...

  17. #57
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    thanks..sorry for the misunderstanding...

    I take it you read the transscripts from rick collens on 03.26.06 - U.S. Anabolic Steroid Punishments Increased... I spent half the day reading that crap and basicly it comes down to the judge saying weather or not it personal use or trafficing

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    I take it you read the transscripts from rick collens on 03.26.06 - U.S. Anabolic Steroid Punishments Increased... I spent half the day reading that crap and basicly it comes down to the judge saying weather or not it personal use or trafficing
    I read it, and he really gets into depth about the difference between narcotic/recreational drugs and steroids , much better than I can...He explains the potential for overdose, the crimes that these drugs cause or dont cause. Very good article and its good to see someone standing up for our community...I'm obviously particularly interested in anything he writes being pre-law...

    Also..the problem with those judges is that prosecutors get extremely over zealous and just want to nail you to the ****ing wall and get the maximum punishment possible even if they KNOW that you had it for personal use they will still pursue maximum sentencing, especially if they're young or looking to make a ****in name for themselves. It's then up to the defense attorney to cast a reasonable amount of doubt on the minds of the jury and be able to PROVE that the stuff was for personal use. This is particularly difficult as many people do not know a thing about AAS including potential jury members and when they see 8 vials of this, 300 pills of this its hard for them to understand one person using all of this as they often look to compare them to other drugs. For instance, 300 percocets and 300 dbols, one person could consume 300 dbols over a given cycle easily, but its not even humanly possible for someone to consume 300 percocets even over a month or two (well maybe depending on the person opiate tolerance). But either way, this is where it becomes hard to prove to a jury as they dont often draw a line btween the two...
    Last edited by thegodfather; 08-24-2006 at 12:58 PM.

  19. #59
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    I read it, and he really gets into depth about the difference between narcotic/recreational drugs and steroids, much better than I can...He explains the potential for overdose, the crimes that these drugs cause or dont cause. Very good article and its good to see someone standing up for our community...I'm obviously particularly interested in anything he writes being pre-law...

    yes but I say he did a grave injustice when asked but comm memeber what is the amount differnece between a user and dealer ......... it side tracked it when he knows that 25.000 pills would be dealing and 1000 for using..... but as from reading there is more to this and it will be intresting to follow ....

    On another note I talked with my friend who is a good lawer and deals in the area or criminal LAw and he told me today at lunch that belive it or not that law enforcmet budget does not have the resources to follow AAS trafficing because set forth in there buget is aloted so much mony for X ,W, Z and that unless something falls in there lap there are not going to go door to door ........ also stated by him WHO IS GOOD GOLFING buddies with or DA his take on it was this that No matter what the Law is the law and It,s are job to follow it But in retro he said that he can't see some poor sap getting 25 years for doing AAS when it's a misterminor for X amount of WEED coke EXT.... and that untill a big case is pressadented and from there the ball will roll ............

    so what that in mind i am really considering stop taking gear ... becasue in the long run what the price vers my life and freedom ........ well i decided to put him on retainer which since we are good freinds was not as much as the next guy but there are some things that you can do if you can aford It

  20. #60
    peump's Avatar
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    you guys spread the message to any other boards that you may be a member of.
    it is important that as many people possible are in the know

  21. #61
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    so what that in mind i am really considering stop taking gear ... becasue in the long run what the price vers my life and freedom ........ well i decided to put him on retainer which since we are good freinds was not as much as the next guy but there are some things that you can do if you can aford It
    They achieve those precedants by making a case against someone in conservative states that are tough on crime and where the judges tend to be very hard line, old school, and religious. An example is a paper I wrote about Roe v. Wade (the legal precedant which establishes a womans right to chose). I believe it was South Dakota (it was last semester so my memory is groggy), and they basically are making a case against abortion which they know they can win with sympathetic pro-lifer judges to establish a legal precedant to have a domino affect throughout the states. This is the kind of tricky underhanded shit these people do. It's yet another example of the government trying to have a say in every aspect of a persons life, and these religious zealouts who feel its their place to have a say and influence others lives by any means possible (in this case they are using political influence). So you see, if someone out in one of those god fearing states where the majority of people (including judges) are conservative hardliners with strong religious backgrounds wanted to sentence some poor schmuck to 25 years for AAS to set an example, I could very well see it happening. I find it very unlikely to happen in an north eastern state, but somewhere out west I could see some shit like that going down.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    They achieve those precedants by making a case against someone in conservative states that are tough on crime and where the judges tend to be very hard line, old school, and religious. An example is a paper I wrote about Roe v. Wade (the legal precedant which establishes a womans right to chose). I believe it was South Dakota (it was last semester so my memory is groggy), and they basically are making a case against abortion which they know they can win with sympathetic pro-lifer judges to establish a legal precedant to have a domino affect throughout the states. This is the kind of tricky underhanded shit these people do. It's yet another example of the government trying to have a say in every aspect of a persons life, and these religious zealouts who feel its their place to have a say and influence others lives by any means possible (in this case they are using political influence). So you see, if someone out in one of those god fearing states where the majority of people (including judges) are conservative hardliners with strong religious backgrounds wanted to sentence some poor schmuck to 25 years for AAS to set an example, I could very well see it happening. I find it very unlikely to happen in an north eastern state, but somewhere out west I could see some shit like that going down.

    Ohh i so see that happening All over really ........and heres the said part ready for this Most guys busted will not be able to afford a lawer that can handle the case instead get a PD that has NO clue on AAS and his advise will be to cut a deal which will yeild several years in the Pen ....... this So sucks bro i tell you I have been really thinking about this and I am so considering going back to school taking prereqs needed Libral arts and than law school this is just bullshit ...... i am very lucky that have done well in business and can afford to pay thousands of dollars in legal fees where most can not hell i am going to see about this next week becasue in my life i have always thanked god for what i have and tryed my best to share with lots of people .... but this is an out rage Bro and instead of pitzing around things i really am going to look into this

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    Ohh i so see that happening All over really ........and heres the said part ready for this Most guys busted will not be able to afford a lawer that can handle the case instead get a PD that has NO clue on AAS and his advise will be to cut a deal which will yeild several years in the Pen ....... this So sucks bro i tell you I have been really thinking about this and I am so considering going back to school taking prereqs needed Libral arts and than law school this is just bullshit ...... i am very lucky that have done well in business and can afford to pay thousands of dollars in legal fees where most can not hell i am going to see about this next week becasue in my life i have always thanked god for what i have and tryed my best to share with lots of people .... but this is an out rage Bro and instead of pitzing around things i really am going to look into this
    I would say stock piling like your doing now is the best thing you can do, so as long as you dont commit any crimes that would give police a warrant to search your home I dont see much danger in having a large amount on hand. Just be careful who you let in on your little secret...

    Yea bro public defenders are in the prosecutors pockets...Those dudes get payed like $60,000 a year they're a joke. To get into law school you need a bachelors degree, it can be in anything but the most widely accepted major is political science (60% of polsci majors go onto law school). Late junior year, or early senior year you take your LSATs which kind of determines what law school will take you, and a GPA of about 3.5 is desirable.

  24. #64
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    I would say stock piling like your doing now is the best thing you can do, so as long as you dont commit any crimes that would give police a warrant to search your home I dont see much danger in having a large amount on hand. Just be careful who you let in on your little secret...

    Yea bro public defenders are in the prosecutors pockets...Those dudes get payed like $60,000 a year they're a joke. To get into law school you need a bachelors degree, it can be in anything but the most widely accepted major is political science (60% of polsci majors go onto law school). Late junior year, or early senior year you take your LSATs which kind of determines what law school will take you, and a GPA of about 3.5 is desirable.

    yes i just found that out polsci majors but i all ready have a masters from a good school .. not the best GPA 3.3 but i am a lot smarter NOW lol but any way i have a appointment set for next week and I will see what I need to do


  25. #65
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    this vid will help a few of your peers understand the truth

  26. #66
    sock is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by peump

    this vid will help a few of your peers understand the truth

    Truth? From Bryant Gumball?

    I don't think so.

    I can't watch thirty 30 secs of him.

  27. #67
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  29. #69
    Tren Bull's Avatar
    Tren Bull is offline Dbol Junkie
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    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    Wow. 25 years for taking steroids. Pathetic.

    yea it is pathetic...

    i feel sick to my stomach

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