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Thread: WHAT'S the deal new AAS Laws
08-19-2006, 06:55 PM #1
WHAT'S the deal new AAS Laws
What’s the deal with the new steroid Law going in to effect in NOV that the charges are going to be real stiff for having gear they will be charging you for every single tab there is no more saying it was for personal use.... that they want to hand out 25 years for having X amount of gear so Us guys that stock pile are screwed I did a search and got something from another site
The U.S. Sentencing Commission has published notice of temporary "emergency" (i.e., immediate) amendments to the federal anabolic steroid sentencing guidelines. Henceforth, injectable and oral steroids will be quantified for punishment in a 1:1 ratio to other Schedule III drugs, resulting in a twenty-fold measurement increase for injectable steroid units and a fifty-fold increase for oral steroid units. One "unit" of an oral steroid is now one pill, tablet or capsule. One "unit of a liquid steroid is now 0.5ml. Steroids in other forms ("e.g., patch, topical cream, aerosol") will be reasonably estimated based on a consideration of 25mg as one unit. Additionally, sentencing enhancements will apply in cases involving distribution to "athletes" or where coaches use their positions to influence athletes to use steroids , as well as in cases involving "masking agents." While likely to impact dealers more than personal users, the new 1:1 ratio nonetheless ignores fundamental differences between steroid usage and volume patterns as compared to other Schedule III drugs. Other problems with the amendments include the lack of any reference to potency in oral or injectable steroids, potentially leading to black market adaptations to cirvent the amendment (e.g., the creation of high potency "mega-pills"), as well as the lack of any knowledge requirement involving distribution (e.g., via the Internet) to unidentified customers who may turn out to be athletes. It is expected that the revisions will be made permanent by Congress in November.
For burglary, a person can get as little as three months in jail. Punishments for rape can be as low as four years in prison. For armed robbery, those involved can get as light of a sentence as five years in prison. For some murders, people can get off with as little as ten years served in prison. And now, for having enough steroids in your possession to be deemed a dealer, you could get nailed for 25 years in prison. What is going on in America!!??
As you’ve probably already heard, the U.S. Sentencing Commission decided that the steroid “problem” has gotten so out of control that emergency measures were needed. So out of control that they passed the temporary laws to curtail that use to the tune of a twenty-fold increase in punishments for injectable steroids and a fifty-fold increase in punishments for oral steroids. So to sum this up, being caught with a few of bottles of juice could possibly land you in prison for a very, very long time.
And while most of these new temporary laws are aimed at coaches, dealers, and suppliers, there is still the potential for the lines between having steroids for personal use and having steroids with the intention of selling them to become blurred. There are enough outs in the new temporary laws (expected to be made permanent in November) that someone who simply had a large stockpile of steroids for personal use could be put in a cell with a murderer or rapist. They could have to spend 15 to 25 years of their life behind a set of steel bars with just a few hours of freedom everyday to eat prison slop or workout with second rate equipment. And for what? Trying to build a muscular body or look as good as they possibly can
How can this be considered justice? In the United States, a top-level executive can get away with embezzling a million dollars and spend just four or five years in prison under the banner of white collar crime. Think about this, an already rich person has just stolen a ton of money yet is likely to spend even less time behind bars than a steroid user who got nabbed for having a bit too much juice on their hands. It’s plain to see that the “war on drugs” campaign throughout the 90’s never officially ended, it just switched its focus to a new direction.
Other than the few people like my friend and attorney Rick Collins and his legal partners out there, steroids have no voice of reason among the lawmakers and politicians and so any drugs that could potentially be labeled as a steroid are immediately condemned. Steroids are an easy target to attack and bashing them can often give certain members of Congress the all important media coverage that they need to promote themselves.
For the most part, the media isn’t non-biased either as they’ve used negative stories dealing with the subject of steroids to sell millions of newspapers, magazines, books as well as hundreds of advertising slots on television. How many times have you seen a feature story on steroids with an athlete who used steroids to better his or herself and, at the end of their sports career, went on to live a successful life. Never! The closest thing to this ever was when Arnold Schwarzenegger was interviewed about his years of steroid use and he said if he could do it all over again, he’d have still used steroids.
The fact is that every athlete featured in a steroid story always ends up getting hurt, crippled, sick, or even worse, winds up dead. And the reader is always led to the conclusion that steroids killed the person, not their own negligence. A person’s overdose of insulin or the use of extremely dangerous substances like DNP aren’t usually mentioned in these articles; just that they were using steroids when they got hurt is all that is said.
Yes, these stories are very tragic and it is always sad to see a person end up in a hospital bed because they received really bad advice. But it’s important for the average person who doesn’t juice to realize that steroids like any drugs can be very beneficial when used properly. And when used improperly, they can have consequences just like any other drug.
Take for example, when a North Carolina community college student overdosed on caffeine pills by taking 90 of them and died not soon after. Does this mean that caffeine pills should be made a schedule III drug and become punishable by jail or prison time? No, it simply means that this was a very unfortunate and rare event but definitely could have been prevented had this student not abused the drug and been more knowledgeable about what he was doing at the time.
The same is evident in steroid cases where the media uses isolated and rare events to coerce the masses into believing that steroids are evil and dangerous. It only takes one person to up and the doors are flung wide open for all kinds of criticism and scrutiny. This then leaves politicians with the power to make ridiculous laws, such as the ones that are prevalent now with regards to steroids, and get away with it.
And what is the end of all this? More losses of our freedoms in America. Everyone of us knows that we should have the choice of whether or not to use steroids in order to construct our bodies the way we want them. No one or no law needs to protect us from something that we already know can be used without incident as long as one is informed. Unfortunately, despite these truths, we will all have to hope for a miracle in November just so these ridiculous beefed up steroid laws never become permanent
08-19-2006, 07:04 PM #2
you would think they could do that for all the f'in meth heads runnin around too! hell no, you can have a meth lab get all the kids you want hooked on it and stay all geeked up yourself and get less punishment!!! fck that, thats bull shit if thats true and goes into effect. 90% of AAS users care more about bettering their bodies and only having enough for personal use. we are not out shooting at cops cause were all paranoid and havent slept in 2 weeks. or ruining kids life trying to sell to them cause we are strung out and gotta have more!!! i swear that our laws are priorities are so off base its not even funny!
Last edited by goosed; 08-19-2006 at 07:06 PM.
08-19-2006, 07:06 PM #3
Tell your congressman how you feel......
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08-19-2006, 07:11 PM #4
so ur saying if we get caught with gear we get 25yrs in jail?
08-19-2006, 07:13 PM #5
hell im gonna start doing meth for weight loss the punishment is a whole lot less!!! maybe even get a few kids all strung out where i can have them pay for my stuff....... i swear laws like what is stated above really piss me off!
08-19-2006, 07:14 PM #6Originally Posted by tbjake34
thats what it means that if your cycle consists of 6 bottles or 60 amps mor pills what ever if they say it's more than personal use it will fall under the new guid lines yes 15-25
08-19-2006, 07:36 PM #7Associate Member
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i never understood the harsh laws on gear. You die from a bottle of aspirin before any gear will kill ya. And the PH ban. What a load a shit that was.
08-19-2006, 09:44 PM #8
The only saving grace one has hear is if you can get it prescribed and domestic in America...........they cant touch you if it is from a licensed physician.
Unfortunately this wont help out the younger crowd....Under 38 or so that is............
To bad you have to lose most of your test to get it back legally.....
08-20-2006, 07:44 AM #9
08-20-2006, 08:14 AM #10
land of the free ha ha i8politions
Last edited by auslifta; 08-20-2006 at 08:19 AM.
08-20-2006, 09:27 AM #11
25 years for a drug charge? i find that hard to believe.
08-20-2006, 09:31 AM #12Originally Posted by powerliftmike
nope my brotha thats what the new law states that its geared for dealers and coachs but there is a thin line where they can say what's personal use and dealing which most of us use pleanty of gear for just one cycle that it can be misunderstood as dealing and that is how they are doing it and in NOV it will be made into law
08-20-2006, 09:33 AM #13
Excellent post humungus88, that should be sticky.
08-20-2006, 09:47 AM #14
It has become clear to me that the great free nation of the United States of America is no more. All that remains now is a paranoid power hungry communistic giant that cares nothing for preserving the freedoms of it's people. How am I, a citizen of this once great country expected to be patriotic to a nation that views me as a criminal due to my persuit of better health? How can I now look at a citizen of another nation and profess with truth that my nation is the land of the free? Fact is, that the United States of America is being led by traitors. All of our politicians should be drug out into the street and shot for what they have done to our nation as a whole. It is them and their foolish policies that have degraded our patriotism. Soon there will be no freedoms left to fight for and this once great nation will desentigrate into something even less than it is today. They expect us to all live as slaves. This is the danger of a democracy, too easy for the leaders to become corrupt and lose sight of what is right. I fear all is lost.
08-20-2006, 10:05 AM #15
here are the new guid lines set forth read the PDF on its all there
Federal Register Notice of temporary, emergency amendment to sentencing guidelines, policy statements, and commentary.
Pursuant to the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004, Pub. L. 108-358 (the "ASC Act") and the United States Parole Commission Extension and Sentencing Commission Authority Act of 2005, Pub. L. 109-76, the Commission hereby gives notice of a temporary, emergency amendment to the sentencing guidelines, policy statements, and commentary. This notice sets forth the temporary, emergency amendment and the reason for the amendment. The Commission has specified an effective date of March 27, 2006, for the emergency amendment set forth in this notice. (71 FR 15795 - 15796)
2006 Steroids Report (March 2006)
Prepared by the Steroids Working Group of the United States Sentencing Commission, this report sets forth legislative and guideline history pertaining to steroids offenses, discusses the Commission’s response to legislation, and updates the findings in the Commission’s 1990 Steroids Report. (.PDF)
08-21-2006, 09:19 AM #16
This is jut another STUPID EXAMPLE of how the fricken government doesn't know SH*T. No offense to anyone, but their reasoning for doing this is to better our liveliehood and not put adults and teens in harms way. If they knew anything about gear in the first place, they would know that when taken appropriately, there is very little chance of harming ones body. You're always going to have those dumbasses who don't do any research and end up hurting themselves. Although gear isn't FDA approved, there are numerous websites and guides that one can read regarding how to take it. Look at all the other things the government has out there that can easily kill someone. Tylenol for example. Although it has a warning, taking too much can cause an overdose on acetamenophine. Cigarettes- smoke 2 packs a day and you don't think you're going to get lung cancer? ...This is absolutely ridiculous!!!!!!!!
Forgot to mention the fact that while the government is busy incriminating steroid users/dealers, etc. there are millions of people out there taking and dealing marijuana, cocaine, meth, acid, etc. If you're smart about taking your gear, you won't get caught.
Also, that post that humungus88 posted, if we contact our congressman regarding this matter, don't you think the government is going to keep track of these type of things? For example, if I write in and spew forth my thoughts, I bet the gov. will put my name on some sort of "possible steroid offender" list.Last edited by TommyTrainR; 08-21-2006 at 09:25 AM.
08-21-2006, 09:27 AM #17
I <3 Canada.
08-22-2006, 03:27 PM #18New Member
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great post
08-22-2006, 03:28 PM #19New Member
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looks like I need to hurry up and get my gear before nov. should have became a member sooner lol
08-22-2006, 03:37 PM #20looks like I need to hurry up and get my gear before nov
Seriously that sux for all the US bros - politicians who are trying to appear like they're doing something constructive....... they should make cigarettes & alcohol illegal ......oh wait...that would lose them votes tho......
08-22-2006, 03:47 PM #21
done,with my congressman of Virginia....
08-22-2006, 03:47 PM #22
done,with my congressman of Virginia....
08-22-2006, 03:50 PM #23
whats canada's laws on use or distribution?
08-22-2006, 05:37 PM #24New Member
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Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
It just seems like this is absolutely without a doubt one of those things people in a couple hundred years people will look back on our time like "damn, that's crazy". Sort-of like how we look back on people being killed for disagreeing with religion in the name of science. Once again, some of the most retarded ideas spewing from "The War on Drugs". Sorry, I just feel really strongly against the war on drugs and most of the US' current drug laws. /end rant
08-22-2006, 05:50 PM #25
Wow. 25 years for taking steroids . Pathetic.
08-22-2006, 06:30 PM #26Associate Member
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This is a great post! I agree, the only way to have an effect on the war on drugs is to take the black out of black market. Remove the ability to produce a product for $100/kilo and sell it for $35,000/kilo. When there is that kind of money to be made there will always be drud dealers. De-criminalize and regulate the same product, tax the hell out of it like all other sin taxes and you get a product that cost $100/kilo and sells for $120/kilo. This is the only way to produce the drastic change the war on drugs is suppose to bring about. When junkies go from having a $200/day dope habit to a $10/day dope habit, where is the need for criminality? As for gear, I am afraid our professional atheletes have done this to us. There seems to be an underlying idea in America that we expect perfection but by God do not cheat to get there! The public definately sees gear useage as cheating. Nevermind the fact steroids do not improve hand-eye coordination. You still have to be damn good at hitting a baseball but throw theusation that the player used steroids and everyone goes,"shit, that's the reason" almost as if anyone could have done it with gear.
08-22-2006, 07:03 PM #27
im so pissed..
08-23-2006, 09:05 AM #28
bump for more views
08-23-2006, 09:40 AM #29New Member
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All of you are so 'freakin Right!! I emailed my senators-DID YOU??? Please be polite, no cussin', etc. That would only weaken our position!!! If enough of us do- we CAN MAKE a differnce in the vote!!!
08-23-2006, 09:47 AM #30
wow- i could get put in jail a considerably longer time then a murderer for trying to become the best athelete i can. this is ridiculous
08-23-2006, 11:58 AM #31New Member
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Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
08-23-2006, 12:12 PM #32
beginning of the end.......i don't think the country will last a whole heck of a lot longer.......maybe 2012......tops
08-23-2006, 04:11 PM #33
if we go 2 war with some one like iran or north korea it'll b down hill from there
08-23-2006, 04:18 PM #34Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
08-23-2006, 04:20 PM #35
yeah i think alot might depend on the judge sadly
08-23-2006, 04:45 PM #36Originally Posted by BlInDsIdE
08-23-2006, 04:53 PM #37
Well what an outstanding post to read after a sh*tty days work...Why can't these politicians just leave us alone...
08-23-2006, 05:15 PM #38
Rick Collins, J.D., a veteran lawyer and former competitive bodybuilder, is the author of the groundbreaking new book LEGAL MUSCLE: Anabolics in America
All right fellas, we all agree that the new laws are bullshit. But honestly do we really think by us sending in a letter to our congressman/woman will change what they plan on doing. NO. There needs to be a bigger movement, a bigger stance on it from people who have the influence i.e. lawyers and doctors etc., not from the "users." Where do you find these people, well lets start by looking at this board - yelp the owner(s) of this board have the access to the lawyer (Rick Collins, JD - Legal Muscle) to start an actual petition that the 60k members of this board alone could sign. We have a sponsor, Oasis - who prescribe AS for medicinal purposes and have doctors that agree with the proper usage in mature adults, not ****in 16 yr old who can't even handle the natural test they have running freely through their body. THEN, add the owners of the other hundreds of boards that are out there, their sponsors who prescribe under a doctors recommendation and supervision, their lawyers who have access through the judicial system and you can that the 60,000 has quickly increased to millions of protesters, not just one single email coming in on Tues and another on Wed - those just get deleted and ignored.
So as a member of this board I call out to Brian and who ever else owns this board to join forces with other board owners and their lawyers and sponsors to make a commission for the legalization of AS for adults and seriously make an attempt to defend what so many of us believe to be a choice that we should be able to make by ourselves without big brother telling us what is what and who is who.
Let's remember that the AS that some of us use are the same AS that were once approved for use by the FDA; they are the same AS that are prescribed to patients with muscle deteriating diseases - cancer, aids, ms etc; they are the same AS that are prescribed to hundreds of thousands of male patients for Hormone Replacement Therapy.
08-23-2006, 06:59 PM #39
should i even risk getting anything from overseas from november on?
08-23-2006, 07:30 PM #40Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
The laws are already in effect... In November Congress seeks to make them perminant..
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