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Thread: Deca and Tren

  1. #1
    Erwin's Avatar
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    Deca and Tren

    Ok, can you cycle tren and deca together? I know they are both from the nandrolone family but would like to know if this a possible or a no-no. This was something my buddy and I were discussing and just wondering. Not sure what kind of cycle we would put it in yet, just tossing ideas around.

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
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    yes you can but you will incress the chance of gyno. If you would like to run Nandrolone with Tren . Then i would use npp.

  3. #3
    Erwin's Avatar
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    So what kind of range could the doses be in? Would it matter if you had more deca than tren per week? I understand about the gyno issue and would assume cabergoline would be the thing to take or bromo correct? What about a b vitamin, isn't there one that is used for proestrogen sides? And thanks for the reply GSXXR.-Erwin

  4. #4
    G-1000's Avatar
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    it depends on what kind of gains you wont. More npp or deca will give more size. The more tren less size leaner and stronger. I was running npp at 600 wook and tren at 7. I hade great gains. But now i am suffering from it. I have been off for 8 weeks and still haveing a hard time getting natty back. I lot a lot of size as well due to it. You realy need to plane out pct. I also think you need to run igf with pct to keep the gains. This is were i fu-cked up.

  5. #5
    Erwin's Avatar
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    So what kind of PCT are we talking about here? I mean anything extra beyond what is in the Roberts pct guide? And why the igf during pct?

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
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    i did it
    dont do it
    it sucked

  7. #7
    Erwin's Avatar
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    bump for an answer from gsxxr and one8nine. one8nine could you tell me a little more about your experience like what doses length and other compounds, and what sides? Would really like to hear about it.-Erwin

  8. #8
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erwin
    So what kind of PCT are we talking about here? I mean anything extra beyond what is in the Roberts pct guide? And why the igf during pct?

    The igf will help you keep gains. As for Hookers pct should be ok. But i would even run trib also at 3g day for 4 weeks after.

  9. #9
    Erwin's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies. What about a pct conisisting of Nolva,Aromasin , and Proviron ? Hcg has been a problem for us to get our hands on but the prov is no problem.-Erwin

  10. #10
    G-1000's Avatar
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    That would be fine also. If your run the lgf pct is not as big of a deal. The igf will keep you builing muscle.

    Most pct are for 2 weeks. You will not be able to get your natty levels back that fast no mater what you do. So with the igf you have just 4 to 5 weeks to get natty back up and running.

  11. #11
    Erwin's Avatar
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    So if pct looked like this
    1-4 20mg nolva ed
    1-4 25mg aromasin ed
    1-4 25mg proviron ed
    where would I through in the igf and at what dosage?

  12. #12
    Mesomorphyl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erwin
    So if pct looked like this
    1-4 20mg nolva ed
    1-4 25mg aromasin ed
    1-4 25mg proviron ed
    where would I through in the igf and at what dosage?
    40 post workout. non workout days use in the AM.

    run it with the pct.

  13. #13
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mesomorphyl
    40 post workout. non workout days use in the AM.

    run it with the pct.
    at a low does of 40-50mcg. there is no need to do more.

  14. #14
    Erwin's Avatar
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    Just so I understand:

    40-50 mcg of igf post workout during pct
    or 40-50 mcg igf in the morning upon waking on non workout days during pct

    Did I get it right? And thanks for the help guys-Erwin

  15. #15
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erwin
    Just so I understand:

    40-50 mcg of igf post workout during pct
    or 40-50 mcg igf in the morning upon waking on non workout days during pct

    Did I get it right? And thanks for the help guys-Erwin

  16. #16
    Erwin's Avatar
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    Thanks again for the replies guys, what about while on to prevent sides? It would be run with test e at around 750 mg/EW. -Erwin

  17. #17
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Lets see what the cycle is going to look like.

    Print it out for us

  18. #18
    Erwin's Avatar
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    1-6 dbol 50mg ed
    1-15 test e 750mg ew
    1-15 deca 600mg ew
    7-14 tren ace 75mg ed
    11-17 winny 50mg ed

    Just bouncing some crazy ideas around is all, so thanks for the input Gsxxr

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