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  1. #1
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    what oral would you choose

    planning up coming cycle of npp/prop.goal is to gain lean mass and get stronger. i wanted to throw some halo in there but was also considering tbol. i heard the strength from halo was crazy. how does tbol compare to halo in terms of strength and gains?also if you have had runs with both let me know how they went or if you suggest another oral. thanks

  2. #2
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    With the short esters and orals you mentions I assume you are trying to keep water weight off. Personally I would say go with halo if you want strength, run your strength through the roof and let the NPP and Prop pack on the muscle.

  3. #3
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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  4. #4
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    you would choose var over the halo and tbol?u think its better then the two for strength and some size gains??? getting enough var for 6-8 week cycle would be steep as well!

  5. #5
    Anabolios's Avatar
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  6. #6
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    Halo for your goals
    Tbol if me
    Var if I had ALOT of it

  7. #7
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    come on guys, give me some of your experiences with these orals. would like to knnow the strength and size gains you have obtained with these compounds, as well as dose and duration.

  8. #8
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Halo for your goals
    Tbol if me
    Var if I had ALOT of it
    why do you choose tbol?

  9. #9
    RoidGut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smiley619
    come on guys, give me some of your experiences with these orals. would like to knnow the strength and size gains you have obtained with these compounds, as well as dose and duration.
    Well bro you are in luck. A friend of mine just finished an 8 wk cycle with tbol. I was his very first cycle and he wanted an oral steroid as an introduction to the darkside befor he becomes a human pin cushion. He gained a total of 20lbs....sounds good right? Well he now has lost 15lbs of it and he did proper pct. It may be different for others but for him it was just like taking dbol .....very exciting at first...then all down the drain in the end.

    I would chose var any day of the week and twice on sunday over any other oral. I have not used halo myself so I cannot comment on that one.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidGut
    Well bro you are in luck. A friend of mine just finished an 8 wk cycle with tbol. I was his very first cycle and he wanted an oral steroid as an introduction to the darkside befor he becomes a human pin cushion. He gained a total of 20lbs....sounds good right? Well he now has lost 15lbs of it and he did proper pct. It may be different for others but for him it was just like taking dbol .....very exciting at first...then all down the drain in the end.

    I would chose var any day of the week and twice on sunday over any other oral. I have not used halo myself so I cannot comment on that one.

    Looks to me like it was dbol........

    Did he get bloated at all?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smiley619
    why do you choose tbol?

    No sides for me, Pretty decent strength/muscle gain. Nothing much but I enjoy.

    Halo I've never used but would guess it to be much stronger in strength increase.

    Var is horrible. You need really high doses to see anything besides a vein from a pump.

  12. #12
    RoidGut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Looks to me like it was dbol ........

    Did he get bloated at all?
    yeah...substantial bloat factor. I am pretty certain it was tbol tho. Why do you ask? Is tbol not supposed to cause bloat?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidGut
    yeah...substantial bloat factor. I am pretty certain it was tbol tho. Why do you ask? Is tbol not supposed to cause bloat?

    Tbol does not aromatize.....So it doesn't bloat. Your friend was taking dbol .

  14. #14
    RoidGut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Var is horrible. You need really high doses to see anything besides a vein from a pump.
    Yeah...I think the problem with var is that it is so expensive, not many can afford to run it at a proper dose. I have seen threads where ppl are suggesting to others to take 40mg. In others, including the article by anthony roberts, he clearly states that var in low dosages does nothing and would be a waste of time and money. He recommends it at 80-100mg ed. I am trying it out for the first time myself, and will run it at about 80mg ed...but may ramp it up to 100mg if I don't like the results. What dose did you run it at?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidGut
    Yeah...I think the problem with var is that it is so expensive, not many can afford to run it at a proper dose. I have seen threads where ppl are suggesting to others to take 40mg. In others, including the article by anthony roberts, he clearly states that var in low dosages does nothing and would be a waste of time and money. He recommends it at 80-100mg ed. I am trying it out for the first time myself, and will run it at about 80mg ed...but may ramp it up to 100mg if I don't like the results. What dose did you run it at?

    60mgs along with 60 Tbol didnt notice a diff from tbol alone except a few extra veins during a workout

  16. #16
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    any halo users care to get in the discussion???

    i would like to run var, but like you said it is so exspensive. i also have found by researching that around 60-80 was a optimal dose. and with 100 pills running a couple hundred bucks i can imagine things could could out of control with money being spent.

    and yeah based of what i have read, it does sound like your bro was taking dbol because,gaining 20 and only keeping 5 pounds does not sound like may even be a possibilty he was taking some abombs.did he have a good source??

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