Quote Originally Posted by detsaw
No I dont think you understood what I was saying, I know the test offsets deca, but will stacking the two decrease the normal side effects of the test?

Would I be able to switch off right now to primo or dbol before going into pct? And if I was to, can I use each individually or will I also have to stack?
No I dont think you understood what I was saying, know the test offsets deca , but will stacking the two decrease the normal side effects of the test?

dont know why it would. not designed for that.

"Would I be able to switch off right now to primo or dbol before going into pct?"

adding a steroid to the end of a cycle increases the amount of time on the cycle. the amount of time on impacts off time. are you asking if youd see gains or if it would increase sides or what?

"And if I was to, can I use each individually or will I also have to stack?"

what options were you considering and why.

questions: are you thinking of extending your cycle or are you planning the next?