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  1. #1
    modenajon's Avatar
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    Terrible things happened to me on 1st cycle...Please help.

    First off, Id like to say hello to everyone. I'm new to this site and this is my first post.

    I am 30 years old 6'0 220lbs, fairly low bodyfat but can be leaner, 33-34inch waist. I've been blessed with very good natural genetics. Ok, on to the question at hand...........

    About 3 years ago I did my first and only cycle. At the time, Ive been working out for around 5 years off and on. I leaned out to 12%BF at 208lbs, which is pretty lean and vascular for my body type. At this point I was feeling fairly thin and skinny and that is what led me to start researching the gear.

    I ended up with Test. Cypinate & Deca at a conservative first cycle of 200mg each once a week in the same syringe. I also had Nolvadex just in case I got any sensitivity in the chest region.

    About 5 weeks into it is when great visual and physical changes were starting to obviously take place. Things were going great. My sex drive was out of control and just plain phenomenal. Now to the ISSUES..........

    Going into my 8th week/shot I woke up one morning feeling VERY lethargic, weak, and lazy. I figured I was over training and working my body hard, so I would skip the gym that day and get a good night sleep. Well, the next morning I felt the same way. While at work, I knew somethig was very wrong when my eyes want to close and I felt like someone gave me a couple Xanac's! So I called my primary doctor and got an appointment right away.

    The nurse took my blood pressure and it registered a staggering 150/100!! The nurse said, "Were not starting off to good." When the doctor came in, I told him what I have been doing. He said, "Ok, just get of everything cold turkey and let your body come back to normal." I said to him, "well what about HCG to jump start my testes?" He said no, dont worry your body will come back on its own.

    Bloodwork and Test. Levels came back from that first visit to the Dr. at Test Levels of 2000. Everythig else looked good. Kidney levels were a little higher but not bad. After getting off cold turkey the next Test levels registered levels of "30"! A couple weeks later and levels were back to MY NORMAL level of around 350. THEN around a month after getting off, Heart Palpatations were setting in. They were happening often and let me tell you, while your sleeping at night and your heart is pounding in your chest/throat, its not a secure feeling. One night, nausea set in and heart palpatations at the same time and I turned to my girlfreind and said, " I need to go to the ER." All Cat Scans, EKG's, Echocardiograms, and stress tests came out perfectly fine. Anyhow, the palpatations lasted a good 4 months or so and finally subsided.

    What a great 7 weeks and then BAM my body broke down on me!

    Does anyone have any explanation of what happened to me when my body shut down and got weak? The MAJOR palpatations I have no answers for except for geting off cold turkey.

    Also, if you know what happened to me, what can I do if anything to not have this happen again? I am obviously curious to do another cycle but I'm fairly nervous due to the mystery experience.

    Thanks for your much appreciated help.

    Last edited by modenajon; 09-08-2006 at 09:14 AM. Reason: Horrible title.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I think the doctor would be best to tell you what happened and if he cant i don't think any of us could, Ive never heard of anything like that happening, the only thing i could suggest is try shorter cycles under 8 weeks, no serious id get fully checked out by a Doctor and take his advice on the state of your health.

  3. #3
    modenajon's Avatar
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    Appreciate the response.
    My health has always been perfect. I get blood work done twice a year just for the hell of it. The doctor really did not know what happened to me. He gave no great diagnosis other then saying. "Everyone is different and you never know how your body will react to any substance you introduce it to."

    Was that blood pressure rating extremely high to you? Other people's reactions to those BP levels were that it was way out of control and high.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    He is correct when we introduce chemicals into he body we all react different, i would be very carefull if you consider doing another cycle, i would take your doctors advice because non of us on here are qualified to answer whats went wrong when your own doctors doesn't,

    Id go and talk to him see what he says.

  5. #5
    Jucinator2 is offline Associate Member
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    well with a test level of 350 your probably tired anyway , this is below normal range, you would qulify for hrt . were did you get your gear from , was it legit, did you have a fever or infection. never ever heard of 200mgs a week hurting anybody , i dont even consider it a cycle, your red blood cell (rbc) could have been high . that can make you tired all the time, if all your test came out fine then maybe it was in you head , i've seen that before, good luck

  6. #6
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    did you retain alot if water on that cycle? that could explain the high BP. Maybe you needed the nolva from day one, or better yet a-dex since you ran deca . That may get rid of the blood pressure, no guarentee though cuz most anabolics increase RBC count, which can increase BP.
    The stopping cold turky might have been too drastic of a electrolite fluctuation for you if you had alot of bloat(sodium, potassium electrolites are key in palpitations), so there may be a reason for the palpitations, but 4 MONTHS? i dunno. And even though you went "cold turky" i wasnt cold turkey for your bod, cuz those 2 drugs are still in you roughly 2 weeks.

    Were you eating salty stuff when on? Even protein powders are loaded with salt depending. Also sugar and hi GI carbs make you produce alot of sodium.

    Taking any potasium supps?

    you might just be super sensitive to sodium imbalance. but again, 4 months is really weird.

    personally i notice if i go to bed pissed or amped up, ill get palpatations when lying down, like theres a rabbit in my chest. Stand up, boom, fine.

  7. #7
    LatinoPR's Avatar
    LatinoPR is offline Anabolic Member
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    somewhere in HELL !!!
    I don't like that of palpitations and hight blood press.,you should chek your b/p every day.
    how is your sodium ?

    LPR ...dermatology.

  8. #8
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I felt the same way, tired and just wanted to lay down all day when I was on dbol /test.

    I thin kit was due to too much sodium, not enough water MAYBE and diet wasnt clean enough.

    It went away after 2 weeks but the palpatiations you describe are another story......

    You can obviously talk to your doc abotu this so see what he says.??

  9. #9
    modenajon's Avatar
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    My diet was fairly strict. Yes, the urges to throw down anything and everything was there AND I did at times eat hamburgers etc.. but all and all pretty clean.
    I will say that my diet and sodium were not highly focused on and should have been. I've been to a few nutritionists before the cycle just out of curiousity to what they had to say about diet etc.. but never sought out nutritional experties while on a cycle and maybe I should have.

    I dont think a natural Test level of 250 is extremely low from what I hear.

    Start of cycle I weighed 208lbs. Going into the 8th week I was around 220lbs. I think that is respectable but what do I know.Anyhow, do you think the breakdown of energy, weakness, and lathargic feeling was due to BP 150/100?? The 2 issues were the high BP and then the heart palps for a long time afterwards. Lets take this one issue at a time.

    Great responses thus far. Thank you.

  10. #10
    modenajon's Avatar
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    Anymore opinions?


  11. #11
    modenajon's Avatar
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    Bump fpr help

  12. #12
    mileliofthard is offline Banned
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    What you are describing seems to be a SOMATAFORM issue.

    You are having mild ANXIETY attacks, which often cause the individual to experience exactly what you descibed.

    I have also experienced a few anxiety attacks while using steroids . STEROIDS create an ENVIRONMENT that is very conducive for anxiety. You are already PUMPED up, your heart rate is up, you have HIGH blood-pressure, your body temparature has increased, so ANYTHING that would NORMALLY make you anxious, will feel even MORE INTENSE. Kind of like--COCAINE.

    It's mostly in your HEAD, as your TESTS confirmed.

    Be a man, suck it up, and thank me later...

  13. #13
    modenajon's Avatar
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    OK, besides suckin it up, Now what????????

    Great, so your saying that I woke up one morning feeling like I took 5 sleeping pills because of anxiety? Then felt the same way the following day? While feeling that way, it was impossible for me to even enter the gym for a workout. What do I do with BloodP. at 150/100??? Thats stroke territory? The doctors didn't want me to get near a cardio machine with that BP.

    So besides sucking it up which I've always done back in my wrestling & college Football days, what do you do when the body gets that weak and breaks down?

    Quote Originally Posted by mileliofthard
    What you are describing seems to be a SOMATAFORM issue.

    You are having mild ANXIETY attacks, which often cause the individual to experience exactly what you descibed.

    I have also experienced a few anxiety attacks while using steroids . STEROIDS create an ENVIRONMENT that is very conducive for anxiety. You are already PUMPED up, your heart rate is up, you have HIGH blood-pressure, your body temparature has increased, so ANYTHING that would NORMALLY make you anxious, will feel even MORE INTENSE. Kind of like--COCAINE.

    It's mostly in your HEAD, as your TESTS confirmed.

    Be a man, suck it up, and thank me later...

  14. #14
    mileliofthard is offline Banned
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    All of your tests indicate you're healthy. Blood-pressure fluctauates. When was the last time you checked?

    You are not describing something A-typical.

    I think we have all experienced either REAL or IMAGINED "Heart palpitations" while on steroids .

    REMEMBER--your heart IS a MUSCLE.

  15. #15
    modenajon's Avatar
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    Well, this happened about 3 years ago. The reason I am on here is my curiousity to possibly do anther cycle. I usually go for normal bloodwork twice a year. Most recently was a bout 3 months ago with everything looking just fine. I have no stats for you but no red flags to report in the test.

    May I ask, how do you feel about BP 150/100? That would be considered extremely high wouldn't you say?


  16. #16
    mileliofthard is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by modenajon
    Well, this happened about 3 years ago. The reason I am on here is my curiousity to possibly do anther cycle. I usually go for normal bloodwork twice a year. Most recently was a bout 3 months ago with everything looking just fine. I have no stats for you but no red flags to report in the test.

    May I ask, how do you feel about BP 150/100? That would be considered extremely high wouldn't you say?

    Blood-pressure fluctuates drastically.

    I would not worry.

  17. #17
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by mileliofthard
    Blood-pressure fluctuates drastically.

    I would not worry.
    I strongly suggest you ignore any advice apart from that given by your Doctor. That BP is high and is no joke. Anxiety or not you need to talk to Doc if your going to cycle again.

  18. #18
    mileliofthard is offline Banned
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    He said 3 YEARS AGO...

    He is FINE now..


  19. #19
    Ufa's Avatar
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    I'd let the Doctor's deal with this. There are pills for high blood pressure.
    You can get sick and feel like crap. You can get depressed and feel like
    hell. You can get anxiety attacks. You could have a couple of these
    happen at once. I'd stay natural and consult with your cardio doc.

  20. #20
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    hey mile. I'm normally pretty laid back but when it comes to peoples health I am not. YOUR ADVICE IS RUBBISH. Blood pressure does not "fluctuate drastically" for no reason. What if this guy goes off and does a cycle based on your half assed replies? What if he gets sick and dies because of it? So be a man and suck that up and ....thank me later.

  21. #21
    modenajon's Avatar
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    Thumbs up The real deal..............

    Although I appreciate everyones advice and opinions I have to say, its easy to say suck it up, go see your doctor, go off for awhile see if your fine and then try a cycle again. I can truly respect "perfectbeast2001" for his honest and full of common sense response. Do you know how many people in the last few years have said to me, "I'd try it again, you should be fine??" I'm talking about National Competitors local to South Florida, Professional Trainers, etc..! Again, all I wanted was a What & Why before trying anything again.

    As you can see, for 3 years now I have not gotten on this site and tried to get answers from trainers, fitness conpetitors, etc. and had yet to hear a DEFINITIVE ANSWER on why & what happened. Until I get an answer, I will not try another cycle because it was just to damn scary of an experience FOR ME. I'm pretty intuned with my body. I have a huge athletic background with Florida State University and I'm known to take pain with the best of em. My ego has never gotten in the way of saying, "Whoa, somethings wrong or Damn, that weight is just way to heavy."

    I understand that BP goes up while on a cycle but when your at 150/100 WHAT DO YOU DO? At that point you have to take serious precautions because at that point your in stroke/heartattack range. Thats pretty serious, wouldn't you say mileliofthard?

  22. #22
    mileliofthard is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by modenajon
    Although I appreciate everyones advice and opinions I have to say, its easy to say suck it up, go see your doctor, go off for awhile see if your fine and then try a cycle again. I can truly respect "perfectbeast2001" for his honest and full of common sense response. Do you know how many people in the last few years have said to me, "I'd try it again, you should be fine??" I'm talking about National Competitors local to South Florida, Professional Trainers, etc..! Again, all I wanted was a What & Why before trying anything again.

    As you can see, for 3 years now I have not gotten on this site and tried to get answers from trainers, fitness conpetitors, etc. and had yet to hear a DEFINITIVE ANSWER on why & what happened. Until I get an answer, I will not try another cycle because it was just to damn scary of an experience FOR ME. I'm pretty intuned with my body. I have a huge athletic background with Florida State University and I'm known to take pain with the best of em. My ego has never gotten in the way of saying, "Whoa, somethings wrong or Damn, that weight is just way to heavy."

    I understand that BP goes up while on a cycle but when your at 150/100 WHAT DO YOU DO? At that point you have to take serious precautions because at that point your in stroke/heartattack range. Thats pretty serious, wouldn't you say mileliofthard?

    I think you're looking for an answer that doesn't exist.

    All I can tell you, is that after 3 years, and ALL of your blood tests indicate you are a HEALTHY ADULT MALE, I see no problem with you using anabolic steroids again.


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