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  1. #1
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    Staying on in between cycles ?

    Whats up guys I had a question .I guess I will start with blood work .Im 35 and have low test ,In my bloodwork the lowest was 400 and high normal was 1000 on the scale .Mine is 332 .My Doctor said although my test levels were low she would not prscribe me test (maybe I should not have said I lifted )Anyways I started my own cycle at 500mgs Test E ,ew .I was on that for 12 weeks .Now I dident want to stop because my test levels are low anyways so I thought that I would just stay on and cruise inbetween cycles at 150mg ,ew .So for the last 18 weeks I have been on .500mgs for the first 12 weeks and 150 for the last 6 weeks . So my question is how long should I wait before I bump up again .And the next question is if for some reason I wanted to stop with the 150mg a week for awhile do you think I would see a decrease in strength ?? It seams to me the 150mgs ew may not be doing anything anymore but Im not sure (as far as strength goes .Im sure its helping with my moods .In fact my wife was so against me useing but once I got on test My moods have been awsome and now she dosent want me off .Thanks guys Anthony

  2. #2
    ToTheBuckeT21's Avatar
    ToTheBuckeT21 is offline Senior Member
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    When you come off give tongat ali a try or maybe get some proviron ... these will help to raist your natural test.. maybe even some HJC.. then drop the HJC and the proviron and just go with the tongat ali.. its all natural and it large dosages can raise test levels... you can find it pretty cheap on Ebay actually.. good luck

  3. #3
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    Do you think there is anything wrong with stayig on 150mg ew ,inbetween cycles ? I know this question is a bit wierd because its a hrt slash cycle type of question .Is their anyone out there with this kind of situation ?? Thanks again.

  4. #4
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    If you have insurance I'd go see an endo and ask his advice, You're technically putting yourself on self-monitored HRT which isn't the best idea but probably isn't fatal.

  5. #5
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    Why would it be a bad idea ? Are there not alot of guys who are on year round with normal test levels ? Thanks again

  6. #6
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Yes but the smart ones get bloodwork done on a regular basis and monitor themselves. So without repeating myself, read my above post.

  7. #7
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    I do get bloodwork bro .I have the best of insurance through my job so its not a problem .I was just wanting some feed back on how long is a norm of cruising inbetween cycles and at what doses do some of you cruise at ? Thanks Anthony

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Pls explain why you want to cruise between cycles what the purpose?

  9. #9
    elitetky is offline Associate Member
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    its weird sorry but i cannot understand what you said , 500mg down to 150mg ?But why ? Does it work ?

  10. #10
    gymrocken is offline Junior Member
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    dam!! dude, im in the EXACT same situation too! i have 315ng test levels , but they wouldnt prescribe test to me because it "wasnt low enough". assholes. yeah so im going on 125-150mg of test for inbetween cycles. thats a good dose, makes your levels like 1300ng between cycles. its a great dose, so dont stress about it. cheers

  11. #11
    gymrocken is offline Junior Member
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    oh yeah,and dont go off the test ever. you're on trt now. your natural is screwed. if you all of a sudden go off youll lose everything (HUGE crash). so go on 150mg between cycles for like 6-8 weeks then go back on.

  12. #12
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah man this really isnt that biga deal. Im on HRT and i do 300 mg a week tho, split up into 2 shots, which is high but im gunna cut it down eventually. so yeah to try and answer your question, go ahead and do it, ur in ur 30's so thats perfect for this. JUST GET BLOODWORK DONE and you say yuo do cycles so you obviously well, hopefully know the importance of controlling estrogen, prolactin, liver values, stuff like that. keep us posted ill check back.

  13. #13
    Anthony C's Avatar
    Anthony C is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys .One of you asked why crusie .Well I have low test already so why not stay on inbetween ? Basicly I was just wanting to know if anyone is in this situation (having low test and cycling while staying on inbetween cycles ) .Thanks again Anthony

  14. #14
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    yeah dude im cruising forever, and occasionally ill add another compound or spike the test. i had real low test too, mine was 250. now its 1500 the day after the shot, but i still dont feel good cuz my prolactin and estrogen are too high. but its not even my 5th week of test, so well see what praying

  15. #15
    Iron-man's Avatar
    Iron-man is offline Associate Member
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    If your wanting to cruise via HRT & having a doc monitor you etc...I've heard the best way to convince your doc & insur comp is to wait two weeks after your last test inj, then have your blood work done ( a day or so before you start pct). Your natty test will be at absolute rock bottom. Now you have the results that justify the HRT & have the insur comp pay for it & the doc visits, etc...


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