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  1. #1
    Jacky_Zebsten's Avatar
    Jacky_Zebsten is offline Associate Member
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    My 2nd cycle. Please advise

    Hey guys

    I'm 26 I weigh just over 200 pounds. and I'm 5'11

    I have about 14%bf. And my diet will be around 4000 calouries per day on cycle with 300 grams of protein, 740 grams carbs and 60 grams of fat per day. Well near enough to

    Here's the cycle I was thinking of doing. Its just a straight forward cycle but I would like your input

    Week 1-12 500mg per week of test e mon-thurs

    Week 1-12 400mg per week of deca shot once a week (is that right?)

    Week 1-6 30mg a day of dianabol tablets

    Week 13 -18 40mg a day of nolvadex

    Also would it make much difference to go to 750 mg per week of test e?

    Thanks guys!

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    looks good bro. Just run the d-bol for 4 weeks at 50 or 60mg . As for the test 750 800 will be the next jump to make and difference.

  3. #3
    ghoul000's Avatar
    ghoul000 is offline Associate Member
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    Why dont you take 200mg/200mg Deca Mon/thurs since your already injecting thurs anyways? Vs doing 3cc`s mon and then thurs 1 cc.

  4. #4
    Jacky_Zebsten's Avatar
    Jacky_Zebsten is offline Associate Member
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    good idea

  5. #5
    Jacky_Zebsten's Avatar
    Jacky_Zebsten is offline Associate Member
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    how come you suggest to increase the dbol ?

  6. #6
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    just to give a little more in teh 4 weeks. 10mg incress is not a lot.

  7. #7
    Jacky_Zebsten's Avatar
    Jacky_Zebsten is offline Associate Member
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    would it be better to start off with 250 mg a week for the first 2 weeks of test e with 200mg pw of deca

  8. #8
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    run the TEST 1 or more weeks PAST the end of deca as deca is EXTREMELY SUPPRESSIVE and has a 3week long ester on it.

    DO not fluctuate doses PICK a dose (ur original are IDEAL) and keep them there its fluctuations that induce sides, consistancy is key

    GSXXR is right on w/ the dbol its very mild in all honesty and 50mg is usuallyo the sweet spot dose, 30mg and lower is just wasting $$ might as well get most bang for ur buck w/ dbol in all hoensty

    if ur running deca then the test really doesnt have to be any higher than 250mg/wk since test is really only good for keeping ur systems opperating normlay I.E. ur weiner, and deca is ur true mass gainer since it is far more anabolic than test.

    so u could even run test at 200-250/wk and deca at 400 which is wat i would do imo. and keep Dbol at 50mg ED for 4-6weeks ED

  9. #9
    Jacky_Zebsten's Avatar
    Jacky_Zebsten is offline Associate Member
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    thanks man

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