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  1. #1
    onefm's Avatar
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    Test tolerance??

    Is it possible to begin building a tolerance to Testosterone after a few cycles? I have dosed 500mg/wk on all my cycles since my first one. Now 4 cycles later I dont even seem to be getting almost any effects anymore. At first I thought my latest juice mightve been bunk. After communicating with a few people, it seemed to be legit shit. Ive gone from Test E, Sust, and Cypio.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    bro, i have read a few threads that reflect that some ppl develop a tolerance or needing to dose higher to see gains....nothing out of personal experience tho

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Yes without doubt you build up a tolerance to test if the off period isn't long enough, now the off period varies between individuals but the longer your on it for the bigger the tolerance you build up,

    This is why good time off is crucial to further gains with less health risk's, that is also why i do shorter cycles with good time off, its a vicious circle alot of bb's are in, alot go back on gear to soon which means bigger dosages to get gains which in turn leads to harder recovery which in turn leads to gains slipping during and after pct which brings you back round to going back on gear to soon, vicious circle and i haven't even talked about the health risk's or mental state of keep increasing test.

  4. #4
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Very well put!


  5. #5
    james001's Avatar
    james001 is offline New Member
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    What if we just dropped the dose (as a bridge) to maintain mass?

    How does the body build a tolerance to test?

    What about HRT?

    I don’t see how test could become ineffective…

  6. #6
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Those are very valid points James.
    However, the goal here is growth, and that is what differentiates this from both HRT and bridging.

    The term 'tolerance' is used (in this case) with regard to continued growth, and that is how we are measuring effectiveness. Surely as you pointed out the mere presence of Test necessitates some effectiveness, but not enough to serve as a catalyst for increasing muscle satellites or RBCs (aka muscle growth).


  7. #7
    james001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Those are very valid points James.
    However, the goal here is growth, and that is what differentiates this from both HRT and bridging.

    The term 'tolerance' is used (in this case) with regard to continued growth, and that is how we are measuring effectiveness. Surely as you pointed out the mere presence of Test necessitates some effectiveness, but not enough to serve as a catalyst for increasing muscle satellites or RBCs (aka muscle growth).


    So bridging is an effective way to *maintain* mass and function while giving the body a break from dosages needed to grow…

    BTW – why is my avy stretched like that?

    It makes me look skinny.

  8. #8
    magic32's Avatar
    magic32 is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    That's correct.

    Low doses also serve well for therapies as you pointed out, and for maintaining sexual function while running higher amounts of other base compounds.

    And it's not the avie, you are skinny!
    Kidding...good pics and I like the dynamic feature.


  9. #9
    james001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    And it's not the avie, you are skinny!
    That’s why I’m so worried about staying on test…

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Tolerance is the way the body adapts itself in order to cope with the regular presence of test/compounds, Once a tolerance has developed it takes bigger doses to achieve the same effect,

    How does the body adapt to the presence of more test than the body needs or makes? it shuts its own production of the natural occurring hormone down and a tolerance to the extra test is built up, this happens in all forms of drugs you may use in the body,

    James001, your on the verge of being in the vicious circle if your not careful, if you want to maintain the muscle mass with food and all the other ways and means, GH is a wonderful chemical for doing this and the list goes on and on but you must try and maintain drug free as long as possible otherwise your going to be in the circle what i mention in my first post.

  11. #11
    james001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    James001, your on the verge of being in the vicious circle if your not careful, if you want to maintain the muscle mass with food and all the other ways and means, GH is a wonderful chemical for doing this and the list goes on and on but you must try and maintain drug free as long as possible otherwise your going to be in the circle what i mention in my first post.
    I actually believe the results achieved on steroids result in a *drug dependant* look… that can only be maintained with the continued use of steroids.

    Plus I’m kind of old… the thought of HRT doesn’t bother me all that much.

    That said.. I am far from the vicious circle you speak of.

    I just started my first serious cycle Sunday… lol (I’ve only dabbled before this)

    Test E and Deca.. but I plan to make it a long cycle and I will take it from there.

    Btw.. I know quit a few people who have continuously used gear for quite a few years… they hardly find it vicious… some even think the continued use improves the quality of their life.

    I would love to try GH too.

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by james001
    I actually believe the results achieved on steroids result in a *drug dependant* look… that can only be maintained with the continued use of steroids.

    Plus I’m kind of old… the thought of HRT doesn’t bother me all that much.

    That said.. I am far from the vicious circle you speak of.

    I just started my first serious cycle Sunday… lol (I’ve only dabbled before this)

    Test E and Deca.. but I plan to make it a long cycle and I will take it from there.

    Btw.. I know quit a few people who have continuously used gear for quite a few years… they hardly find it vicious… some even think the continued use improves the quality of their life.

    I would love to try GH too.
    You believe the gains and results you have achieved from your FIRST cylce can only be maintained by the continued use of steriods , come on your having a laugh arent you? what gains did you make?

    Trust me the post i did earlier on test and tolerance is true and i am feeling 100% sure your going to be in the vicious circle, best of luck just do proper pct and make sure you have enough time off and do try to maintain without taking any AAS it will benefit you in the long run,

    good luck

  13. #13
    james001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    You believe the gains and results you have achieved from your FIRST cylce can only be maintained by the continued use of steriods , come on your having a laugh arent you? what gains did you make?

    Trust me the post i did earlier on test and tolerance is true and i am feeling 100% sure your going to be in the vicious circle, best of luck just do proper pct and make sure you have enough time off and do try to maintain without taking any AAS it will benefit you in the long run,

    good luck
    Yes I believe the gains made from steroids do not last without the drugs… It may take a while… but they fade.. especially if you're at your bodies natural weight limit.

    I have used steroids before and the improvements I made diminished over time once I stopped… Im talking about vascularity and hardness with full mass

    I have continued to add weight for the last 5 years or so… I’m sure I’m close to my natural max… I think you can keep the weight gained from shorter cycles until you reach your bodies limit but not the *look*

    If you can if you have great genetics.

    Why do you keep going on about the vicious circle?

    Its not a circle if you stay on indefinitely… as in low dose test bridge…. Its basically HRT with turbo charged periods.

    Thanks for the luck...
    Last edited by james001; 09-14-2006 at 01:59 PM.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by james001
    Yes I believe the gains made from steroids do not last without the drugs… It may take a while… but they fade.. especially if your at your bodies natural weight limit.

    I have used steroids before and the improvements I made diminished over time once I stopped… Im talking about vascularity and hardness with full mass

    I have continued to add weight for the last 5 years or so… I’m sure I’m close to my natural max… I think you can keep the weight gained from shorter cycles until you reach your bodies limit but not the *look*

    If you can if you have great genetics.

    Why do you keep going on about the vicious circle?

    Its not a circle if you stay on indefinitely… as in low dose test bridge…. Its basically HRT with turbo charged periods.

    Thanks for the luck...
    You seem to have all the answer already, your amazing!

    best of luck

  15. #15
    james001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    You seem to have all the answer already, your amazing!
    No need to ruffle your feathers over a steroid discussion.


  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by james001
    No need to ruffle your feathers over a steroid discussion.

    With a discussion you listen to both parts and even for me i would always listen to someone who as the experience of working and taking steriods for many years and not someone who as cycled once,

    Am not ruffled my friend you just seen to have all the answer with only 1 cycle under your belt, so no need for discussion, i wasnt being sarky or anything i do wish you well with what direction you are going to choose,

  17. #17
    james001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    With a discussion you listen to both parts and even for me i would always listen to someone who as the experience of working and taking steriods for many years and not someone who as cycled once,
    Oh I listened to your part.. I just didn’t like it… lol.

    I always listen if I think its worth it.

    Sorry If I confused you… when I said dabbled it was a little more than a single cycle.

    I just haven’t done a longer injectable cycle.

    I have tried several orals.. test prop, tren, sust… stuff like that for short periods.

    Standard serm PCT

    Just in the last five years very little – just some of the designer stuff like SD etc…

    But now its time for a serious meet and potatoes cycle.
    Last edited by james001; 09-14-2006 at 02:28 PM.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by james001
    Oh I listened to your part.. I just didn’t like it… lol.

    I always listen if I think its worth it.

    Sorry If I confused you… when I said dabbled it was a little more than a single cycle.

    I just haven’t done a longer injectable cycle.

    I have tried several orals.. test prop, tren, sust… stuff like that for short periods.

    Standard serm PCT

    Just in the last five years very little – just some of the designer stuff like SD etc…

    But now its time for a serious meet and potatoes cycle.

  19. #19
    onefm's Avatar
    onefm is offline Associate Member
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    Good readin..

    So for my current cycle I should up my dose a bit from Sust 500mgs/wk to how much? Im 29, 5th cycle, 190 lbs. I usually take about 2 months off. After Im done with this one I think Ill take a bit longer off.

  20. #20
    onefm's Avatar
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    Anyone think tolerance might have something to do with using the same injection site?

  21. #21
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    test tolerance??

    Quote Originally Posted by james001
    Oh I listened to your part.. I just didn’t like it… lol.
    well thats the the thing about using boards you wont hear what you want always bro!!!!!
    I always listen if I think its worth it.

    Sorry If I confused you… when I said dabbled it was a little more than a single cycle.
    Dabbled????? what does that mean you either did them or you didnt!!!
    I just haven’t done a longer injectable cycle.

    I have tried several orals.. test prop, tren, sust… stuff like that for short periods.
    Really???WOW...I think you're the only guy I know that can get REal ORAL SUS,PROP and TREN
    Standard serm PCT

    Just in the last five years very little – just some of the designer stuff like SD etc…
    SD???? mean superdrol???..thats not an AAS!!!
    But now its time for a serious meet and potatoes cycle.
    Lets hear your meat and potatoes cycle???..Please...

  22. #22
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Quote Originally Posted by james001
    [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3]Oh I listened to your part.. I just didn’t like it… lol.

    What is your reason for "Not likeing it" ?

  23. #23
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    James, even when lowering the dose to a HRT amount, what do you think will happen when you stay on for long persiods of time over and over again then stop? You are increasing your chances of permanent damage the longer and more frequnetly you stay on. Thats fine if you dont mind having to inject test for the rest fo your life or are willling to spend the amount of money required to do so.

    You can and will gain a "tolerancy" to any compound. If you didnt, why would peopl euse other compounds or larger doses? Because they cant get the same results from the same thing over and over.

    How long are you talking about when you say gains diminish over time? If you are losign your gains rapidly post cycle, you are just doing something wrong IMO.

  24. #24
    james001's Avatar
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    Oh I listened to your part.. I just didn’t like it… lol.
    well thats the the thing about using boards you wont hear what you want always bro!!!!!
    I always listen if I think its worth it.

    Sorry If I confused you… when I said dabbled it was a little more than a single cycle.
    Dabbled????? what does that mean you either did them or you didnt!!!
    I just haven’t done a longer injectable cycle.

    I have tried several orals.. test prop, tren, sust… stuff like that for short periods.<I>
    Really???WOW...I think you're the only guy I know that can get REal ORAL SUS,PROP and TREN
    Standard serm pct

    Just in the last five years very little – just some of the designer stuff like SD etc…
    SD???? mean superdrol???..thats not an AAS!!!
    But now its time for a serious meet and potatoes cycle.
    Lets hear your meat and potatoes cycle???..Please...

    Geez.. tough crowd.

    I said that jokingly (not liking what I read)

    By dabbled, I mean short or sporadic use with not much consideration for diet, sleep patterns.. etc.

    Yes I did use them as you can read.

    Oral sust and prop?

    Now you’re being silly… I should have typed - I have used orals (dbol, SD, PP to be exact) and injectable steroids such as…blah blah

    I’ll be sure to make it crystal clear for the slower guys in the future.

    Believe it or not I was aware superdrol is a steroid. (shitty imo)

    Now, for me, I consider a meat and potatoes cycle to be – Test E and deca.

    I actually looked up meat and potatoes in the dictionary… after I saw there was a pic of test and deca.. I thought – that’s for me!!

    It’s a longer cycle.. nothing fancy.
    Last edited by james001; 09-18-2006 at 01:34 PM.

  25. #25
    james001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    What is your reason for "Not likeing it" ?
    Again… that was in jest.

    I value input from knowledgeable people.

  26. #26
    james001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
    James, even when lowering the dose to a HRT amount, what do you think will happen when you stay on for long persiods of time over and over again then stop? You are increasing your chances of permanent damage the longer and more frequnetly you stay on. Thats fine if you dont mind having to inject test for the rest fo your life or are willling to spend the amount of money required to do so.

    You can and will gain a "tolerancy" to any compound. If you didnt, why would peopl euse other compounds or larger doses? Because they cant get the same results from the same thing over and over.

    How long are you talking about when you say gains diminish over time? If you are losign your gains rapidly post cycle, you are just doing something wrong IMO.
    Why stop?

    I wouldn’t mind HRT for life.

    From what I’ve seen.. guys look and feel better on HRT than off.

    I don’t think a low dose of test would be that unhealthy.

    As far as a tolerance goes… I think the test would help maintain the physique built.

    I wouldn’t be trying to add a lot of mass at that point.

    About loosing gains – take a guy that juiced to achieve above baseline mass… take him off juice and look at him within three years and he will be back to his bodies natural limit give or take.

    Plus the cosmetic effects diminish… the vascular, hard look is hard for a lot of guys to maintain naturally without loosing mass (myself included)

    If that’s not the case with you.. you’re lucky.

    Anyway these are just thoughts I have.. for all I know I could enter into HRT and wind up with cancer.

    Time will tell I guess.

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