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  1. #1
    TommyTrainR's Avatar
    TommyTrainR is offline Associate Member
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    Speech on steroids

    I have to give a problem speech in my speaking class and I know I want to do something on steroids . What do you think I should do? I don't want to go the typical route and say "steroids are bad" because I obviously don't, but I'm thinkin about doing something more along the lines of the false image the media gives regarding steroids. open for suggestions thanks

  2. #2
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    give your honest and best argument on the side that you belive in.

  3. #3
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    i hope you know if you're at all muscular and talk good about roids you WILL be labeled.

  4. #4
    slob is offline Member
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    watch these videos and take some of the info from them. I'd quote them as well

  5. #5
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hmm.. steroids are a touchy subject...

    maybe do a study on BLOAT OF THE FACE n SPEECH HAHA i dunnno..

    but i think my speech only really worsens when i start to bloat.
    I dont know the facts, but older woman bloat when on menopause? i dunno, maybe they got speech problesm too etc..
    NOT EVEN SURE IF WHAT I WROTE UP THERE IS VALID, so look into it, if it sounds interesting.

  6. #6
    crash187ct's Avatar
    crash187ct is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    i hope you know if you're at all muscular and talk good about roids you WILL be labeled.
    very true....100%.

  7. #7
    TommyTrainR's Avatar
    TommyTrainR is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    i hope you know if you're at all muscular and talk good about roids you WILL be labeled.

    Oh yeah I know that. I don't mind being labeled at all seeing as I've never done a cycle...yet haha. But in all honesty, I feel strongly about the subject and i've done research regarding the matter and I hate how everyone always says "steroids are bad" and can't back it up. So I think I'm going to propose the problem of regulating the use of steroids and talk about how stricter rules need to be enforced for individuals who cannot properly use them and talk about the positives of steroids when used properly.

  8. #8
    TommyTrainR's Avatar
    TommyTrainR is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by slob
    watch these videos and take some of the info from them. I'd quote them as well
    Thanks a lot. Those are good vids that I'll definitely use as part of my evidence in my speech.

  9. #9
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTrainR
    and I hate how everyone always says "steroids are bad" and can't back it up..
    I did one of those back in eng 101.

    Now I'm so far in the darkside I can't see back lol

  10. #10
    layinglow is offline Junior Member
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    I'd be careful what you say. most people are very closed minded when it comes to steroids .

  11. #11
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    sweet videos. i think i have to give a speech in a month. guess what its gonna be on

  12. #12
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    bad idea. I wouldnt defend them in any way, shape, or form. You will be labeled right away, it may effect your grade, and why lead people on to close on their presumptions anyways?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    IM with stayinstacked. I think you should do a diffrent subject. Just think every mcdonlds eating couch patato that has never touched a weight no's that steroids are bad. good luck trying to make people understand when the average joe dont no what carbs or cardio is. dont get me wrong I could go on all day how great Anaboic's are, Its just people think that they are just as bad as street drugs. Goddamit! I geting mad just thinking about how closed minded most people are. If only all people could understand that to much of anything is bad!! I Think it would be great if you posted your speech. I cant talk about this any more, 1----2----3----4---5----6---7---8----------9----10. wow this is a pet pev of my.Dam IM mad,I WISH YOU THE BEST OF LUCK!!

  14. #14
    TommyTrainR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    bad idea. I wouldnt defend them in any way, shape, or form. You will be labeled right away, it may effect your grade, and why lead people on to close on their presumptions anyways?
    Good point. I want to definitely do something on steroids because it's what I actually enjoy researching. I just have to make sure I don't come across as completely defending them. Anyhow, it's just a problem speech so I just have to state the problems. I think I'm going to play devils advocate and say that steroids ARE in fact a problem because the majority of people who use them don't know jack shit. This way, I'm technically not coming out and saying I'm all for the use of steroids, but stating the problem is the people who misuse them.

  15. #15
    frank12391's Avatar
    frank12391 is offline Member
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    Put your arguments for and against with a range of uses for theraputic and illicit. Is it really illicit use when it comes to b b ing. Ass use in BB misrepresented? Let the Audience decide. Open thier minds to arguments. Some thoughts for you. Hope it helps...
    Last edited by frank12391; 09-16-2006 at 07:52 PM.

  16. #16
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    lie your ass off...

    you cant defend steroids to idiots period...

    Idiot does not mean they are bad, I guess I should use the word IGNORANT...

    ask 100 guys that dont work out about steroids and the side effects and here are your answers...

    Didnt steroids kill lyle alzedo?

    they make your dick shrink?

    I knew a guy that overdosed on them, really I did...

    they give you Zits...

    They give you boobs...

    They give you roid rage ...

    they dont want to hear that every pro bodybuilder uses them, that most pro wrestlers use them... that some pro baseball and football atheletes still at least use them in the off season if they can get away with it...

    pick a different subject, or just totally lie... tell them about all the false things they are supposed to do to your body...

  17. #17
    POSH's Avatar
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    Pick a different subject. I did a speech on LSD in high year later I was expelled. Using steroids is not something to talk about.....sort of don't ask dont tell. I see plenty of guys who I work with who I know are juicing, but there is a mutual respect not to talk about it.

    I know that is off topic, but it is just safer not to say anything. Unless you were serious about NOT using them....couldn't tell if that was a joke or not. I wouldn't give that speech unless I was 5'9 and 150lb.
    You WILL be labeled.

    Good luck regardless of what you decide.

  18. #18
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Bring me alone and i will guess pose for you, wont have to say much then lol

  19. #19
    layinglow is offline Junior Member
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    The fact of the matter is people don't like steroid use , but they like the results. what most people don't know is there 's actually an all natural bodybuilding association, that strictly tests. But know ones ever heard of them. thats because people want to see superman, someone greater then they'll ever be, a hero. so the immortalize Ronnie Coleman, or Jay Cutler who haven't taken a drug test their whole lives. But they'll still frown upon the average guy in the gym doing juice.

  20. #20
    bishop23 is offline New Member
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    Presentation on Steroids

    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTrainR
    I have to give a problem speech in my speaking class and I know I want to do something on steroids. What do you think I should do? I don't want to go the typical route and say "steroids are bad" because I obviously don't, but I'm thinkin about doing something more along the lines of the false image the media gives regarding steroids. open for suggestions thanks
    I would get on the podium and say "Every man lives...but not every man takes Equipose stacked with Cypionate " (pain half of your face blue for this one).


    "4 Cycles and 7 Months Ago...I had Gyno" or...

    "They May Take Our Lives...but they may NEVER SEIZE ...OUR INTERNATIONAL PACKAGES FROM CHINA!"

    What do you think?


  21. #21
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bishop23
    I would get on the podium and say "Every man lives...but not every man takes Equipose stacked with Cypionate " (pain half of your face blue for this one).


    "4 Cycles and 7 Months Ago...I had Gyno" or...

    "They May Take Our Lives...but they may NEVER SEIZE ...OUR INTERNATIONAL PACKAGES FROM CHINA!"

    What do you think?

    Thanks for the laugh this morning.

  22. #22
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Seriously, what about doing one on the "dangers of steroids " or "why steroids are bad" and be honest?

    In other words, do a seemingly negative piece (like youre against it), but present the evidence in a way that people will QUESTION the staus quo. That way, you aren't a steroid sympathiser but you might help a few people think for themselves.

  23. #23
    Ufa's Avatar
    Ufa is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stayinstacked
    bad idea. I wouldnt defend them in any way, shape, or form. You will be labeled right away, it may effect your grade, and why lead people on to close on their presumptions anyways?
    Big mistake to talk about aas.

  24. #24
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    You may want to run your ideas across your teacher. I have had assignments for school where I decided to go the unconventional route and talk about something I was truly interested in and most times they get horribly misunderstood.

    In all reality, your teacher is probably just looking to make sure you stand up straight, make eye contact, don't fidget or shift your weight too much. Also, a very important part of public speaking is knowing your audience and as it has been said before, most people are not willing to listen to the facts.

    If I were you, I would continue to research anabolics because it's something that you truly enjoy, but make things easier on yourself and write about the facts of global warming or something that people will readily accept. Get your good grade, finish school, and move on to bigger and better things... just my thoughts.

    Best of Luck,
    Last edited by Tank75; 09-17-2006 at 09:59 AM.

  25. #25
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with Tank. I've been in many college courses where we discuss legalization of certain drugs. I've been tempted to bring it up, but never did because I would definately be labeled, and possibly miss out on a peice of ass I was hunting. But anyways these crackheads sit there and talk about legalizing marijuana, etc etc but no one ever thought of mentioning roids, which do have medical uses.

  26. #26
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    IN your walls
    remmber to post your speech bro! cant talk about this any more gets me mad.

  27. #27
    TommyTrainR's Avatar
    TommyTrainR is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah..I'm a little torn on what I should do. This speech is a "Problem" speech..we'll have speeches that will follow this one such as a "Policy" speech where we need to talk about a policy that can be implemented to help our problem, so depending on what exactly my problem is, i need to talk about a policy that can be implemented to solve the problem. I really want to do it on steroids because I thoroughly enjoy everything about it. I'm open to suggestions on other speech topics.

  28. #28
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    There are several articles on the main page of this site ("Side effects of Steroids " "Steroids Abuse" etc....) which should help provide you with a starting point for your speech.

  29. #29
    fLgAtOr is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TommyTrainR
    Yeah..I'm a little torn on what I should do. This speech is a "Problem" speech..we'll have speeches that will follow this one such as a "Policy" speech where we need to talk about a policy that can be implemented to help our problem, so depending on what exactly my problem is, i need to talk about a policy that can be implemented to solve the problem. I really want to do it on steroids because I thoroughly enjoy everything about it. I'm open to suggestions on other speech topics.
    I think you might have more leeway with the "problem" speech. If you try to to do it on the "policy" speech, then unless you support harsher penalties, you will HAVE to talk positively about juice.

    I think the steroid "problem" gives you a great chance to discuss ALL the problems...Health, laws, public perception, studies, etc. You can spin this however you want, as you're in control of the speech.

    Part of the recs for a speech class (IMO) is being able to talk about a controversial subject without pissing everyone off and failing your class.

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