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  1. #1
    PTFreak69's Avatar
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    Cycle advice for Endurance/Strength

    Whats up boys, I'm a new cat here looking for a little advice from the experienced guys. I am preparing for a particular hardcore military course and have only used for bodybuilding in the past. What would you recommend for someone looking for pure strength and endurance gains in PT, running, swimming, O course, etc. Strength will be of importance for other games played at this course as well. I've been training for 15 years, but only have experience in bulking cycles. I'm thinking EQ or Test Ethanate. I'm a little afraid of EPO. What compounds should I use? Doses? Length of cycle? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Grappler13's Avatar
    Grappler13 is offline Productive Member
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    Way out there

    Here's One.

    EQ @ 600mg/wk for ten weeks
    TEST E @ 400mg/wk for ten weeks
    Proper PCT to follow

    I'd bet this would work for you.
    Last edited by Grappler13; 09-15-2006 at 09:09 AM. Reason: spelling

  3. #3
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    that sounds pure awful grappler.... eq shouldnt be ran less then 14 wks... EQ in my opinion is a waist all together.. but i guess that your opinion as well... Dont do the EQ... you wont see anything from it barley in that short of time.... I would say go with test as a foundation, at 500mg a wk ( 2 does) and go with Halo for massive strength.... I think its the best out regaurdless to strength... and i assume it would help with endurance considering its a strongman competitor drug

  4. #4
    one8nine's Avatar
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    i am a wrestler and i have been looking around for good things for this reason

    currently im using 100mg prop, 100mg masteron , 100mg npp, 50mg drol ED

    ive been having great results, no bloating only pure strength and endurance and explosiveness. i have gained about 8-6 solid pounds and cut fat a little on this cycle but my strength has been going through the roof at a rate i have never seen before im very impressed

    just so you see my thinking for this cycle, im using prop because its short estered test, masteron as anti e and because its dht which is good for strength, npp for strength and also to help my joints, an ddrol for the red blood cells and strength increase

    im not saying you need to use this cycle exactly with the same exact doses but im just trying to give you an idea of compounds, also i am interested in anavar and tbol

    people will tell you to use eq for endurance but if you are worried about testing, dont. i have had great endurance with the cycle and drol will up your red blood cell production just fine without having to deal with a long ass ester like that, and have much better of a strength effect than eq im sure.

    also you will probably hear halo too. i liked it but not as much as i like drol. my stength and endurance are up slightly more than halo, and the anger/irritability i got on 40mg of halo ALONE was much much worse than my mix of 350mg of hormone im using now every day
    Last edited by one8nine; 09-15-2006 at 11:05 AM.

  5. #5
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    that sounds pure awful grappler.... eq shouldnt be ran less then 14 wks... EQ in my opinion is a waist all together.. but i guess that your opinion as well... Dont do the EQ... you wont see anything from it barley in that short of time.... I would say go with test as a foundation, at 500mg a wk ( 2 does) and go with Halo for massive strength.... I think its the best out regaurdless to strength... and i assume it would help with endurance considering its a strongman competitor drug
    why dont you tell us why eq shouldnt be RUN less than 14 weeks? youre saying NOTHING will happen in 10 weeks?

  6. #6
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    Not saying nothing will happen, cuase results will vary, but your gains wil lbe VERY minimal compared to if you ran it like you should... From many peoples cycle results, as well as research "MANY" report EQ not even kicking in until th 6 or 7 week ? so you use your own judgement..... would you want to take something that doenst fully kick in until that late and run it only for 10 wks ? come on.... Im sure many will agree that would be a waist for EQ... ( I think EQ is a weak compound as it is ... ) IMO

  7. #7
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    I ran eq @ 600mg/week for 10 weeks. absoultly nothing gained from it. nothing. I can do it for almost nothing and I wouldn't touch it.

  8. #8
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by STEROIDZZ
    Not saying nothing will happen, cuase results will vary, but your gains wil lbe VERY minimal compared to if you ran it like you should... From many peoples cycle results, as well as research "MANY" report EQ not even kicking in until th 6 or 7 week ? so you use your own judgement..... would you want to take something that doenst fully kick in until that late and run it only for 10 wks ? come on.... Im sure many will agree that would be a waist for EQ... ( I think EQ is a weak compound as it is ... ) IMO
    there is a slow buildup in your blood and it reaches its peak around 6 weeks. so you could gain a little more every week until week 6 and then be gaining at peek for a month. thats not a waste to me. bu you are saying 14 weeks would be 2 months of peak level gains? 1 month of peak is a waste but 2 months of peak makes it worth it?

    but either way 10 weeks 20 weeks 40 weeks to me i wouldnt do it. there are much better options for much less money that you gain a lot sooner and a lot more.

  9. #9
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    Mkrulic im glad your also backing me up ... 14 wks is the set point if your going to run EQ shorter then that your not maximizing your gains.... but its your choice one8nine on how long you prefer to run EQ .... you know your body best if 10wks works for you so be it .... But i would simply do as i stated, test eth, and halo.. great strength gains.... as well as endurance.... but i would suggest keeping your cardio for your endurance thats the key

  10. #10
    PTFreak69's Avatar
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    Thank you

    I Appreciate all of your advice, I realize this is an odd cycle to ask advice on. I am leaning toward Test Ethanate. I tried Deca and winstrol which made me stronger, but caused muscle tightness and bloating. I can't deal with that. Would it be a waste of time to run a test only cycle? I'm not looking to gain, only to be strong, fast and speed recovery. I really appreciate all of your help.

  11. #11
    D-Money's Avatar
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    No I think test would be fine by itself. As a matter of fact, If your gonna be doing all these other activities I would run 500mg of test e a week, 250mg twice a week, and call it a day.

  12. #12
    PTFreak69's Avatar
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    Right on, that's easy enough. I was a little afraid of bulking up too much by stacking. I know everyone here is like WTF? Sorry guys I'll get back to being thick after I get threw my fun little course. Thank's again for your advice.

  13. #13
    Smiley619's Avatar
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    im currently training for pararescue and if oyu know anything about pj's you know its really physically demanding. im about to run prop/npp/halo and possibly masteron . hope it will take me to that next level of athletic endurance and strength.what are you training for and what branch????

  14. #14
    PTFreak69's Avatar
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    Navy Seals

  15. #15
    PTFreak69's Avatar
    PTFreak69 is offline New Member
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    That's a lot of compounds man, I would take it easy. Remember you will be doing alot of breath holding etc in all the pool games. If your resting HR is 120that jack you up in the water. Good luck though, This is round 2 for me in BUDS. Just remember it's not the physical BS that is going to get you, it's all the other garbage.

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