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Thread: Zits and Gear

  1. #1
    bishop23 is offline New Member
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    Zits and Gear

    They go together like PB and J. How much does tanning help and how bad is Accutane?

    Any advice. I have pimple constilations on my triceps and back AND I have never really acne before. It sucks badly!

    Is Accutane hard to obtain from a family physician?

  2. #2
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Is this caused from a cycle??

    Or do you just natrualy have bad acne that you are trying to get rid of??

  3. #3
    bishop23 is offline New Member
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    In my post I wrote I have never had zits. I really only got from the gear I am taking. I don't like it obviously but I heard Accutane has some sides. What is the skinny on this and will tanning help that much?

    I play professional baseball and I really don't want to go tanning.

  4. #4
    Bear-StrengthWithin's Avatar
    Bear-StrengthWithin is offline Junior Member
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    i always get zits off cycle as soon as i get on again i get clear skin.

  5. #5
    bishop23 is offline New Member
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    Hey Bear, my topic is that I DON'T WANT ZITS. What is advice to avoid them? My face never gets them, but my back and arms do. You are just saying you get them...wouldn't it be nice to not have them? Muscles are great, strength is fantastic, but zits are ****ing grotesque. I have two (2) (or if you guys have other advice please let me know):

    1. How much will tanning help? I really don't want to tan for obvious reasons.

    2. Accutane: I am doing research on it, but what is your feelings about this drug?

    Thanks guys.

  6. #6
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bishop23
    Hey Bear, my topic is that I DON'T WANT ZITS. What is advice to avoid them? My face never gets them, but my back and arms do. You are just saying you get them...wouldn't it be nice to not have them? Muscles are great, strength is fantastic, but zits are ****ing grotesque. I have two (2) (or if you guys have other advice please let me know):

    1. How much will tanning help? I really don't want to tan for obvious reasons.

    2. Accutane: I am doing research on it, but what is your feelings about this drug?

    Thanks guys.
    use strong kitchen cleaner, CIF oxy-wipes saves my face.

  7. #7
    LatinoPR's Avatar
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    You don't need accutane,you can try other options like topical clindamycin,Differin gel,BenziQ wash(benzoyl peroxide 5.25%).
    If you go to your Dr he can recomend others alternative than accutane.Shower 2 tims a day with a good sport soap,dont over wash,just a good are going to be fine...!

    LPR ...dermatology.

  8. #8
    bishop23 is offline New Member
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    Robbie - thank you

    Thanks Robbie - that is very helpful. I really appreciate your advice. We don't have a dermatologist where I work (I play ball) but if I tell a general dermatologist that I am taking something that could increase my test bioavailabilty, that is confidential correct? I am just afraid they will tell me to get off the "supplements."

    Thanks, Bish

  9. #9
    Erwin's Avatar
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    Maybe Latino can answer this one but if the source of the acne is caused by a bacteria issue or something "IN" your body then a topical wash really won't do much for it will it? I have been talking doxycycline at 200mg ED for one week and that seems to be helping out a little. It is cystic on my shoulders and I assume it is from the clomid and being off cycle for 6 weeks now. I used panoxyl brand bar soap and all it did was dry the hell out of my face. Switched back to Lava bar soap for my face and shoulders. I have used Dawn antibacterial but it doesn't help me much. Might be because I have sensitive skin though. I will be trying tersaseptic though if things don't get better with the doxy here in a few weeks.-Erwin

  10. #10
    RobbieG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erwin
    Maybe Latino can answer this one but if the source of the acne is caused by a bacteria issue or something "IN" your body then a topical wash really won't do much for it will it? I have been talking doxycycline at 200mg ED for one week and that seems to be helping out a little. It is cystic on my shoulders and I assume it is from the clomid and being off cycle for 6 weeks now. I used panoxyl brand bar soap and all it did was dry the hell out of my face. Switched back to Lava bar soap for my face and shoulders. I have used Dawn antibacterial but it doesn't help me much. Might be because I have sensitive skin though. I will be trying tersaseptic though if things don't get better with the doxy here in a few weeks.-Erwin
    if you dry the hell out of your skin, the zits will dry out, as the body try's to use the fat in the zit to make the skin more oily.

    when the skin is to oily, the bacteri wonīt come out and stays in, the body canīt get rid of the bacteria.

    so wash the oily skin and the bacteria can come out.

  11. #11
    Erwin's Avatar
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    Three showers a day and tanning and doxcy and I still have it and my skin is very dry. Everyone is different. Hopefully he will find something that works.

  12. #12
    LatinoPR's Avatar
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    Doxicycline is a good antibiotic,....this can be cause for bacterias or yeast,a biopsy is the best way to know,.
    Yes many of this durgs dry your skin like accutane,any moist... lotion is good idea to use.

    LPR ...dermatology.

  13. #13
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    I am not acne prone... but I get some whoppers occasionally on juice... upper arms and shoulders...

    Tanning helps alot... what are the obvious reasons you dont want to tan???

    antibacterial dish soap helps... I dont completely rinse it off, but I dont leave on very much...

    stridex pads ( salysitic acid ) will help also

    then before bed put on some benzyl peroxide and that should dry out whats left...

    unless you are just pizza faced or have crazy bacne I wouldnt try accutane until I exausted the other remedies I suggested...

    also there is a shampoo that I have used from walgreens that is awesome for zits... do a search here for acne shampoo... I cant remember the name as I just trashed my last empty bottle...

  14. #14
    LatinoPR's Avatar
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    Sure,i can give you a good reason not to cancer,i see every day.Now you looks "good" but latter in few years a lot of wrincles looking like leather and a ton of AK's,bcc,scc.Bowen's....

    LPR ...dermatology.

  15. #15
    bishop23 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danbrooks2k
    I am not acne prone... but I get some whoppers occasionally on juice... upper arms and shoulders...

    Tanning helps alot... what are the obvious reasons you dont want to tan???

    antibacterial dish soap helps... I dont completely rinse it off, but I dont leave on very much...

    stridex pads ( salysitic acid ) will help also

    then before bed put on some benzyl peroxide and that should dry out whats left...

    unless you are just pizza faced or have crazy bacne I wouldnt try accutane until I exausted the other remedies I suggested...

    also there is a shampoo that I have used from walgreens that is awesome for zits... do a search here for acne shampoo... I cant remember the name as I just trashed my last empty bottle...
    I play baseball for a living and honestly, if you talk to anyone that get BOONED (after the Boone brothers for their tanning and hair-dying habits - punched in your pulling arm (batters) or catching arm (For pitchers) as to not mess up your game until you can't move it - if anyone plays ball here and know a few here who do who told me about the site, you know).

    Basically, I don't want to look orange or like some dude that tans, my complexion is a little darker already, it is the worst thing for your skin, etc. But, if I go for a few minutes every month without really getting color or maybe a little, can that help dry you out enough.

    Also, I don't have any NOR did I even in high school any zits (maybe every six months I had one or two back then) but now I have like 10 - 20 little red ones on the back of my arms and my back. I hate them.

    My skin is already a little dry so I don't want anything to make it more dry. Let me understand, is it the topical bacteria / dirt that combined with the gear that is causing this...or something internally (increase of hormones I guess now that I think about it) causing this...or BOTH? Sorry for the stupid questions, but I hate these ****ers.

  16. #16
    frank12391's Avatar
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    Firstly, Soap is the skins worst enemy. Soap disrupts the PH of your skin, it's a harsh alkhaline. Avoid it. Sorboline cream as great alternative. Wet your skin then rub sorboline all over into a lather and rinse. Be sure to rinse it well. As a nurse, I'v seen every skin condition under the sun as well as the elderly who have had these problems all thier lives. We only use Sorboline on our patients. Skin integerity is one of the most important areas of nursing with ambulant patients getting pressure sores, (bed sores) skin tears, rashes e.t.c. Sorboline

  17. #17
    stuball's Avatar
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    Lizarol shampoo, dawn dish detergant, i also wipe my sholders down with alcohol...

  18. #18
    DarKOmeN's Avatar
    DarKOmeN is offline Member
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    personally tanning aint a cure all it does is dry them up a little or hide them wen skin darkens aacutane should only really be used in seveer cases try sum creams if they dont work try sum antibiotics then as last resort accutane but id reccomend on telling ur doctor

  19. #19
    usualsuspect's Avatar
    usualsuspect is offline Anabolic Member
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    Check out Anabolic Armor .com first. They make a cream to prevent aas breakouts. Between the face cream and avoiding certain foods, acne really should not be an issue for you.

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