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  1. #1
    isaacSH is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006

    help urgent abscess big lump

    Hello I need your advice I dont know what to do.

    I was on a cycle and I didnt know that I had to swith injection sites I injected myself always in the same spot in the same but chick and everything was fine until a month a go.

    I injected myself twice a week. Suddenly It got very painful and I got a big lump in my ass. I was swolen and it hurts a lot when I sit down and I cant walk correclty and that is giving me knee problems.

    I dont know if I have an abscess or what.

    So I went to a doctor he put me laser therapy and electroshocks and sometimes gets better and sometimes get bigger again.

    I dont know if its an abscess or if I have to stop training, obviously im stoped training legs I can only train back, chest, bicep, tricep and shoulders.

    Can someoen recomend me what to do or if I have to take medicine, how long will it be like that.

    Right now the muscle in the but chick is solid rock, its very hard.

    Please give me some advice I really dont want to get surgery.

  2. #2
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro,Welcome to AR...You say youve been to the doc already and he did what???...Is it red?...Hot to the touch???...dicolored?? need to be more specific!!..What did the doc say laser and electroshocks were for???

  3. #3
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    sounds bad man... electroshocks and lazer wont fix a abscess as far as I know...

    if you have any anibiotics I would take some now... and really go to the emergency room and tell them what you think it is...

    I had a friend get one from badly home brewed tren , I drove to the nearest feed store and got some redijects of penicillin ( meant for cattle and horses ) he took a shot, soaked in a hot bath and took another shot ed for just under a week and it went away,,,

    but a doctor is a good idea...

  4. #4
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    I agree with Bigmax dude we need more details....

    What did you tell the doc when you went in did you tell him the whole story???

    Why did he say he was putting you on the laser therapy and electroshock therapy ??

    What did he diagnose the problem as beign that needed these treatments???

    Give us some more details and we will try to help you out......

    Oh and BTW Welcome to AR.........

  5. #5
    isaacSH is offline New Member
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    its not red, its not warm, the muscle its very stiff its very hard. If I train after some hours it will get a bit biger. I went to the doc and he gave some antibiotics but its not getting away he also treated me with electroshocks and laser after the therapy it gets smaller and it doesnt hurt that much but after some hours the pain comes again.

  6. #6
    DIESELPWR's Avatar
    DIESELPWR is offline Member
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    sounds like it could be an abscess... do u have a fever at all? what kind of antibiotic are you on? you should get levaquin.. and it will most likely make it more swollen and try to push the infection out and then you will still have to have it lanced and drained.. that is if it is an abscess.. its not real surgury.. whole process takes maybe half hour and u can leave right after that

  7. #7
    isaacSH is offline New Member
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    I dont know if I have a fever there are time during the day that I start to sweat. Is it bad if I train upper body parts?

    Why suddenly it got real stiff and hard?

    Is there any way I could go out of it with only antibiotics?

    How long should it take to go away ?

    If I have to be lanced and drained how long do I have to stop working out ?

  8. #8
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Go See A Real Doctor, Go To The E.r . They See ThingS Like This Every Day. Just Be Safe Rather Than Sorry.

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