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  1. #1
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
    SlightlySt00pid is offline Associate Member
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    suggestions on 3rd cycle...

    Okay, I'm starting my third cycle in January and I'm looking to bulk up for the winter. My first two cycles were 500mg/wk Test E for 12 weeks and 30mg Dbol e/d for 4 weeks followed with clomid for PCT. For my next cycle I was thinking about sticking with the test and dbol and throwing some var in at the end, but the prices are a little steep (seems like everyone is drying up). Anyone have any suggestions for a good 3rd cycle bulker? other than var I can pretty much get anything else I need...

  2. #2
    tonytone's Avatar
    tonytone is offline Anabolic Member
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    test and deca baby!!! dont forget the dbol

  3. #3
    tonytone's Avatar
    tonytone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2004
    1-14 test e
    1-13 deca
    1-4 dbol

    var is kind of weak anyways

  4. #4
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    I would say add some deca in there 400mg into 2 shots for 10 wks.. run ur test for 12 wks.... and if you get good gains from your previous dose... go at 500mg or 600mg of test.... up the dose of dbol to 40 ot 50..... and yes var is very pricy... quality lean gains... but not a bulk by no mean.... test/ deca/ dbol or drol great bulker

    As far as your doses... do what worked best for you .. if your 500 worked good... keep it... more isnt always better..

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    You look Very Skinny.

    You should Correct your diet. If you were eating and training correcty you would have naturally been bigger than you are now minus the cycles.

    Not eating enough! No matter how much aas you take, without the proper foodintake you wont grow!

  6. #6
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
    SlightlySt00pid is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the advice tonytone and steroidzz, what I think I'll do is bump up the test to 600/mg, the dbol up to 50mg, and throw in some Deca ... now here's my question, I've heard horror stories concerning "deca dick"... I'm married and I don't think my wife will be too cool with the idea of me having a limp jimmy for 10 weeks, any experiences with this? will viagra or cialis take care of it?

  7. #7
    SlightlySt00pid's Avatar
    SlightlySt00pid is offline Associate Member
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    hellmask, not really, my avy pic was taken off-cycle, plus im 6'6" so I have very very long arms. anyways thats not really a concern because my diet is fine and I've already made the decision to start another cycle so trying to persuade me otherwise is a pretty mute point.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by SlightlySt00pid
    hellmask, not really, my avy pic was taken off-cycle, plus im 6'6" so I have very very long arms. anyways thats not really a concern because my diet is fine and I've already made the decision to start another cycle so trying to persuade me otherwise is a pretty mute point.

    Im 6'5'' & I know how hard it is to achieve a bulky look when having a thinner joints. You look in good shape. I'm not trying to put you down or make you upset. It's not rocket science, but your diet is very poor if your goal is to be bigger. Do as you please....but if I was you , I would fix my diet to a more suited meal plan to pack on weight.

  9. #9
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    Hellmask always comes through with a good point... and you wont get deca dick if you do things the correct way.. incorporating test into your cycle is a + ... I SUGGEST... but its not a must to have the test at least 100mg higher then the deca... although many say it doenst matter with test in there you will be fine.... but if you want to be safer then sorry have the test higher.... and yes cialis , and viagria would get you hard no matter what lol

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