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  1. #1
    kaveo408 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006

    ****ed up cycle need help in a ****ed up situation and i know these questions are out of the ordinary but im a novice, 1st cycle so i thank you in advance for any help or advice you can give. Ive been running deca 300/wk and test 400/wk. for 4 weeks so far. I have l-dex and nolva ready for pct. Problem is I have a thorough physical (including bloodwork and drug test) to see if im fit for duty coming up in 3 weeks or so. This just got sprung on me. I bought a cleansing kit to clean all the toxins out of my body. I know it takes a while to even start noticing benefits but so far i have not gained any weight, i have not bloated at all...i havent been much stronger, ig anything i feel more lazy. I might have gotten bunk gear in mexico. My questions are these...

    1. Since ive only been on for 4 weeks how much pct should i do, as much as a normal cycle? Have i even ****ed up my levels enough to warrant it? if the test and deca are bunk, will pct **** me up more?

    2. if so how long after my lest inject should i start it?

    3. if i stop injections now assuming my gear is good will my blood levels be ****ed up enough for them to know ive been doing anything even though the toxins are gone?

    4. will pct show signs of anything in my bloodwork?

    Baiscally, I am wondering if i should keep using the test and deca up till the 5 days it takes to clean my system out right before the physical to try and at least some kind of benefit from the cycle then start pct after the physical or should i stop right now?

    How would i know if the test and deca are good? My jimmy works fine, my muscles are a little harder/fuller but i havent put on any size. im all ****ed up...any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    You're going into the service? I'm wondering if they even test for epiT...

  3. #3
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Dude they wont even test for steroids that is for sure. Just stay on the cycle

  4. #4
    napoleon's Avatar
    napoleon is offline Banned
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    They don't test for juice. You're cool!

    Bunk gear sucks. Got some in Mexico too.. PM me let me know.


  5. #5
    snoopy's Avatar
    snoopy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Dude they wont even test for steroids that is for sure. Just stay on the cycle
    Steroid tests are really expensive, according to a Pro BBl a know, they have to test for each compound separately for a conclusive positive.

  6. #6
    DarKOmeN's Avatar
    DarKOmeN is offline Member
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    also if they did test for juice deca would still show up on the test as the steroid cleanse does not remove deca...


  7. #7
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
    V_Vandetta is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    You're going into the service? I'm wondering if they even test for epiT...

    you better bet that the milatary test for sertin AAS the basic ones and deca is one that is checked .... I had a good bro that was stationed with me that got a random drug test and thought he was fine because he didnt do req drugs but was discharged becasue they detected AAS in his system ... so yes they do test for them

  8. #8
    kaveo408 is offline New Member
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    I know they CAN test for it if requested by a commander however, i doubt they will off the top what im worried about is my bloodwork coming back abnormal and that sending up a red flag to have them go back and run one for aas on my urine and blood samples. Thats why im trying to find out if my bloodwork will look crazy after 4-6 week cycle and if the l-dex will cause the blood to look weird too. and about deca not being cleansed that ****in sucks cuz i paid like $110 dollars for this shit and it was suppose to cleanse all toxins. I cant believe im saying this but i hope the deca i got was bunk..

  9. #9
    kaveo408 is offline New Member
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    is there a way i can find out if my shit is bunk? I figure i might just bite the bullet and go to the doctor and either get blood work done to see if the doc can tell that somethings up or just tell her what ive been doing and have her do whatever to get my blood levels normal.

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