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  1. #1
    PoundPerPound is offline New Member
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    Could use some help please.

    Hi guys
    I'm the newbie u guys talk about in these posts. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm 26 years old 5'-7" and 150 lbs. I been working out since I was like 19 and have used about every GNC product u can imagine. My peak weight was 165 lbs using creatine and NO2. Since then I have done plenty research and the use of steroids . About a year ago I purchased 10 shots of Organon DECA 200mg and was ready to go. I was very eager to get started and thus took my first injection in my deltoid "hurt like hell". I used a 1" 22g needle. Shortly after that first shot I started to read articles where it stated that a deca only cycle is useless and the whole "DECA Dick" deal. I had no access to Test or any of the anti-estrogens so I didn't continue. I have done more research since then, but still much of the information is contradictive and confusing.

    This brings me here to u guys. I trust u guys have much more valuable information then these sites I have visited. And so I put my trust in u. One thing that did seam consistent from site to site is the best beginner bulking cycle - Sustanon , Dianabol , and Deca Durabolin .

    So here is what I have disposable to me:
    Deca 100mg
    Sustanon 250mg
    Dianabol 5mg tabs

    What would be the safest, best cycle to follow with this stack?
    Like I said I weigh 150 lbs now and would love to be up to 170-180lbs?

    What anti-estrogens should I use and how do I implement them in my cycle?
    Should I be concerned about liver damage due to Dianabol?

    And finally, are the anti-estrogens like Clomid and Nolvadex legal to purchase or do they fit in the same category as steroids?

    I know its alot guys, but I could really use some help.


  2. #2
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
    V_Vandetta is offline Senior Member
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    My advive would be just to do the Sus for a first cycle I am am not a big fan of dbol kick starts with first time users .... becasue you want to see how your body responds to AAS ..... and IMO sus250 is a good first cycle.. also your diet will be different while on AAS and there will be some twicking that will be needed So I would say stick with one compound THE SUS ... and research in the PCT fourm to get a soild base on PCT protocals and applications ..... and you will need to do a PCT with the sus cycle 2-3 weeks after your last injection....

    make sure you keep a log recorde your cycle weight gain what week did what diet training routine ext.......... it will give you a good background into determining what works best and chooseing fututre cycles and diet plans and so forth
    Last edited by V_Vandetta; 09-22-2006 at 09:05 AM.

  3. #3
    PoundPerPound is offline New Member
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    I'm very disappointed with the feedback.
    Was hopping I would have more results from other users.

    Thanks for the reply V_Vandetta.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    ull get more results if you post your diet and workout in the correct forums.. obviously something is wrong with one of them and No AAS is gonna give u 20-30lbs ur gonna keep if ur diet and routine suck...

    just the truth

  5. #5
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board bro!

    your post is very detailed and considerate to those who wish to help you, so my commendations to you on that!

    First though, AND I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, let us know your diet and exercise regimen (in the respective forums) and we can determine if that was what was holding your progress back..often times, people think they're eating enough but are eating too little...

    That being said, deca ,dbol and sus IMO is a good starting cycle....I know I know, many people will say start a Test E only cycle or what not but the fact is you are 26 years old; your endocrine is at peak stability level at this age and I think you can handle such a cycle, as long as proper precautions are observed. I would have reccommended test E or cyp instead of sus but I gather that you already bought all your supplies.

    You should start:
    sus 500mg/wk (2X) for 14 weeks
    deca 400mg/week (1X) for 12 weeks
    dbol 30-40mg/day for first 4 weeks

    take nolva throughout and clomid is good...but i suggest you incorporate some HGC into the PCT cuz deca/dbol will shut you down hard!

    In anycase, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get your diet/exercise in order before you proceed....


  6. #6
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sust does need to be shot eod, so that is a big thing to consider with first cycles. You'd be much better off find a long ester test that could be shot only twice per week. Like enthate or cyp. Then run that 250-500mgs weekly for 10-12 weeks. Anything more that that would be over kill for a first cycle.

  7. #7
    PoundPerPound is offline New Member
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    Thank you - so much u guys.
    For a second there I thought I was going nowhere with this site.

    When u say:
    sus 500mg/wk (2X) for 14 weeks
    deca 400mg/week (1X) for 12 weeks
    dbol 30-40mg/day for first 4 weeks

    The (2X) means two Sus shots of 250 per week for 14 wks?

    As for deca, I just found out I can only get deca100 so that might be a little to much acupuncture for me. Unless its ok for me to take 2 shots of deca100 per week for the 12 weeks.

    I have not already bought my supplies - those were just products that are available to me and there are a few others I can get my hands on.

    My workout routine is pretty basic.
    I workout 4 times a week:
    Tues, Wednes, Thurs and Sat for about an hr a day
    I switch b/w endurance days and power lifting.
    I workout each muscle usually twice every week.

    As for my diet, I eat whatever I can. To be brutely honest,
    I eat breakfast at McDonalds at about 10am. Then I eat lunch at like 1pm. I try to eat steak and chicken for lunch as often as possibel. Also rice and potatoes. Then I have my protein shake prior to work out and again another protein shake after my workout. Then I eat, again I try to incorporate meat.
    And usually have a midnight snack.

    Thats pretty much it.

    One of my main drawbacks at this moment is that I am having a hard time getting my hands on PCT supplements. That is my hesitation?

    Will nolva and clomid alone be enough to recover.

    Thanx again guys

  8. #8
    PoundPerPound is offline New Member
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    OK guys - after reading your posts along with many other really usefull threads for newbies, I have come up with a whole new scenerio.

    I have read many posts that discourage using an oral like D-bol for a fist cycle do to its sides. And yes I agree, I would rather shoot up twice a week rather than eod. Therefore I think I will switch to Test e rather than sus. I can only get decca100 which would suck since I would be a pin cushion. I have heard that eq is a good replacment for deca and stacks well with test e.

    so I was thinking:
    test e 500mg/week 2X for 14 weeks
    clomid starting at week 16

    I would alos like to use nolva throught the cycle. How much nolva and clomid should I take?

    What am I missing? What should I add or what should I remove? Should I incorporate Eq?

    Thanks again guys

  9. #9
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    no need for eq..especially for a first cycle...IMO u're diet is crap....and...if you change that you may grow without steroids to put on a couple of pounds....and only than think of using roids....that's my opinion...good luck bro

  10. #10
    PoundPerPound is offline New Member
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    Yes I aggree that my diet does suck! But even with a good diet I can only gain 8-10 lbs and that peek. Thats why I am considering roids. I'll take your advise and use Test e w/out the Eq. Any other comments are welcome.
    Thanx for the advice?

  11. #11
    Erwin's Avatar
    Erwin is offline Associate Member
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    YOu keep asking about PCT products. Click on any of the blue words here and you will be taken to the sponsors site for pct products. clomid Nolva liquidex letro exemestane , take your pick. I once heard someone say that if you want to weigh 300 pounds you have to eat like you already are. Just something to think about. Good Luck-Erwin

  12. #12
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PoundPerPound
    Yes I aggree that my diet does suck! But even with a good diet I can only gain 8-10 lbs and that peek. Thats why I am considering roids. I'll take your advise and use Test e w/out the Eq. Any other comments are welcome.
    Thanx for the advice?
    IMO hold off for a month or two and practive eating a lot and eating right.. That way when you start your gains will be amazing..\

    500mg/wk of test E is great

  13. #13
    PoundPerPound is offline New Member
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    Ok so we are all in aggreement that a 500mg/week cycle of Test e for 14 weeks is a good starting cycle. After seeing how my body reacts to this maybe next time around I'll consider adding D-bol.
    Anyone have another good test e cycle that I can consider, including the PCT schedule to go with it?


  14. #14
    PoundPerPound is offline New Member
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    Two questions:
    Is Tamoxifen Citrate the same as Nolva?
    And is the Chlomid liquid form as good as the pills?
    Gonna try and order from the sponsors site, anyone with feedback about their PCT products?

  15. #15
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Tamoxifen Citrate=Nolva,yes
    Clomid Liquid=Just as good as Clomid Tabs. Clomiphene Citrate is Clomiphene difference.

    You need to eat more. It dosen't matter what you do throughout the day. I used to be in high school stuffing my face with food while the teacher wasn't looking to put mass on. At my old job I used to slip into the lounge where my protein shake was waiting for me while on the clock. I blend tuna shakes and drink them while on my way to class. I drink pastuerized liquid egg whites and take oats/nuts with me and eat them at red lights. ****ing Eat!

  16. #16
    PoundPerPound is offline New Member
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    LMAO - that was very funny Warrior. Its like the Checkers commercial - ya gotta ****ing EAT. Yeah I'm working on eating much more before I start my first cycle, but its good to have the right PCT products in advance. I think nolva and clomid should work great for my 12 wk 500mg/week Test e cycle. Are the sponsors on here for PCT products legit. Gonna try andn place my order soon?

    Thanx again

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