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  1. #1
    Need2bBigger is offline Junior Member
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    Anadrol and Sustanon?

    My previous cycle history includes the compounds Test E, Test C, Deca , Tren , Omnadren , and Dbol (Of course not all in the same cycle). This time around I want to try Sustanon 250 and I'm not sure exactly how often to take it. My source is telling me to take 1cc (250mg) every 4 days... But I'm not quite sure how effective this will be. Also he has given me 30mL of liquid Anadrol at 125mg/mL. I would like to add this in my cycle but once again, not sure of how to take it. He says 1cc EOD. Let me know what you guys think about it and also I have tons of Nolvadex if you think I should run it along with the cycle. If how he said to take it sounds ok I was planning on running the anadrol EOD @ 125mg for wks 1-3 and sustanon 250 every 4 days at 250mg for wks 1-11. Let me know what you guys think and any suggestions.

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sustanon is a blend of 4 esters and thus very tricky in creating stable serum test suggestion would be atleast 3x a week (M,W,F for example) or EOD...of course, this would significantly up your test/week usage...unless your sust comes in a vial (not 1cc amplules) and you can draw 175 mg EOD and keep it roughly the same as you have now.

    I have never tried liquid anadrol (did the pill form) and again, it works best taken ED....also 50mg ED is enough (350mg/week)...slightly less than what you planned but not significantly can run it 4 wks instead of 3....Oh, and extend your sus for atleast another week (12 week)

    Yes, running nolva is a VERY GOOD idea with anadrol, you are gonna have alot of estrogen circulating, which is beneficial in helping you gain strength and mass BUT you also wanna keep under control for various reasons; water retention high BP, gyno, fat build up..etc


  3. #3
    Swole33 is offline Junior Member
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    sus is easy.
    take 2cc's monday and thurs.

  4. #4
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swole33
    sus is easy.
    take 2cc's monday and thurs.
    cc is no longer used as a dose measurment

  5. #5
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    Hi Need2bBigger. I am just starting a cycle with Anadrol and Sust250 today!! I will be using 1/2 tab anadrol for 3 days then 1 tab for around 3 weeks then 1/2 tab for the final 3 days. Anadrol is used as a kickstart for this cycle. This is just the amount of tabs I have. I will be using Sust 250 every third day and have used that quite well before. There are a lot of people here who like to use Sust EOD .... but I try to keep the amount I use to a minimum as they hurt !!! I use 50 mg Proviron throughout the cycle and have Nolva on standby if needed!

    Good luck with your cycle!

  6. #6
    Ejuicer's Avatar
    Ejuicer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Need2bBigger
    My previous cycle history includes the compounds Test E, Test C, Deca, Tren, Omnadren, and Dbol (Of course not all in the same cycle). This time around I want to try Sustanon 250 and I'm not sure exactly how often to take it. My source is telling me to take 1cc (250mg) every 4 days... But I'm not quite sure how effective this will be. Also he has given me 30mL of liquid Anadrol at 125mg/mL. I would like to add this in my cycle but once again, not sure of how to take it. He says 1cc EOD. Let me know what you guys think about it and also I have tons of Nolvadex if you think I should run it along with the cycle. If how he said to take it sounds ok I was planning on running the anadrol EOD @ 125mg for wks 1-3 and sustanon 250 every 4 days at 250mg for wks 1-11. Let me know what you guys think and any suggestions.
    I would be taking more then he is suggesting and also use a different injection pattern. Anadrol be used on a daily basis, if not twice a day. I would either take a half ml once a day or a quarter ml twice a day to start with and see how it goes from there. I don't use liquid anadrol personally so i'm not sure what you're getting with it for measurement but I would pick up a 1ml oral syringe for the most accurate measurement.
    Here's a link to a chart I posted that shows sustanon blood levels and how to keep them stable.

  7. #7
    Need2bBigger is offline Junior Member
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    My sustanon does come in vials and not ampules. You guys think it would be better to take 175mg EOD of the sustanon or would maybe 225mg every 3 days be ok so I don't have to shoot as much? As far as the anadrol goes I will run half a mL every morning which is roughly 62.5mg of anadrol. Nolvadex ... Will this be ok ran at 20mg ED? Any B-6 of other compounds needed?

  8. #8
    Need2bBigger is offline Junior Member
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  9. #9
    DarKOmeN's Avatar
    DarKOmeN is offline Member
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    many people differ wen it comes to sustanon but me personaly think it should be shot at least EOD but some do 500mg E/W with great results n sum who have had a few more cycles under ther belt run it at ED. so wud say it really depends on the individual.
    drol 50mg ED 1-4
    or 100mg ED 1-4
    would not go over 100mg ED if its first time using drol as it will do great at only 50mg


  10. #10
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
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    I woudlnt go over 50mg ed for the first time using drol... and only run it for about 4 wks 5 wks MAX.... sustanon has 4 ester ( stated above) which means different time release... to gain the most out of sustanon it should be shot eod .... very frequent shots, this allows your blood plasma lvls to remain fairly stable minimizing side effects, also this allows you to fully use all the esters in sustanon such as test prop.. ( ed or eod injection) I dont like sustanon but if used correctly it can have great gains...

    As far as your Nolva.. its very mild and i woudltn reccomend using it whilie on cycle... use nolva for PCT > along with clomid.... arimidex should be used as your anti-e while on cycle.. ( it does wonders)

    I also suggest if your going to use drol.. or dbol it be pill form not liquid its a Bit##

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