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Thread: 5th Cycle

  1. #1
    elitetky is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    5th Cycle

    Dear bro 1st cycle sus anabol , 2nd cycle test e anadrol , 4th cycle test e deca . 3years exp 174cm 86kg now not going to bulk but i want to get lean and cut !

    Now i plan my 5th cycle !

    I got some anabol and anadrol left . and one bottle of stanozolo 200pill/5mg

    Test e 1 - 14 week 750mg spilt up twice a week (Inject Monday Thursday)

    Deca 1 - 14 week 500mg spilt up twice a week (Inject Monday Thursday)

    Stanozolo 10 - 13 weeks 50mg everyday or Stanozolo 10 - 14
    weeks 40mg

    all my previous cycle dose was test e at 500mg <- sux didnt work for me Deca was 400mg per week too last cycle !

    my Q its should i drop the stanozolo or just run it along with my cycle ?

    anabol and anadrol i though of giving it up because it will cause too much acne on my face!

  2. #2
    GHO5T's Avatar
    GHO5T is offline Senior Member
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    Golds Gym
    usually when i cut i use prop tren mastabol and winny jus to hardn up a little

    Prop 100-150 mg daily for 12 wks
    tren 75-100 mg daily
    mastabol 75 mg daily
    winny 50 75 mg daily

    if i were u bro i would drop the test e and switch to prop b/c it is faster acting and if ur cutting it will help u much better also drop the d bols and anadrol cuz of the bloat... and remember bro when ur cutting that ur diet and cardio have to b right on... good luck hopefully this helps

  3. #3
    elitetky is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    i though of using prop but prop its a pain in the azz and its very exp ?

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