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Thread: Safety Question

  1. #1
    Erwin's Avatar
    Erwin is offline Associate Member
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    Safety Question

    Recently went to see the doc about a shoulder that was bothering me. Nothing to serious just some pain and a little limited range of motion. The D.O. x-rayed it and saw nothing and thought that the shoulder ligaments were just inflammed. He gave me a shot of Kenalog and hopefully this will be the end of it for awhile. He gave me the ok to start lifting heavy again if things are going ok in a couple of weeks. This coincides with the start time for my next cycle. Is there anything I should be worried about with interactions of the Kenalog and the test e, deca , and drol I will be taking? Thanks guys-Erwin

  2. #2
    Erwin's Avatar
    Erwin is offline Associate Member
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    Nobody on here has any experience with this? I find that very hard to believe.

  3. #3
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    First off i would advise you make sure your shoulder is fully healed before you considering taking a AA, that should be your #1 focus... Secondly as far as your kenalog im not really sure.. how long has it been since your doctor gave you t he shot... Im doubt there would be any problems with the kenalog and AA's although it is better to be safe then sorry.. i would suggest taking time for you shoulder to heal as much as possible, which in return would allow the kenalog to die off ...

  4. #4
    Erwin's Avatar
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    What I was told was that nothing was seriously hurt, just inflammed. So that is why I got the shot. He told me to continue nursing it for a couple more weeks and if I don't have any more pain at that point then to resume my old workout routines. Got the shot today. And yes, shoulder is the number one concern here. It has to be in good working order before I will cycle again. Don't feel like losing everything due to a surgery!

  5. #5
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    I understand what your feeling i have a shoulder injury myself, and as bad as it feels not getting in the g ym and allowing the shoulder to heal,, just remember its the smart thing to do .... and will benifit you down the road.... I dont see how there would be any complications with the inflamatory shot and AA"s but i still stick with my previous advice and say wait until the shoulder fully heals, and then start AA"s... . I know many people at the gym that get cortisol shots and use AA"s without complications.... not sure if cortisol helps with inflamatory or what.. but i think it does..... health first, AA"s second

  6. #6
    Erwin's Avatar
    Erwin is offline Associate Member
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    Totally agree Steriodzz. I have been trying to tell myself to start my next cycle early since it will include deca and that should help my joints recover since it isn't torn. So far the reasonable part of me is wiining BUt once I know things are back to normal then here we go. And thanks, was curious about the possible interaction between the cortisol and AAS.-Erwin

  7. #7
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    Im glad your using your brain man and realize allowing that shoulder to heal will be benifit down the road. The guys in the gym report no sides while getting hitting AA's and getting cortisol shots... but good luck and i wish you the most luck with healing process... PM if you have any questions .. ill try to answer them as best as i can $ if i cant ill find someone who can.... goodluck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Boston, Ma
    good choice holding off.. a inflammed ligament seems like nothing.. but with deca and test masking the pain its pretty easy to F**** yourself up..

    like my friend who ripped his pec of benching 460 lol

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