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Thread: testoviron?

  1. #1
    impackt22 is offline Associate Member
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    About to run 250mg testoviron and 200mg deca per I need Nolvadex ? I was using 250mg cyp for 12 weeks. I dont plan on coming off any time soon.

    thanks for the help

  2. #2
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    You just finished using cyp and now you're going to do testo?

  3. #3
    impackt22 is offline Associate Member
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    I am switching....last week was my last shot of cyp. next week i start testo

  4. #4
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    That doesn't sound like a good idea, your HPTA is going to seriously shut down...

  5. #5
    mick-g's Avatar
    mick-g is offline Associate Member
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    What is your cycle history?

  6. #6
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    write down ur cycle in a proper way

  7. #7
    impackt22 is offline Associate Member
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    I have cycled several time over the last 3 years. Been training for about 15 years.

    I am using 250mg cyp for the last 12 weeks...2iu HGH 5on/2off for the last 3 months.

    To be honest everyone tells you different things about aas. What do you guys recommend? Come off for a few months or stay on? I know 250 isnt a lot but my girl doesnt want me on at all so I convinced her 250 is ok....LOL

    thanks for all the help!
    Last edited by impackt22; 09-27-2006 at 07:33 AM.

  8. #8
    RobbieG's Avatar
    RobbieG is offline Member
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    how old are you ?


  9. #9
    impackt22 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobbieG
    how old are you ?


    31years old....

    5'9" 190lb around 10%BF

    Strict diet and training....have done a few shows over the last couple of years.

    Just confused about AAS. Have done so much research and still everyone says something different.

  10. #10
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Hey bro,There is no reason to be confused bro!!!!...they call it cycling for a said you didnt think you would come OFF for a while???..thats just plain ignorant and iresponsible(no offense but calling it as I see it).You used 250mgs of cyp for 12 weeks and that shouldve been good enuff for a break to give your body time to recover.Now at 31 no one can tell you what to do...but we can recommend that you start doing a bit more research especially on this site.There are plenty of stickies you can read to get knowledge on how to cycle AAS.Youve been training for 15 years and have done shows????So we know that you have some time invested in it...all that is need now is proper knowledge.

  11. #11
    mick-g's Avatar
    mick-g is offline Associate Member
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    This is what i would do (this is my opinion). After the 12 wks of cypionate stop cycle and wait 2 wks and do pct of clomid or combo clomid/nolva (if you are still on the cypionate, stop and do above^), then after 3months (which is equal time off), do a cycle of cypionate or enathate 400-500mg/wk 12wks and deca 300-400mg/wk 10wks. I would also use aromasin 12.5mg ed thruout cycle. Start pct 2wk after last inject of test. I would also run hcg 500IU 3times ew to help with atrophy, as deca is known for shutting you down pretty good. I personally also run hcg 1000IU 3 times a wk for the two wks prior to pct along with 25-50mg of proviron , then start pct, but keep running the proviron. This is a good first cycle of deca. I would do searches though on this board and others for info on your questions. Many of the questions you have are just common sence ones that you should know the answers to if you do the proper research. If you still don't know the answer it is not a stupid thing to ask for advice and iam sure ppl with help you out. I would do searches on Half-Lives, pct, anti-es/serums, and read up on aas profiles. This will be a start to helping yourself gain some knowledge.

  12. #12
    impackt22 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g
    This is what i would do (this is my opinion). After the 12 wks of cypionate stop cycle and wait 2 wks and do pct of clomid or combo clomid/nolva (if you are still on the cypionate, stop and do above^), then after 3months (which is equal time off), do a cycle of cypionate or enathate 400-500mg/wk 12wks and deca 300-400mg/wk 10wks. I would also use aromasin 12.5mg ed thruout cycle. Start pct 2wk after last inject of test. I would also run hcg 500IU 3times ew to help with atrophy, as deca is known for shutting you down pretty good. I personally also run hcg 1000IU 3 times a wk for the two wks prior to pct along with 25-50mg of proviron, then start pct, but keep running the proviron. This is a good first cycle of deca. I would do searches though on this board and others for info on your questions. Many of the questions you have are just common sence ones that you should know the answers to if you do the proper research. If you still don't know the answer it is not a stupid thing to ask for advice and iam sure ppl with help you out. I would do searches on Half-Lives, pct, anti-es/serums, and read up on aas profiles. This will be a start to helping yourself gain some knowledge.
    thanks brother! this really helps me....I will come off next week and start your recommend PCT! thanks PS: what research labs have aromasin ?

    Also what OTC supps would you use between cycles?
    Last edited by impackt22; 09-28-2006 at 08:15 AM.

  13. #13
    mick-g's Avatar
    mick-g is offline Associate Member
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    PM me if you want some help with labs. As far as supplements, i take a good multi-pack like Animal or NSP Ultra milti-vits Bodybuilding packs. I also use many supplements: Red Yeast Rice 600mg for helping lower cholesterol, ALA, Saw palmetto for prostate, fish oil and flax, Liv-52 for liver detox while on especially 17aa (winstrol , var, and also tren ). I also take aprox 1oz apple cider vinegar mixed with about 4oz of Crystal Light Rasberry Ice or cranapple at night in keeping ph levels balance with 1 Bayer asprin, for platelet flow.

  14. #14
    impackt22 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g
    PM me if you want some help with labs. As far as supplements, i take a good multi-pack like Animal or NSP Ultra milti-vits Bodybuilding packs. I also use many supplements: Red Yeast Rice 600mg for helping lower cholesterol, ALA, Saw palmetto for prostate, fish oil and flax, Liv-52 for liver detox while on especially 17aa (winstrol, var, and also tren). I also take aprox 1oz apple cider vinegar mixed with about 4oz of Crystal Light Rasberry Ice or cranapple at night in keeping ph levels balance with 1 Bayer asprin, for platelet flow.

    thanks! You really seem to know your stuff...I've never heard of the apple cider vinegar before....What does the ALA do and do I need the saw palmetto and fish oils? you got PM!
    Last edited by impackt22; 09-28-2006 at 12:47 PM.

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