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  1. #1
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Question About Short Cycles & Coming Off...

    I'm about to run a short, heavy cycle of Tren , Test Prop and Drol. I know how to prime (I'm halfway through the priming phase actually) and I'm all set to go.

    My question is: I know the gains will be amazing as well as the strength gains, but if it's only 4-6 weeks, how is it when you come off?

    My thought was that since you're not shutting down very hard and getting back to normal, homestasis levels fairly quickly, wouldn't you keep most, if not all, of your gains? If your HPTA and all hormone levels come back to normal without your body having time to go into a catabolic state and begin eating away at the muscle tissue, wouldn't most of your gains be solid?

    I guess it's not sooo much the gains I'm worried about. My training partner is natural and if for 6 weeks I'm benching 50lbs more than I did the week before... then 6 weeks after that I can't throw up the 40lb dumbells for an incline press, that'll be a little obvious.

    So to those who've run successful short cycles before, how well did you hold onto your mass and more importantly power post-cycle?

  2. #2
    DHew's Avatar
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    I wouldnt just be worried about your strength rise/gain hinting at something. If your doing a heavy cycle of tren prop and anadrol he will most likely notice from the look of your body something is up, esp if he's your partner.

  3. #3
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DHew
    I wouldnt just be worried about your strength rise/gain hinting at something. If your doing a heavy cycle of tren prop and anadrol he will most likely notice from the look of your body something is up, esp if he's your partner.
    Hahaha.. no shit? You really get THAT swole off these little runs? I figured 3-5 lbs, but the more I read about priming and PROPERLY doing them.. I'm hearing 3-4" stretch marks from 15-20lbs gain in 6-7 weeks!!

    Any other experiences like that?

  4. #4
    DHew's Avatar
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    Are you being sarcastic about the 3-5pd gains?

  5. #5
    matl's Avatar
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    correct me if i'm wrong but from my understanding Ten shuts you down pretty rappidly, i was told by a doctor that after one shot you shut down, i'm sure that was a bit exaggerated though. Either way i would think that after 6 weeks you would definately need a proper PCT and honestly in my oppinion if youre going to run a cycle and shut yourself down you might as well make it worth you time. As far as your partner, either come clean with him or tell him that you jumped on some GNC sups i.e. NO, UR17 etc and that youre getting great gains from it. my 2 cents

  6. #6
    DHew's Avatar
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    yeah. When it comes down to it, he WILL notice something is me. Tren /prop/drol are very strong.

  7. #7
    vein-x's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matl
    correct me if i'm wrong but from my understanding Ten shuts you down pretty rappidly, i was told by a doctor that after one shot you shut down, i'm sure that was a bit exaggerated though. Either way i would think that after 6 weeks you would definately need a proper PCT and honestly in my oppinion if youre going to run a cycle and shut yourself down you might as well make it worth you time. As far as your partner, either come clean with him or tell him that you jumped on some GNC sups i.e. NO, UR17 etc and that youre getting great gains from it. my 2 cents
    Not trying to be a dick at all - Have you heard about the short cycling method? Marcus300/Dorian Yates' style cycles?

    If not, read up on them as to why I'm running such a short cycle. It's not like I'm going off on a psychotic tangent here with a dumbass method of cycling. It's been tested. It's been proven. And most of all, it's been repeated, which means SOMETHING'S working...

    As far as PCT and post-cycle cleaning up goes... I know I'll be running PCT. Clomid and Nolva with Arimidex and maybe some 'GNC Supps' eg. Trib to bring my natural test levels back to normal. I'm 95% sure I'm all set to do this. There's always the 'darkhorse' element that'll bite you in the ass, but I've taken the necessary precautions to make sure I'm not completely blindsided by it.

    Again - Anyone run these short hard cycles before (maybe even my above listed one) and have anything to share? Things to look out for? Coming off tips? Anything'll help, because once my priming's done, there's no room for 2nd thoughts, it's time to cycle...

  8. #8
    AleX-69's Avatar
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    Well first off.. You training partner WILL notice you are on something. Especially if running drol... For your basic cycle layout i personally would run the tren for only 4 weeks and thet test prop for the whole 6 weeks, to let all tren metabolites clear out of your system and then start PCT.

    Concerning gains and power.. I am doing only short cycles nowadays. And i always combine them with a very strict diet and cardio regimen. So in essence im am loosing bodyfat and gaining muscle. The gained muscles for me are permanent gains. (keep in mind that i don't use drol or other heavy armoatizing drugs - you will certainly loose some water etc after cycle termination). Power wise you can't expect to be able to push the same weight as if you are "on".

    When "on" for example i am able to push 110lbs Dumbells (flat bench) in a clean fashion.. When the cycle ends my strenght also slowly decreases. Not to the point where it was b4 the cycle but it is very noticable, so maybe i am only able to push 95lbs dumbells in the same clean fashion then..

    As you are using tren, drol and test which are all famous for massive strenght gains Everyone will notice your rapid strenght increase. To mask that you could try diffrent variations of certain lifting techiques or simply peforming your sets in a slower fashion using only slightly more weight...

    Feel free to ask if You've got any more questions.

  9. #9
    AleX-69's Avatar
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    Forgot something to add....

    As i am always following a strict diet when cycling (slightly below maintance most of the time), i start eating slightly above maintance when the cycle ended. This by itself triggers an anabolic response and safes alot of your earned muscle i feel.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    If you dp proper pct you should be fine and recover alot faster than when you have cycled for longer periods, depends what type of cycling your doing but if its the short heavy cycling you should be using very intense training program (HIT) and this usually only last for a few weeks because the body cant take such a pounding all the time so in pct sometimes if the diet is right Ive seen increases in bodyweight during pct because the body is repairing from the training,

    With any short cycling if your prime correctly and incorporate a good stack along side some very intense training the results are amazing and recovery and maintenance are usually alot better and quicker

  11. #11
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    if its the short heavy cycling you should be using very intense training program (HIT) and this usually only last for a few weeks because the body cant take such a pounding all the time so in pct sometimes if the diet is right Ive seen increases in bodyweight during pct because the body is repairing from the training,
    This is exactly what I expirienced during my latest short-burst cycle. In training(on cycle) I was yust pushing myselves to the red-zone, with negatives, forced reps, drop sets.

    And in PCT I continued to get a little bigger and fuller, once I returned to less intense training.
    Last edited by vitor; 09-29-2006 at 07:47 AM.

  12. #12
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    This is exactly what I expirienced during my latest short-burst cycle. In training(on cycle) I was yust pushing myselves to the red-zone, with negatives, forced reps, drop sets.

    And in PCT I continued to get a little bigger and fuller, once I returned to less intense training.
    Excellent thats what am talking about, you have it spot on vitor, that kind of training can only be maintained for a short peroid and thats mentaly aswell, but after if your in tune with everything you will get bigger in pct, its amazing what happens you get bigger and its because your repairing and building muscle even in pct, forced dropsets coupled with negs are very intense and rips you to bits but this as to be done and take advantage of the growth spell the body is in, take hold and use it to the max and thats with AAS, training and eating.

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