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Thread: Anthony Roberts

  1. #41
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    bump for Tony Roberts.

  2. #42
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    I have had better responses when emailing him.

  3. #43
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks dude, already took care of that. You know Patrick Arnolds email? Big Cat wont even respond to me.

  4. #44
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    No clue, sorry.

  5. #45
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    NP. It's 1:20 over here, been up since 5:30am today. part of me says I need sleep, the other part says figure out what the hell is going on with my non-response to AAS.

  6. #46
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    Easy cheesy lemon squeezy. LMAO

    Yep you won't grow off of the real deal you might as well try the weak ones.

    My take is ,

    A.Your to "caught up" on the growing aspects of AAS instead of creating a diet/workout plan that actually works, and you never are consistant with training..thats why your having poor gains.


    B. Your genetics are inferior in this aspect and are incapable of growing do from that.

    Or C.Your diet/training is shit,+ your genetics suck.

    This has been Hellmasks conclusion from this very little bit of info he has presented....Have a nice day

    i still say That his AAS use at a young age plays a big part in this .. that he may have damaged his receptors or somthing with in his body .... But the guys swears his diet and training is in check .... And like I said with out The proper testing To rule every thing out .... It all just guess work

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Thanks dude, already took care of that. You know Patrick Arnolds email? Big Cat wont even respond to me.

    I replied when you e-mailed me....

    I actually lost it awhile ago...only corresponded with him once or twice...

    Sometimes it takes Peter awhile to respond to e-mails. Sometimes he replies the same day, sometimes a week later....

    Here was my reply to your e-mail in case you didn't get my reply for some reason (although it says it was sent):

    If your
    diet and training is good, then you add steroids , there's no great
    reason that you shouldn't be gaining.

    More likely, you're either not eating properly, and training like a

    Here's a story for you:

    I think I train pretty hard. I can easily do goodmornings with
    about 225 (no belt). That's more than I've ever seen anyone do in I went to Southside Gym in CT to train with an
    elite 165lb powerlifter (we were both weighing in the low 190's).
    He was doing concentric goodmornings in a rack. I jumped in. He
    worked up to 425 or so. I worked up to 315. Now I can do about 350.
    See my point? I thought I was training hard, but when I was pushed,
    I was able to add 90lbs to my previous heaviest weight...I didn't
    want to be totally shown up.

    I thought I was doing enough cardio and dieting hard enough to see
    abs...then I worked with a figure competitor who was doing 2 hours
    of cardio per day and eating 900 clean calories. See what I'm
    getting at? You're ruling out training and diet, while I'm almost
    100% sure that it's your training and diet.

    As a final resort, look at your dosages and drug choice. I saw that
    you're running anavar ...which isn't very strong, to be honest. Have
    you ever tried running a gram a week of Test? You need to do some
    high doses before you can say that AAS aren't working or that
    you're a non-responder....
    Last edited by Property of; 09-29-2006 at 07:39 AM.

  8. #48
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    As a final resort, look at your dosages and drug choice. I saw that
    you're running anavar ...which isn't very strong, to be honest. Have
    you ever tried running a gram a week of Test? You need to do some
    high doses before you can say that AAS aren't working or that
    you're a non-responder....
    i agree the guy goes from a cycle of 400mg test/deca for 8 weeks to his next cycle of tren for 6 weeks which yeilded some results with both cycles then he jumps to taking 200mg of var WTF! tats just retarded.

    try running a 12 week 750mg-1000mg of test with a couple of other compunds, make sure your diet and training is spot on by keeping a log on the board and see how shit goes.

  9. #49
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    i still say That his AAS use at a young age plays a big part in this .. that he may have damaged his receptors or somthing with in his body .... But the guys swears his diet and training is in check .... And like I said with out The proper testing To rule every thing out .... It all just guess work
    If you have any testing you can suggest me I'm all for it.

  10. #50
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    i agree the guy goes from a cycle of 400mg test/deca for 8 weeks to his next cycle of tren for 6 weeks which yeilded some results with both cycles then he jumps to taking 200mg of var WTF! tats just retarded.

    try running a 12 week 750mg-1000mg of test with a couple of other compunds, make sure your diet and training is spot on by keeping a log on the board and see how shit goes.
    The results I had were purely from stuffing myself with food everyday. There was never that feeling of "Wow I'm making awesome gains!". If you have cycled and had it worked for you I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.

    200mg Anavar daily is about 3x as much as most people take. Shouldn't I at least see a bit of strength increases? Anavar is not known for massive bulk but it is known for strength/pumps/vascularity. I have seen only a slight pump, like if I was taking 10-15mg of it.

    I'm not going to get on another cycle until I talk to some doctors and pharmacologists, this is getting way too expensive. And just so you know I'm not the only one who has this problem. Taiboxa uses about 14g of gear weekly just to get some results. I'm not about to do that as it's just too expensive and I'd shit my liver and kidneys.

  11. #51
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    Taiboxa uses about 14g of gear weekly just to get some results..
    as much as i DONT believe that! atleast he can say he "fried" his receptors while you were never resposive EVER?! which makes even less sense.. also tai claims to weigh around 300 pounds so he either has around 50%bf or gear has worked for him!

  12. #52
    Surrender's Avatar
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    Dude if your not gaining from the gear, check your diet. Hell food is the miost anabolic thing there is...As for Var it doesn't do shhhiiittt for me.

  13. #53
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surrender
    Dude if your not gaining from the gear, check your diet. Hell food is the miost anabolic thing there is...As for Var it doesn't do shhhiiittt for me.
    Well what would you say about Test,Deca ,Fina,Dbol ? Nothing either? And even if my diet weren't so stellar....wouldn't I see strength from Anavar ?

    Wouldn't I have seen water retention from test? Wouldn't have I seen acne? Wouldn't have I seen higher blood pressure?

    Wouldn't Fina have given me some vascularity and hardness despite a shitty diet (not saying that it was, but if it were), wouldn't Fina had put lbs on my lifts? Wouldn't my forhead been alot oiler?

    Dbol 50mg ED, can anyone say back pumps?

    Don't you find it weird that I was getting any sides from all this either? It just wasn't getting into my blood.
    Last edited by Warrior21; 09-29-2006 at 09:59 AM.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    Well what would you say about Test,Deca ,Fina,Dbol ? Nothing either? And even if my diet weren't so stellar....wouldn't I see strength from Anavar ?

    Wouldn't I have seen water retention from test? Wouldn't have I seen acne? Wouldn't have I seen higher blood pressure?

    You said you got headaches....usually thats a sign of higher blood pressure while on cycle.

  15. #55
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    You said you got headaches....usually thats a sign of higher blood pressure while on cycle.
    Yep that was from the DBol , that's all I got though.

  16. #56
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    well BP is easy to check and for some reason everyone thinks almost all cases of headaches are BP related. I would be surprised if he hasnt checked his (warrior).. some headaches are BP related for sure, but not nearly as many as ppl here seem to think, or thats my opinion anyway. Ive had headaches on gear with low BP...

  17. #57
    305GUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    Well what would you say about Test,Deca ,Fina,Dbol ? Nothing either? And even if my diet weren't so stellar....wouldn't I see strength from Anavar ?

    Wouldn't I have seen water retention from test? Wouldn't have I seen acne? Wouldn't have I seen higher blood pressure?
    ok fine, maybe you are that 1 in 1,000,000,000 person who is non-responsive to AAS .. go find an endo and find out what they can do for you.

    anytime someone says check your diet and training you say its spot on .. hooker already responded and said check your diest and trainging as well as trying a 1gram of test a week (which is dirt cheap SO TRY IT). til then im not sure what you hope to get answered from posting on a board with normal people who respond just fine to AAS, with PROPER diet and training.. good luck

  18. #58
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    it would have been interesting to hear AR's opinion on weather or not his theories are completely off or could he be in theory onto something..

  19. #59
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    well BP is easy to check and for some reason everyone thinks almost all cases of headaches are BP related. I would be surprised if he hasnt checked his (warrior).. some headaches are BP related for sure, but not nearly as many as ppl here seem to think, or thats my opinion anyway. Ive had headaches on gear with low BP...
    BP nowadays is 125/80. I didn't check it back then when I had those headaches from hell. I'm in awesome health now though, HDL is like 60 and LDL is 45.

  20. #60
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    it would have been interesting to hear AR's opinion on weather or not his theories are completely off or could he be in theory onto something..
    Thanks for your support hippo, I think

  21. #61
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 305GUY
    ok fine, maybe you are that 1 in 1,000,000,000 person who is non-responsive to AAS .. go find an endo and find out what they can do for you.

    anytime someone says check your diet and training you say its spot on .. hooker already responded and said check your diest and trainging as well as trying a 1gram of test a week (which is dirt cheap SO TRY IT). til then im not sure what you hope to get answered from posting on a board with normal people who respond just fine to AAS, with PROPER diet and training.. good luck
    I posted my diet and training on the other thread. be back in a second with it. Lets pick it apart and find all these reasons why I'm not responding to AS huh?

    Someone posted that with 5-6000 cals I should have gained even without gear, and I did bro. Maybe you missed that part, were only human. My problem is that any gains I get were strictly from my hard work and diet. I never had any gains that were out of the norm. It's as if the hormones that I inject or took orally weren't even in my system.
    I will outline my diet for you when I ran my Test Cycles, and the Fina cycle as well;
    An average day might look like this 5000 calories 35% pro/ 35% carb/ 30% fat
    440g pro, 440g carb, 166g fat

    5 meals consisting of 80g pro, 80g carb, 33g fat
    PWO Shake I took 50g Dextrose,40g whey, 4g creatine and a multimvitamin for luck
    Before Bed I had 3 servings of cottage cheese and a table spoon of olive oil.

    Carb Sources: Pizza(homemade), Oats, Brown Rice, Sweet Potatoe, Boniato, White Rice, Black Beans, Pasta
    Pro Sources: Tuna, Lean Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Cottage Cheese, Liquid Egg whites
    Fat Sources: Pizza, Almonds, Cashews, Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Avocado

    I eat basically the best foods, closest to natural as possible.

    Back in the day I used to train with Bill Starr's 5x5. Now I'm more into the Chad Wtaerbury's High Frequency System.

    Anyways I think my diet and training are good. The gear was definately real. The Fina I made on my own very meticulously with Animal's kit. The Test was ICN Galenika. The Deca was in a mix of Rocket Fuel, from a well trusted source. Everything is in order yet I'm not getting any 'help'.
    Last edited by Warrior21; 09-29-2006 at 10:11 AM.

  22. #62
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    So nobody replies after I posted my diet and training? Jeeze. My diet and training cannot be that bad then huh?

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    So nobody replies after I posted my diet and training? Jeeze. My diet and training cannot be that bad then huh?

    I guess then your genetics are then..?

  24. #64
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    eat more peanutbutter

  25. #65
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    I guess then your genetics are then..?
    Currently 215@14% bf
    Physical Peak 235@13% bf

    I'm 22, I'm just getting started. Once I get the roids really working for me I'm going to blow everyone in my town away.

  26. #66
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    Currently 215@14% bf
    Physical Peak 235@13% bf

    I'm 22, I'm just getting started. Once I get the roids really working for me I'm going to blow everyone in my town away.
    slin and igf would be most ideal IMO for u

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    Currently 215@14% bf
    Physical Peak 235@13% bf

    I'm 22, I'm just getting started. Once I get the roids really working for me I'm going to blow everyone in my town away.

    How are you going to get them to work, If they won't for you exactly?
    I'm not trying to be an ass I just don't understand what your trying to find out? If steroids won't do a thing for you how are you going to get them to work?

  28. #68
    Surrender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    Well what would you say about Test,Deca ,Fina,Dbol ? Nothing either? And even if my diet weren't so stellar....wouldn't I see strength from Anavar ?

    Wouldn't I have seen water retention from test? Wouldn't have I seen acne? Wouldn't have I seen higher blood pressure?

    Wouldn't Fina have given me some vascularity and hardness despite a shitty diet (not saying that it was, but if it were), wouldn't Fina had put lbs on my lifts? Wouldn't my forhead been alot oiler?

    Dbol 50mg ED, can anyone say back pumps?

    Don't you find it weird that I was getting any sides from all this either? It just wasn't getting into my blood.
    Bro Anavar sucks. I still say it's your diet mainly and part training. Man diet is the whole game here. Check for a week what your eating and count every calorie you put in your mouth. Hell you put in enough calories and your going to put on size whether you use gear or not. Anabolic steroids won't do shittt for you if your not eating right. all they might do is add some water weught.....You have to be putting down the food and to start I would make sure your getting 2 grams of protein for every lb you weigh....Then add carbs and good EFA's to the diet. Make sure your total calorie count is 20 times your bodyweigh and you'll pack on some size. So if your 200 lbs, take in a total of 400 grams of protein, 300 grams of low glycemic carbs and 133 grams of good fats...Do this everyday as long as your still alive and training......LOL

    Take a break from the gear for 10 weeks and just eat. You add some good size in those 10 weeks with just food and then hit Test @ 1 gram a week and leave the other gear put up for now.....

    Now there's some good advice
    Last edited by Surrender; 09-29-2006 at 02:37 PM.

  29. #69
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surrender
    Bro Anavar sucks. I still say it's your diet mainly and part training. Man diet is the whole game here. Check for a week what your eating and count every calorie you put in your mouth. Hell you put in enough calories and your going to put on size whether you use gear or not. Anabolic steroids won't do shittt for you if your not eating right. all they might do is add some water weught.....You have to be putting down the food and to start I would make sure your getting 2 grams of protein for every lb you weigh....Then add carbs and good EFA's to the diet. Make sure your total calorie count is 20 times your bodyweigh and you'll pack on some size. So if your 200 lbs, take in a total of 400 grams of protein, 300 grams of low glycemic carbs and 133 grams of good fats...Do this everyday as long as your still alive and training......LOL

    Take a break from the gear for 10 weeks and just eat. You add some good size in those 10 weeks with just food and then hit Test @ 1 gram a week and leave the other gear put up for now.....

    Now there's some good advice
    Good advice, if I were some newb who didn't know this already. I appreciate your input, yet you didn't really answer the question you quoted. I don't know if I mentioned this (yea actually I did like 100x), I'm not looking to get enormous off of Anavar, just looking to get more vascularity and strength, and retain muscle while cutting.

    I can gain off of proper diet and training. But you can't reach passed a certain point without steroids. My natural limit might be 230@6%, wheres my gear'd limit might be 275@6% bf, see what I mean? I'm not going to settle for just 230 lbs.

  30. #70
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellmask
    How are you going to get them to work, If they won't for you exactly?
    I'm not trying to be an ass I just don't understand what your trying to find out? If steroids won't do a thing for you how are you going to get them to work?
    Well that's why I'm trying to talk to the 'gurus'. Maybe there's another side of it we don't know?

    Did you know that Ritonavir can cause a drug interaction that will multiply anabolic steroids in your blood by 2-3 times? The more you know, the more you know that you don't know all that much.

  31. #71
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    slin and igf would be most ideal IMO for u
    Tried slin, didn't gain anything off of it. Tried DNP , didn't sweat much even at 600mg/daily. The only thing slin did for me was pump the hell out of me.

    I don't think i want to use it, dosen't it cause damage to your body over time? Like more serious than steroids ?

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