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  1. #1
    BrownMonster is offline New Member
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    Trenbalone Enanthate only Cycle

    Hey Bros, I am a newbie here to the Anabolics Forum. I have been training for 3 solid years, with a year that was a little off time do to schooling etc. I have just started my first Steroid Cycle. I am currently in week 3 of Trenbalone Enanthate cycle of 200mg. I have been told this cycle will be a 10 week cycle. I was just wondering if anybody has seen good results with running Tren by itself as I am doing, and when this stuff really kicks in. Am I in peak week of when i should really start feeling strength gains and weight Gain? What do you recommend for PCT after this cycle, and how much off time till i start another cycle? Thanks

  2. #2
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    It could work but 200mg a week is a little week. I would do 400 a week and I would run the tren for 10 weeks and run test with it to 12 weeks. Since you already started it is your call but you might run into some sides from the lack of test but you might not. Also make sure you can get a PCT soon....this is the kinda thing you want before your cycle starts.

  3. #3
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    WOW, I will try not to flame you....but

    You should ALWAYS have PCT on hand prior to ever starting any cycle.

    Answer ALL the green questions below and we can help you better

    If this is your first cycle, or first time with Tren , Enanthate is NOT recomended because of the durations it stays in your body and the HARSH side effects it can have on you.


  4. #4
    BrownMonster is offline New Member
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    thanks for the reply bro, sorry i am taking 400mg a week of the Trenbalone Enanthate . its potency is 200mg per ml. I am taking 1ml shot in the Delts.

  5. #5
    BrownMonster is offline New Member
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  6. #6
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    1,005 opinion is if you are three weeks in order some nolva from the board sponser and start a short PCT. Then consider getting some test e and run that at 500mg a week as your first cycle. If you ABSOLUTELY have to run the tren no matter what we say then run 200-250mg of test a week and 400mg of tren. I recommend starting with a milder compound though. It's your body this right not the way some meathead in the gym told you to.

  7. #7
    BrownMonster is offline New Member
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    T3/T4GSR i ran about 60mgs of DBol for the first 2 weeks and then had a two week off Period before my Tren Supply arrived, now i am just running the Tren, Seems your suggesting that the Tren be stacked with something, But researching Tren it is more powerful then Test and can be run alone. The Tren cycle is 10 week cycle, week 3 in, i see that PCT of course will be needed, with 400 mgs of Tren a week, when does the Strength or Quick come in? Week 4 or 5?

  8. #8
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Or just don't listen to anyones advice. Yeah Tren is strong and yeah it can be run alone, is it a good idea to do this? no, especially not for a first cycle.

    Honestly, I seem to be the only person who ever came on here as a newbie and actually took the advice given.

    dbol for 2 weeks, wow, what a great idea. You're a genius.

  9. #9
    mateo112's Avatar
    mateo112 is offline Associate Member
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    get that pct bro

  10. #10
    BrownMonster is offline New Member
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    I see someone didnt like the DBOL being run two weeks in. I ran this because for one, Dbol is fast acting so i would get some gains while i awaited for the tren . The Enanthate is longer Ester which takes longer time to kick in. So whats the big deal if Dbol was used as a kick start for the first two weeks. As far as the PCT i will be getting hold of some Nolva, but i am going to run the Tren Enanthate 10 weeks.

  11. #11
    G Child's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownMonster
    As far as the PCT i will be getting hold of some Nolva, but i am going to run the Tren Enanthate 10 weeks.
    you should have done ALOT more research before you started this cycle.

    good luck, maybe someone else will want to help you out.

  12. #12
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    brownmonster, dont' think you are gonna get much help until you answer the questions asked of you above!!
    We an NOT help you without knowing your stats. As of now, it just seems like you are an impatient youth that has not thought any of this out.

    Answer ALL the green questions below, or there will be NO advice given by anyone!!!

  13. #13
    graeme87 is offline Member
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    OK guys he is going to cut it short regardless of what we say so lets try and make sure he does it as safe as possible. (By no means am I encouraging you bro, this is possibly the stupidest 1st cycle I have ever heard of, you seem to have no idea what you are doing but if you are going to go ahead with at least do it properly)

    Currently on 400mg of Tren E

    It is advised by most to run Test with Tren because of the sexual sides i.e. limp dick.
    Also make sure you are taking a good anti e whilst on Tren as gyno can be a prob.
    Are you taking an anti e?
    Also have a look in the PCT section of the site!!!

    I’d go for:
    1-10 Tren E 400mg EW
    1-12 Test E 500mg EW
    1-12 Nolva 20mg ED

  14. #14
    SMAN12b's Avatar
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    graeme87, I appreciate you wanting to help, BUT as I stated above no more advice should be give until this KID answers the questions about his stats. which he has given NONE so therefore he is showing immaturity and disrespect to this board that is TRYING To help him fix a big mess.

    Dbol is used to kickstart a cycle TOGETHER with the long ester, NOT before yoiu start taking a long ester
    TREN has some of the worst side effects, and using it with a long ester means if you start having bad side effects you are stuck because it will be in your system Much longer than Tren A would have been.
    Your first cycle should be something simple so that you can judge how your body will react to the compound, and sides. TREN is NOT for beginners

    Now please answer the green questions below so we can actually help you

  15. #15
    BrownMonster is offline New Member
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    I am 27 years old, 15% bodyfat, 17 inch arms, 185pounds. I have been training solid For 3 years. My Diet has been always healthy, never pertake in any junk food, Have a great combination of Vegetables and Protein Supplements. I would also like to add that I am a Vegeterian Lifter. I rely on Soy Protein aswell as the good old Whey Protein. Far as Trenbalone Enanthate , I have had ZERO whats so ever Sexual Side Effects. If anything it has made me a monster in bed haaaaa, no limp dick nothing. ZERO GYNO, havent had any symptoms. If you research on this Board about Trenbalone you will the unique this compound really is, It doesnt increase Estrogenic attributes, wont hold water, thats one of the truly amazing things of this compound. Draw back, Night Sweats, Fatigue especially a day or two after injection.

  16. #16
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownMonster
    I see someone didnt like the DBOL being run two weeks in. I ran this because for one, Dbol is fast acting so i would get some gains while i awaited for the tren. The Enanthate is longer Ester which takes longer time to kick in. So whats the big deal if Dbol was used as a kick start for the first two weeks. As far as the PCT i will be getting hold of some Nolva, but i am going to run the Tren Enanthate 10 weeks.
    Problem here is it sounds like you ran the dbol for 2 weeks, and then stopped taking it when you started taking tren ? If you stopped taking it when you did your first tren shot your body would have crashed once all of the dbol cleared out, and that clears out real fast. The tren wouldnt really hit you for another week or so, so your body would be without any AAS during the time you are waiting for the tren to kick in. YOu should have run the dbol another 2 weeks or so while you were doing the tren.

  17. #17
    BrownMonster is offline New Member
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    my supply of DBOL ran out, but from what i know, Dbol stays in your system for another two weeks or so once you come off. Anyhow trial and error, i am in week 3 of Tren , next cycle i am going to load it with Test.

  18. #18
    J.S.N.'s Avatar
    J.S.N. is offline Anabolic Member
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    all up in yo' buttho'
    personally i have nothing against running cycles without test but then again i'm biased because i don't get shut down even by letro.

    but, like sman said, running tren enth wihtout running tren acetate first is bad because it takes a couple weeks to get out of your system in case of complications. me personally ran tren a only once (with prop) and it put my blood pressure sky high around the 8 week mark. there is no way i would ever take tren enth.

  19. #19
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownMonster
    my supply of DBOL ran out, but from what i know, Dbol stays in your system for another two weeks or so once you come off. Anyhow trial and error, i am in week 3 of Tren, next cycle i am going to load it with Test.
    the half life of dbol is around 5 hours.

  20. #20
    BrownMonster is offline New Member
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    yes i see that its after adminstration, we are talking about two weeks of DBOL , after DBOL build up and your receptors are saturated with it, i heard it stays in the system few weeks after you stop administration, anybody else have input on this?

  21. #21
    G Child's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrownMonster
    yes i see that its after adminstration, we are talking about two weeks of DBOL, after DBOL build up and your receptors are saturated with it, i heard it stays in the system few weeks after you stop administration, anybody else have input on this?
    probably one of the dumbest things i've heard today.

    not true

  22. #22
    G Child's Avatar
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    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    take a dbol only cycle and see if you continue to make gains after you stop taking it.

  23. #23
    LatinoPR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G Child
    take a dbol only cycle and see if you continue to make gains after you stop taking it.

  24. #24
    jim-bol is offline Junior Member
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    gyno with tren?

    first cycle tren e 200,maybe a bit much first cycle but i admire your balls.for sure run it with test and deca and keep the anti-e's on hand but tren is the best and its top shelf train hard and enjoy.

  25. #25
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim-bol
    first cycle tren e 200,maybe a bit much first cycle but i admire your balls.for sure run it with test and deca and keep the anti-e's on hand but tren is the best and its top shelf train hard and enjoy.
    not balls just, uneducated ignorance.please, if he ran out of anything its poor planning.should have absoloutly everything he needs before starting.he starts, then asks for advice,then doesnt take it.
    hopefully someone will learn from this.
    the only thing he will enjoy is limp dick,night sweats,cramps,hair loss.when it kicks in

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