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  1. #1
    caboom is offline New Member
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    test and heart rate

    Hey all,

    Just a question regarding test and heart rate. For a person who has completed many cycles, and just want to run with 250mg of test a week, will this drastically increase his heart rate?

    I know a person wh has a high heart rate and is worried by taking 250mg of test that it could be dangerouse!


  2. #2
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Welcome to AR!

    I wouldnt think heart rate would be much of a concern for AAS, just stay away from things like clenbuterol . However, you need to closely monitor blood pressure if you have prexisting problems.

  3. #3
    frank12391's Avatar
    frank12391 is offline Member
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    I'm asking the same question cause my heart rate went up after a shot of test cyp. Spent night in the ER, all is good now after 1 week. No probs with decca though. I have to mention that I have mild hypertension and had it before starting cycle but it was under control with meds and I monitor it ED. While on cyp, my BP was marginally higher however it did fluctuate quite often. Had 3 sets of bloods done in 24 hours. All was perfect, including arterial blood just to be on the safe side while I had these effects. I don't know if the cyp was responsible for it and I have posted a lot about this subject without any real explanations or answers. I was told by 1 person that test increases heart rate. This is my first experience with aas

  4. #4
    caboom is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the welcome powerliftmike!!!!!!!

    Good to be here. So you dont hink 250mg of test would drastically increase the heart rate??/

    Do we have any doctors or like that could help me out with this topic?


  5. #5
    Inclinez's Avatar
    Inclinez is offline New Member
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    Hey caboom, Im currently on Test E 500mg EW . FOr the first week and a half my BP and heart rate went up, BP went up about 10 points on the first number and heart rate went from around 95 BPM to 120-130 bpms, Now everything has return to normal and im currently 3 weeks into cycle. It's also my first cycle so i figure its just my body adjusting. Hope this helped

  6. #6
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    test increases HR... atleast for some ppl.. mine always jumps from 60 to 80 during all cycles... jesus Inclinez... 130 BPM, thats is quite a lot... rather uncomfortable, eh? even 95 sounds really high.. i think 120 is the stimated limit where the heart will eventually tire itself out in the long run... maybe do some aerobic exercise or sumin? if u dont already... then as fotr the question will 250 mg of test a week inrease HR.. cant comment on that, maybe it wont affect that much since the dose is so low but havent seen any real reports on this.

  7. #7
    Inclinez's Avatar
    Inclinez is offline New Member
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    It was only at 130 for abaout 2 days now its usually 70-90, dude 90 isnt even bad...

  8. #8
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    90 is not that great... i mean some ppl have high HR even if they are in pretty good condition.. but 90 is still quite high IMO... not dangerous yet in anyway but its high.

  9. #9
    caboom is offline New Member
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    thanks for the responses guys - does anyone know where to find any research on this(small amount of test and heart rate affect)?

    Thanks for the help guys!

  10. #10
    caboom is offline New Member
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    Oct 2006

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