Will be my 3rd cycle, 5'7, 10% bf, 160lbs, age 28, training hard for 3 years, diet in check, 4k+ calories w/clean foods & about 300g of protein. This will be a Mass cycle, not cutting.

In Hand (have plenty of ea):
2ml Norma Decas 200mg ea
Sust. Karachi's 250mg per amp
Proviron 50mg tabs
D-bol 5mg tabs, Naps
** Nolvadex

The Proposed Cycle:
wk 1-4: 40mg Dbol per day, spread throughout the day, 2 morning, 2 early afternoon, 2 20mins before workout, 2 after dinner meal.

wk 1-10: 300mg Deca shots twice a week of 150. Will mix this in with my Sust injection.

wk 1-12: 250mg per shot EOD

Day 1: 300mg Clomid, 20mg Nolva
Day 2-7: 100mg Clomid, 20mg Nolva
Day 7-21: 50mg Clomid, 20mg Nolva
Day 21-sex drive fully returned/bloodwork results: 20mg Nolva, Clomid on hand if needed

* Plan to take Proviron through the entire cycle at 50mg per day.
** Have HCG on hand incase my boys shrink and need a jump start

Looking forward to this cycle, hear Deca with and Sus and D-Bol work wonders together.

Constructive Comments Welcomed:

