Hey bro's

I have a question about cabaser(same as dostinex). Today is exactly 3 weeks ago i started this cycle

wk 1-10 1000mg sust (250mg eod)
wk 1- 8 800mg tren a(200mg eod)

I'm also using cabaser .5mg e3d day and .625mg letro e3d day untill today i had no problems with having sex in fact the past 3 weeks i felt I was in puberty, horny all day long and doing it 4 times a day with no problems but 2 hours ago I wanted to have sex with my girl I noticed that my dick had some difficulties with getting hard no big deal but I think this is just the beginning should I up the dose of the cabaser? or should i lower the amount of tren a? The reason I use high dosage of tren is I thought I'm going to use cabaser so why not I can control my prolactin but reconcidiring again I think the tren should be decreased.

What are you're thoughts about it..
