going to start my 3rd cycle soon and trying to decide what to buy, dosages etc and would like some input.

my last 2 cycles were

1. test e 500mg/week for 10 weeks, with dbol weeks 1-4
2. test prop @ 500mg/week for 12 weeks and deca at 300mg/week for 8 weeks.

got really good gains from both, and now looking to move onto tren . i got 2 things on mind.

1. test prop at 700mg/week (shoot eod), 12 weeks.
trinabol or tren acetate @ 350-400mg/week (shoot eod) for 6-8 weeks?
winstrol at 50mg/day after tren right through to pct.
pct will be nolva/clomid.

basically not sure wether to do tren at 350 or 400, wether to do 6 weeks or 8, and if i should use trinabol or acetate, i would choose acetate but my supplier sells it for almost double!!

any input would be appreciated. anything else worth adding?

some stats cause i know you guys will hound for it. im 6'1 (187cm) 95kg, about 13% bodyfat and got 4 years solid training.