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  1. #1
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2001

    Decided to go with ephedrine/asprin/caffine instead of AS for now

    Dumbells helped me out lots and I decided thats the best route for me right now. This will give me time to learn more, and lean up more.

    I ran into one problem though.

    I picked up some "Bronkaid" is a Bronchial Congestion pill which has 25mgs of Ephedrine. And of course the good ol bear asprin, problem is what about caffine?

    Any one know some over the counter caffine pills? or somthing with lots of caffine. I need 200mg dosages, for 25mgs of Eph, 325mgs of asprin, and the 200mgs of caffine.

    Thanks again for helping guys!


  2. #2
    KeyMastur is offline VET
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    Sep 2001
    Just go to Walgreens or Eckerds or even Wal-Mart and pick up some caffeine pills. I'm sure you'll find what you need there.

  3. #3
    ptbyjason Guest
    Guys correct me if I am wrong here (I've never built my own ECA stack), but with somethink like No Doz work for this guy?

  4. #4
    Pete235's Avatar
    Pete235 is offline Retired Moderator
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    I'm not sure of the strength per mg of the No Doz Jay...but I know Ms Figure posted a very infomative thread about ECA dosages a few weeks ago. I haven't searched for it yet and she is currently in Vegas for the Olympia. J-Dogg try doing a search and if that doesn't work re-post the question later when more members are around to offer input.


  5. #5
    samoth's Avatar
    samoth is offline Member
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    Dont go with no-doze, that shits like six bucks a bottle. You can usually find alternatives, like Shopko's here carry Jet Alert, costs one third the price of no-doze. Just make sure you get the 200mg tabs. Bottles are 60 or 90 pills for just over two bucks. I always make my own ECA stack, it cheaper, and I can adjust doses of various parts of it too

  6. #6
    korsow is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2001
    Well, I tell you one thing,, I have a bottle of Xenadrin .. the shit has 335 MG of Ephedrine in it... 200 MG of Guarana and a bunch of other stuff, but no Asperin asfar as i know.. HOWEVER,, if u get that stuff, TAKE ONLY one.. TRUST ME,, that shit IS STRONG!! its the kinda stuf u take and then ask yer self "HOW CAN THIS BE LEGAL" while yer basically TRIPIN on an extreme dose of ephedrin. i took 2 Xenadrin today, within 30 minutes, I felt like I was on SPEED, or like I drank 80 cups of cofee, i went to the gym on the xenadrin.. BIG MISTAKE.. I started to feel paranoid in the gym for some messed up reason, HOWEVER, I did 45 mins of cardio ALMOST WITHOUT feeling any tiredness, or exhaustion (sp).. If u buy ephedrine however,, BUY ALLOT, because I am pretty sure that the US will make it a controlled substance pretty soon.


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