Hi guys
I'm the newbie u guys talk about in these posts. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I'm 26 years old 5'-7" and 150 lbs. I been working out since I was like 19 and have used about every GNC product u can imagine. My peak weight was 165 lbs using creatine and NO2. Since then I have done plenty research and the use of steroids . About a year ago I purchased 10 shots of Organon DECA 200mg and was ready to go. I was very eager to get started and thus took my first injection in my deltoid "hurt like hell". I used a 1" 22g needle. Shortly after that first shot I started to read articles where it stated that a deca only cycle is useless and the whole "DECA Dick" deal. I had no access to Test or any of the anti-estrogens so I didn't continue. I have done more research since then, but still much of the information is contradictive and confusing.

This brings me here to u guys. I trust u guys have much more valuable information then these sites I have visited. And so I put my trust in u. One thing that did seam consistent from site to site is the best beginner bulking cycle - Sustanon , Dianabol , and Deca Durabolin .

So here is what I have disposable to me:
Deca 100mg
Sustanon 250mg
Dianabol 5mg tabs

What would be the safest, best cycle to follow with this stack?
Like I said I weigh 150 lbs now and would love to be up to 170-180lbs?

What anti-estrogens should I use and how do I implement them in my cycle?
Should I be concerned about liver damage due to Dianabol?

And finally, are the anti-estrogens like Clomid and Nolvadex legal to purchase or do they fit in the same category as steroids?

I know its alot guys, but I could really use some help.
