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Thread: Any Frogs here?

  1. #1
    PTFreak69's Avatar
    PTFreak69 is offline New Member
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    Any Frogs here?

    I'm headed to BUDS in Jan and was hoping to get a little advice from some Team Guys. I'm 30, In great shape, but need an edge for recovery. I've asked around and I'm thinking test eth 250-500 a week maybe stacked with EQ. I'm a hardcore crossfitter, runner and solid swimmer. I also hit a lot of cals. This my second and even if it kills me final try, flushed in the middle of hell week last time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
    AnabolicAndre is offline Anabolic Member
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    whats a FROG?

    Like riiiibbbbbiiit?

  3. #3
    PTFreak69's Avatar
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  4. #4
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
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    oh word.

    cool man thats awesome.

    my cousin went to BUDS and came back in two pieces(broken arm)

    EQ is great cause is enhances you RBC count which is great for endurance.
    and TEST as a base. but you want to run that before you go right? like for training purposes?

    bump for some more responses

  5. #5
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    if they test you, EQ will fvck you. its in you for 5 months. anadrol may be better. raises RBC, but more sides though

  6. #6
    D-Money's Avatar
    D-Money is offline Associate Member
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    My vote is for a long estered test like enanthate , cypionate , sustanon . Simple but effective. You'll feel great, and it shouldn't effect your endurance. Avoid Trenbolone or D-bol. Just my 2 cents

  7. #7
    PTFreak69's Avatar
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    All advice is welcome, thank you.

  8. #8
    PTFreak69's Avatar
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    "but you want to run that before you go right? like for training purposes?"

    Yea, I want to hit it once before I go and throughout the course.

  9. #9
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    I don't really see the point bro. You're not going to keep any of the size once you hit the beach. And there's no way in hell you'll be able to cycle durring BUDS. Wait until after you make it in..... if you do.

    Good luck bro.

  10. #10
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    I agree with Buff. I had this exact same convo the other day with a guy I know. He came asking for advice as he is about to join the Marines (UK) and wanted to get big before he went in. He asked about AS and wanted me to train him. I told him it would all be pointless. It will not help you with the training they have planned for you. Anything you gain will be lost as you are hammered with cardio and innadequate food for keeping muscle. They don't want you to be big they want you to be fit. Doing AS also means you risk being caught and thrown out. Not good.

  11. #11
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Not worth the risk of getting tested.

  12. #12
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PTFreak69
    I'm headed to BUDS in Jan and was hoping to get a little advice from some Team Guys. I'm 30, In great shape, but need an edge for recovery. I've asked around and I'm thinking test eth 250-500 a week maybe stacked with EQ. I'm a hardcore crossfitter, runner and solid swimmer. I also hit a lot of cals. This my second and even if it kills me final try, flushed in the middle of hell week last time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    they will not test you for roids. But roids will not help you for what you are about to go through. the best thing you can do run run run and run some more than get ready to swim and swim here is the link to buds traing.

  13. #13
    cj1capp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj1capp
    they will not test you for roids. But roids will not help you for what you are about to go through. the best thing you can do run run run and run some more than get ready to swim and swim here is the link to buds traing.
    the link may not work so here it is



    50 meter underwater swim PASS/FAIL
    Underwater knot tying PASS/FAIL
    Drown proofing test PASS/FAIL
    Basic Lifesaving test PASS/FAIL
    1200 meter pool swim with fins 45 min
    1 mile bay swim with fins 50 min
    1 mile ocean swim with fins 50 min
    1 l/2 mile ocean swim with fins 70 min
    2 mile ocean swim with fins 95 min
    Obstacle course 15 min
    4 mile timed run 32 min


    2000 meter conditioning pool swim without fins Completion
    1 1/2 mile night bay swim with fins Completion
    2 mile ocean swim with fins 85 min
    4 mile timed run 32 min
    Obstacle course 13 min


    2 mile ocean swim with fins 80 min
    4 mile timed run (in boots) 31 min
    Obstacle course 10:30
    3 I/2 mile ocean swim with fins Completion
    5 1/2 mile ocean swim with fins Completion


    Obstacle course 10 min
    4 mile timed run (in boots) 30 min
    14 mile run Completion
    2 mile ocean swim with fins 75 min

    Academic standards are required on written tests before graduation from BUD/S are:
    80% or above for officers 70% or above for enlisted


    The following workouts are designed for two categories of people: Category I are those future BUD/S students that have never or have not recently been on a routine PT program. Category II is designed for high school and college athletes that have had a routine PT program. Usually athletes that require a high level of cardiovascular activity are in Category II.

    Swimming, running and wrestling are good examples of such sports.


    RUNNING: The majority of the physical activities you will be required to perform during your six months of training at BUD/S will involve running. The intense amount of running can lead to over stress injuries of the lower extremities in trainees who arrive not physically prepared to handle the activities. Swimming, bicycling, and lifting weights will prepare you for some of the activities at BUD/S, but ONLY running can prepare your lower extremities for the majority of the activities. You should also run in boots to prepare your legs for the everyday running in boots at BUD/S (Boots should be of a light-weight variety i.e. Bates Lights, Hi-Tec, Etc.).

    The goal of the category I student is to work up to 16 miles per week of running. After you have achieved that goal, then and only then should you continue on to the category II goal of 30 miles per week. Let me remind you that category I is a nine week buildup program. Follow the workout as best you can and you will be amazed at the progress you will make.


    WEEKS #1, 2: 2 miles/day, 8:30 pace, M/W/F (6 miles/ week)
    WEEK #3: No running. High risk of stress fractures
    WEEK #4: 3 miles/day, M/W/F (9 miles/wk)
    WEEKS #5, 6: 2/3/4/2 miles, M/Tu/Th/F (11 miles/wk)
    WEEKS #7,8: 4/4/5/3 miles, M/Tu/Th/F (16 miles/ wk)
    WEEK #9: same as #7,8 (16 miles/ wk)

    WEEK #1: 4X15 PUSHUPS
    4X20 SITUPS
    3X3 PULL UPS
    WEEK #2: 5X20 PUSHUPS
    5X20 SITUPS
    3X3 PULL UPS
    WEEK #3,4: 5X25 PUSHUPS
    5X25 SITUPS
    3X4 PULL UPS
    WEEK #5,6: 6X25 PUSHUPS
    6X25 SITUPS
    2X8 PULL UPS
    WEEK #7,8: 6X30 PUSHUPS
    6X30 SITUPS
    2X10 PULL UPS
    WEEK #9: 6X30 PUSHUPS
    6X30 SITUPS
    3X10 PULL UPS

    * Note: For best results, alternate exercises. Do a set of pushups, then a set of situps, followed by a set of pull ups, immediately with no rest.

    (sidestroke with no fins 4-5 days a week)

    WEEKS #1, 2: Swim continuously for 15 min.
    WEEKS #3, 4: Swim continuously for 20 min.
    WEEKS #5, 6: Swim continuously for 25 min.
    WEEKS #7, 8: Swim continuously for 30 min.
    WEEK #9: Swim continuously for 35 min.

    * Note: If you have no access to a pool, ride a bicycle for twice as long as you would swim. If you do have access to a pool, swim every day available. Four to five days a week and 200 meters in one session is your initial workup goal. Also, you want to develop your sidestroke on both the left and the right side. Try to swim 50 meters in one minute or less.


    Category II is a more intense workout designed for those who have been involved with a routine PT schedule or those who have completed the requirements of category I. DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS WORKOUT SCHEDULE UNLESS YOU CAN COMPLETE THE WEEK #9 LEVEL OF CATEGORY I WORKOUTS.


    WEEKS #1,2: (3/5/4/5/2)miles 19 miles/week
    WEEKS #3, 4: (4/5/6/4/3) miles 22 miles/week
    WEEK #5: (5/5/6/4/4) miles 24 miles/week
    WEEK #6: (5/6/6/6/4) miles 27 miles/week
    WEEK #7: (6/6/6/6/6) miles 30 miles/week

    * Note: For weeks #8-9 and beyond, it is not necessary to increase the distance of the runs; work on the speed of your 6 mile runs and try to get them down to 7:30 per mile or lower. If you wish to increase the distance of your runs, do it gradually: no more than one mile per day increase for every week beyond week #9.


    WEEK #1, 2: 6X30 PUSHUPS
    6X35 SITUPS
    3X10 PULL UPS
    3X20 DIPS
    WEEK #3, 4: lOX20 PUSHUPS
    10X25 SITUPS
    4X10 PULL UPS
    10X15 DIPS
    WEEK #5: 15X20 PUSHUPS
    15X25 SITUPS
    4X12 PULLUPS
    15X15 DIPS
    WEEK #6: 20X20 PUSHUPS
    20X25 SITUPS
    5X12 PULL UPS
    20X15 DIPS

    These workouts are designed for long-distance muscle endurance. Muscle fatigue will gradually take a longer and longer time to develop doing high repetition workouts. For best results, alternate exercises each set, in order to rest that muscle group for a short time. The below listed workouts are provided for varying your workouts once you have met the Category I and II standards.


    You can do this with any exercise. The object is to slowly build up to a goal, then build back down to the beginning of the workout. For instance, pull ups, situps, pushups, and dips can be alternated as in the above workouts, but this time choose a number to be your goal and build up to that number. Each number counts as a set. Work your way up and down the pyramid. For example, say your goal is "5."

    PULL UPS: 1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1
    PUSHUPS: 2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2 (2X # pull ups)
    SITUPS: 3,6,9,12,15,12,9,6,3 (3X #pull ups)
    DIPS: same as pushups

    (4-5 days/week)

    WEEKS #1, 2: Swim continuously for 35 min.
    WEEKS #3, 4: Swim continuously for 45 min.with fins.
    WEEK #5: Swim continuously for 60 min. with fins.
    WEEK #6: Swim continuously for 75 min. with fins.

    * Note: At first, to reduce initial stress on your foot muscles when starting with fins, alternate swimming 1000 meters with fins and 1000 meters without them. Your goal should be to swim 50 meters in 45 seconds or less.


    Since Mon/Wed/Fri are devoted to PT, it is wise to devote at least 20 minutes on Tue/Thu/Sat to stretching. You should always stretch for at least 15 minutes before any workout; however, just stretching the previously worked muscles will make you more flexible and less likely to get injured. A good way to start stretching is to start at the top and go to the bottom. Stretch to tightness, not to pain; hold for 10-15 seconds. DO NOT BOUNCE. Stretch every muscle in your body from the neck to the calves, concentrating on your thighs, hamstrings, chest, back, and shoulders.


    Proper nutrition is extremely important now and especially when you arrive at BUD/S. You must make sure you receive the necessary nutrients to obtain maximum performance output during exercise and to promote muscle/tissue growth and repair. The proper diet provides all the nutrients for the body's needs and supplies energy for exercise. It also promotes growth and repair of tissue and regulates the body processes. The best source of complex carbohydrates are potatoes, pasta, rice, fruits, vegetables. These types of foods are your best sources of energy.

    Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are the three energy nutrients. All three can provide energy, but carbohydrate is the preferred source of energy for physical activity. It takes at least 20 hours after exhaustive exercise to completely restore muscle energy, provided 600 grams of carbohydrates are consumed per day. During successive days of heavy training, like you will experience at BUD/S, energy stores prior to each training session become progressively lower. This is a situation in which a high carbohydrate diet can help maintain your energy.

    The majority of carbohydrates should come from complex carbohydrate foods that include bread, crackers, cereal, beans, peas, starchy vegetables, and other whole grain or enriched grain products. Fruits are also loaded with carbohydrates. During training, more than four servings of these food groups should be consumed daily.

    Water intake is vital; stay hydrated. You should be consuming up to four quarts of water daily. Drink water before you get thirsty! ! ! Substances such as alcohol, caffeine and tobacco increase your body's need for water. Too much of these substances will definitely harm your body and hinder your performance. Supplemental intake of vitamins, as well, has not been proven to be beneficial. If you are eating a well balance diet, there is no need to take vitamins.


    Carbohydrates 50-70% of calories
    Protein 10-15% of calories
    Fats 20-30% of calories


    Requirements and procedures for BUD/S training application. Package Requirements:

    1. Meet ASVAB test score requirement
    2. Meet age, EAOS and rating requirement (page 13 may be required)
    3. Pass physical screening test
    4. Pass diving physical

    1. Put in a "Special Request Chit" through your chain of command requesting BUD/S training.
    2. Submit a "Personnel Action Request" (Form 1306/7) to SPECWAR/Diver assignment. Submit the following with your request: a. A certified copy of your ASVAB test scores b. Your physical screening test results c. Pressure and oxygen tolerance test results (if completed) d. Your completed diving physical (Form SF88 - SF93) e. Certified copy of your latest performance evaluation report

    3. Mail your package to:
    SPECWAR/Diver Assignment
    NMPC 401D
    Department of the Navy
    Washington D. C. 20379
    Phone number: Com (703) 614-1091
    DSN 224-1091/92


    1. Pass a diving physical exam

    2. Eye sight cannot be worse than 20/40 in one eye and 20/70 in the other eye and must be correctable to 20/20 with no color blindness

    3. Minimum ASVAB score: VE + AR= 104, MC = 50

    4. Must be 28 years old or less

    5. Only men are eligible

    Physical Screen Test 1. 500 yard swim using breast and/or side stroke in 12:30 Ten minute rest

    2. Perform minimum of 42 pushups in 2 minutes Two minute rest

    3. Perform minimum of 50 situps in 2 minutes Two minute rest

    4. Perform at least 6 pull ups, no time limit Ten minute rest

    5. Run 1.5 miles wearing boots and pants in 11:30

  14. #14
    cj1capp's Avatar
    cj1capp is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PTFreak69
    I'm headed to BUDS in Jan and was hoping to get a little advice from some Team Guys. I'm 30, In great shape, but need an edge for recovery. I've asked around and I'm thinking test eth 250-500 a week maybe stacked with EQ. I'm a hardcore crossfitter, runner and solid swimmer. I also hit a lot of cals. This my second and even if it kills me final try, flushed in the middle of hell week last time. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    oh this is you second try, then you know what you are in for. stop the roids now and get hooked up with a Triathlete . you can do it !! if you are not ready for this class cycle ask for a deferment take 6 weeks and train your ass off cardio cardio cardio !!!!!!!

  15. #15
    PTFreak69's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice CJ1CAPP. I am more than physically prepared now, I am just always looking to go that extra step. I had a pretty easy time physically last time at BUDS I just scewed up real bad in the pool before hellweel as far as drown proofing. I quit out of fear of failing again after hellweek and getting dropped. I have spent a shit load of time in the pool and I'm good to go on any and all test in the water. I just have to knuckle up and get it done. The main reason for AAS was recovery because I'm 30. I was considering very low dose to speed recovery not to get me through or get me ready.

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