Thread: weight measurement question
10-14-2006, 03:00 PM #1
weight measurement question
The day I started my cycle (close to 4 wks ago) I weighed myself in the morning right after I used the bathroom, naked. I thought this would be a pretty accurate benchmark to measure against. Today I weighed myself on the same scale in the same manner and weighed 11 pounds more. Can I assume this is actual body mass increase without any water weight as the water is drained out of my system after the entire night. I just want to see how "solid" these 11 pounds are....thanks.
10-14-2006, 04:44 PM #2
No, you still may have gained some water weight. Do you look more bloated, or more dry looking now?
Unfortunately there isn't a easy way to find out the direct ammount of lean muscle gained.
Still had some great gains there though! Keep up the good work.
10-15-2006, 02:24 PM #3
thanks cfiler, I feel dry and I feel like I have gained some solid weight but I guess one never knows. Hopefully the water weight at that point was not more than a couple pounds. The cycle is a test cyp/eq/d-bol cycle and I am done with the d-bol today so I guess next weeks weigh in will reveal more since I may drop some of the water weight when I drop the d-bol
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