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  1. #1
    bigrose's Avatar
    bigrose is offline Associate Member
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    My First Big Time Multiple Compound Cycle

    What up fellas. I wanted to get some input on my upcoming cycle. I want to gain mass and firm up a bit at the end. I have done a few cycles already, cyp/dbol , dbol only (I know, first one), cyp/eq. This is my first 'hardcore' course and I am very excited.

    Week 1-16 Cyp- 900mg/wk
    Week 1-4 Drol- 100mg/day
    Week 1-4 Prop- 100mg/E3D
    Week 3-16 EQ- 600mg/wk
    Week 4-10 Tren A- 75mg/EOD
    Week 11-16 Winny- 75mg/ED
    Week 1-23 Proviron - 25mg/day (50mg/day for PCT)
    Week 1-23 Nolva- 20mg/day (40mg/day for PCT)

    Also I will add Clomid and possibly HCG for PCT. I have never used HCG, so that will be new to me. This will also be my first time using Drol, Tren and Winny. The most test I have run is 650mg/wk. Dbol up to 50mg/day.
    My stats are:

    22 y/o
    Lifting for 8 years
    Competed twice.

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    bigrose's Avatar
    bigrose is offline Associate Member
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    Oh yeah, I might add a little clen in towards the end as well. Depends on how I feel.

  3. #3
    bigrose's Avatar
    bigrose is offline Associate Member
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    bump for something from somebody

  4. #4
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well, thats a solid cycle. I dont think you need the Eq in their. Eq only binds to the Androgen recepter which will pretty much be saturated by the Tren and Test.

    Personally, I would make the cycle a little shorter, and yust run test/drol/tren from the beginning, and starting the winny at the end(after you finnish the drol) up until PCT. Unless you hate ed injections shoot tren ed to keep blood-levels optimal stable.

    I would also use an Aromate inhibitor in Pct, together with an serm, and use hcg in the last week before you finnish the cycle.

  5. #5
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'd only change is that I'd inject the prop ed or atleast eod.

  6. #6
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Looks like you put a lot of thought into it.

    I would say have some letro and or arimidex as well as HCG on hand.

    I would actually run the HCG.

  7. #7
    1-Cent's Avatar
    1-Cent is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigrose
    Week 1-16 Cyp- 900mg/wk
    Week 1-4 Drol- 100mg/day
    Week 1-4 Prop- 100mg/E3D
    Week 3-16 EQ- 600mg/wk
    Week 4-10 Tren A- 75mg/EOD
    Week 11-16 Winny- 75mg/ED
    Week 1-23 Proviron - 25mg/day (50mg/day for PCT)
    Week 1-23 Nolva- 20mg/day (40mg/day for PCT)
    My opinion of the cycle is; first theres not enough Test Prop to give any noticable gains on top of 100mg of Drol, 350mg of Prop is simpley a waste of Prop in that context, if you want to keep it I'd definetly increase it to 100mg/ED. Second theres not enough Tren, its ran too short and its not run frequently enough, 75mg/ED minimum for 8 weeks at least, Tren isn't cheap so if you do run it don't cut yourself short or you'll regret it. There isn't much reason to keep EQ in there either, Tren is so much stronger and EQ is so weak; overall I think your cycle here is a bit overthought and overcomplicated, a cycle doesn't have to be complicated to be 'advanced'. If you want my advice I'd run it like this;

    Week 1-12: Test Prop 100mg /ED
    Week 1-4: Drol 100mg /ED
    Week 1-10: Tren Ace 75mg /ED
    Week 8-12: Winny 75mg /ED

    Nolva 20mg /ED Start - End PCT (Increase during PCT if needed)
    Proviron 25mg /ED Start - End PCT (Increase during PCT if needed)
    Clomid 100mg /ED Through PCT

    Looks much cleaner and simplier, without all the EQ probably the same price. Thats my honest opinion.

  8. #8
    guest589745 is offline 2/3 Deca 1/3 Test
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 1-Cent
    My opinion of the cycle is; first theres not enough Test Prop to give any noticable gains on top of 100mg of Drol, 350mg of Prop is simpley a waste of Prop in that context, if you want to keep it I'd definetly increase it to 100mg/ED. Second theres not enough Tren , its ran too short and its not run frequently enough, 75mg/ED minimum for 8 weeks at least, Tren isn't cheap so if you do run it don't cut yourself short or you'll regret it. There isn't much reason to keep EQ in there either, Tren is so much stronger and EQ is so weak; overall I think your cycle here is a bit overthought and overcomplicated, a cycle doesn't have to be complicated to be 'advanced'. If you want my advice I'd run it like this;

    Week 1-12: Test Prop 100mg /ED
    Week 1-4: Drol 100mg /ED
    Week 1-10: Tren Ace 75mg /ED
    Week 8-12: Winny 75mg /ED

    Nolva 20mg /ED Start - End PCT (Increase during PCT if needed)
    Proviron 25mg /ED Start - End PCT (Increase during PCT if needed)
    Clomid 100mg /ED Through PCT

    Looks much cleaner and simplier, without all the EQ probably the same price. Thats my honest opinion.

    I agree with the possible over complication of the idea but if he doesnt respond well to test, it is pointless to run more than 100mg a week. Good point though about EQ and tren.

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