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10-20-2006, 04:51 PM #41
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Nevermind lol.
10-20-2006, 04:54 PM #42
Originally Posted by rodge
I learn something everyday
10-20-2006, 05:28 PM #43
Definately go for it. I will help in any way I can
10-20-2006, 05:32 PM #44
there are sites that "review" the services provided by escorts, everything they do or don't do, spit or swallow etc.
I don't see why you couldn't set up a system to rate the services of free market pharmacists...
10-22-2006, 11:23 AM #45
i like the ideal but i would take it a step further.I would have each UG lab tested. And post the results, i know of a board that dose this but they may not have the money or the amount of active users to make it work as it should.
10-23-2006, 06:07 AM #46
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I won't be accepting money for "advertising" or being rated as a legit supplier.
As for being Biased, I'm biased towards the "average" member, and not the mods and such, who IMHO often know less than senior members, and typically very little at all, indicating any real knowledge of anabolics past their own use of them. Just because I'm unimpressed with the "knowledge" that passes for such on many boards, doesn't mean I'm biased with regards to sources...I just call it how I see it (which, by definition is biased by my knowledge base).
But isn't everyone Biased? I mean...everyone has their own biases (or they are a person with absolutely 0 original thoughts, right?). For example, the mods here typically endorse Lion Nutrition products...but they get a substantial discount on those products from Lion (at least I did, when I was a mod here); all of the authors for ******** get free Biotest products every month, and most of them happily claim (truthfully) that they use Only Biotest products. Not many say that they also get them for free, however...or that they'd use something else if they had to pay for them (if that's true). Biotest makes a great product, Lion makes a great product....but if we're not going to take the opinion of people who are biased, then we're going to have to discount a whole shit load of people, right? I'm ****ing Biased as hell.....but think about that for a sec, ok? Is being biased wrong? I think it's got no real bearing on the issue, if the issue is whether someone produces a good product. Just because the mods here get Lion's chems and such for a substantial reduction in price, is that any reason to think that's the ONLY reason they endorse him? No...he's got legit products, and they work well...I've used them in the past, and think they're 100% quality. But then again, I'm biased, because I used to get the same discount they get now. (Now, I get all of my chems and peptides for free, and I'm totally biased towards that company...who also produce what I feel are awesome products)
Since I get my gear legally, I have little to no interest in UG's and sources, or getting on their good side. The only thing that the feature would tell you is if the source in question has proven to be good in the past, or is an unknown quantity at the moment.Last edited by Property of; 10-23-2006 at 06:51 AM.
10-23-2006, 06:12 AM #47
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Originally Posted by manwithin
10-23-2006, 08:27 AM #48
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Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
How about the non-committal; "I think he's still around" I got for an UGL you and XXXXXX used to praise to the stars like he was the best thing since the invention of Testosterone , even going so far as to open-post his name on another site?
Did his kickbacks expire? He didn't renew his endorsement contract??
Anthony, you've actually posted "I'm in this for the money" too many times to now palm yourself off as a disinterested champion of the little guy who's trying to help a "community" you've taken to mocking more and more openly.
It's a terrible day when our heros die.
10-23-2006, 11:45 AM #49
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Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
Just because I get paid for writing steroid information, doesn't mean I shouldn't provide totally free information to everyone who asks, all of the time, and do it to their satisfaction. I mean...I'm sure lawyers offer tons of free consultations, and answer questions about legal situations all of the time. Most paid professionals probably answer 100 e-mails a day, for free, giving out the same advice they're paid to provide, totally out of the kindness of their hearts. I should be no different. It's totally ridiculous that I shouldn't be doing the same thing, with all of my free time, and be damn prompt and more verbose about it.
10-23-2006, 12:02 PM #50
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
10-23-2006, 12:48 PM #51
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
10-23-2006, 04:16 PM #52
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Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Does the word "hubris" mean anything to you?
A man with your advantages may have heard of it.
Hubris: A negative term implying both arrogant, excessive self-pride or self-confidence, a lack of some important perception or insight due to pride in one's abilities. The brave hero with a healthy self-esteem may over-reach his position in thinking too highly and too solely of himself; This shortcoming or defect in the Greek tragic hero leads him to ignore the warnings of the gods and to transgress their laws and commands. Eventually hubris brings about downfall and nemesis. An arrogance due to excessive pride and an insolence toward others. A classic character flaw of a trader or investor.
Didn't realize JXXXXX was a non-person now. You spoke highly of her when you were both shilling for SXXXX UGL. You spoke less highly of her later.
As someone who has followed your career over the years, my impression has changed from admiration to disbelief. Why should anyone trust you when your endorsement of UGL's and websites changes with the wind; or rather, with the kickback they pay you?
You crucified AXXX as a scammer, and now endorse him on his website! How much money changed hands to accomplish that?
I think it's truly generous, generous and... touching, that you, who are "only in this for the money", would create a list of legitimate UGL's and sources which would be totally free; a Google source-check for AAS, as it were.
How does Google make money on its "totally free" searches? Oh, yeah... They take money from the businesses that want to be listed first. I don't know much about business, but this is so obvious that I can't believe everyone doesn't see it.
It seems like your brain is working overtime thinking of ways to capitalize on your unique position in the industry. A piece of friendly advice to someone I really used to admire: Your unique position is a direct result of all those hundreds of nobody e-mailers who in some sense trust you. I wouldn't kick that chair out from under me, just yet.
(See definition of "hubris", above.)
10-23-2006, 04:41 PM #53
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Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
In another case, a mod was taking orders for GH and disappeared with $10k in members money....again, the PM system and his position as a mod were the weapons used:
Also, as for JXXXXX, she was arrested and we don't typically bring her name up right now, as she is facing criminal charges related to Anabolics. She remains one of my best friends. I thought everyone kind of knew this, but she and I dated for awhile....I've known her for about two years, and long before she was "anyone" on the boards, she and I had dated. Kind of Common Knowldege I had assumed....I've dated a bunch of girls who are involved with anabolics, and never really make much of a big deal about it....though I assume most people know.
As for SXXXX Labs, I don't keep in touch with him, so I don't know what he's up to, so the reply you got was the reply that you got. He was always good to me, and I think he's still in buisness. So that's what I said when you e-mailed me.
And once again, I wouldn't take any money from any sources to be listed as legit on my site, I wouldn't even allow them to "apply" for that. They'd have to be reccomended by their customers, and then I'd have to check them out with other customers and see some threads on the open source boards, where people seem satisfied with their service.
Honestly, since I don't get paid for anything except my writing, it's a bit childish to assume that somehow, I receive kickbacks from sources from endorsing them. I was just willing to make a sourcecheck feature available on my site, free to anyone who wanted to use it....I won't profit from that in any sense, other than making my website better, and getting more traffic. Sorry if that's somehow reprehensible to you.Last edited by Property of; 10-23-2006 at 04:52 PM.
I dont like it, there are too many unknowns and i see this just causing problems down the road.
10-23-2006, 04:48 PM #55
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Originally Posted by DSM4Life
10-23-2006, 04:52 PM #56
the problem you describe will surely remain problems when you have this new source check. PPL will still send in that sources are scammers to further themselves ect. In theory it would be great to have a checkable source list, I just can't imagine how you would make it work.
10-23-2006, 05:07 PM #57
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I guess I'll rely heavily on the people whom I trust, to send me good, reliable, up to date information, on a constant basis. Plus, to be honest, the top 10 largest sources are and have been around for 5-10 years already, and I'll probably start things off with 25-50 sources, and just update things after a source has been around and been reliable for a year or so. This way I avoid having to update it every day, when "I just found out how to convert powder" type UG's pop up every other day.
Also, I'm expecting the Chinese powder market to go bust soon, for various political reasons (I have contacts in China who are telling me that it's about to dry up over there for Peptides as well as hormons powder).
10-23-2006, 05:37 PM #58
Originally Posted by 305GUY
How daresay does it 'benefit the hall of famers'?
10-23-2006, 05:37 PM #59
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
10-23-2006, 05:44 PM #60
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Heck... i'm not endorsing anyone. the point.
Anthony... while i understand the logic of your idea.. I think it requires a substantial investment to get it up..and keep it running. Additionally.. i think it's potentially dangerous.
If you get it done that'd be admirable... highly beneficial imo for the newer members... as i personally don't offer sources checks (nor do i follow the UGL scene... so can't offer feedback in that arena either). It is a catch 22 situation tho cus imo the threat, conversely, to the online AAS community lies in the newer members. I think the 45 day, 100 post rule was instituted to minimize this risk...and thus is functional: not ridiculous as some would state.
Good luck tho A.
10-23-2006, 06:28 PM #61
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Originally Posted by Narkissos
Every mod used to get a discount from Lion, on all of the boards he has a banner on (I was an admin on one board where he had a banner, and a mod on more than one where he has/had one). Maybe that has since changed, but I know that Lion cuts the mods a break on chems, whenever he is aware of their order. I know this was the case here on, when I was a mod, and I can't imagine that if Lion was aware of a mod making an order, he wouldn't kick him a discount. It's pretty much SOP, for all Chem companies (and sources) to give mod discounts...I know personally, I don't pay for shit from anyone, from protein powder to Clen , to almost everything (except for my Prescription Gear, which is from Oasis).
All Sports Nutrition also offered every mod 10lbs of free protein powder, awhile ago.
10-23-2006, 06:34 PM #62
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Once again.. i missed the boat
10-23-2006, 06:36 PM #63
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Already some of the players have gone private (some of the bigger players having gone private for almost 2 years now)
It's gonna be a scrabble.
10-23-2006, 07:01 PM #64
Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
10-23-2006, 07:03 PM #65
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this is very interesting..
10-23-2006, 07:11 PM #66
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Originally Posted by Narkissos
10-23-2006, 07:30 PM #67
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
10-23-2006, 07:31 PM #68
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
10-23-2006, 09:43 PM #69
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Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Lets hope shit like this isnt going on anymore and never does...........shit, talk about a wake up call.
10-24-2006, 05:11 AM #70
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Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
But then again, the thing that pissed me off more than the GH scam that was run here was the scam where 2 mods tried to bash another source and call them out for being scammers. Another mod (an admin) here was sourcing as a UG for awhile, and his 50mg anadrol tested out (I did the test personally) as 23.1mgs. He labeled his AAS as prohormones, however (pretty smart), and had a 100% success rate on deliveries. Another mod (again, actually an admin) was selling ** and human grade gear...$9 amps of Sustanon ....which is just wrong, even though it was all legit gear.
As far as I know, the last couple of mods who were sourcing were removed when I posted all of their names in my Blog a few months ago.
Currently, most of the sourcing done on Steroid .com is done by the people in the Pictures forum, who (are mostly only active in that forum....but are VERY active) seem to have an uncanny knack for identifying counterfeits, fakes, etc....and who then typically PM the person who wanted something identified, and then offer their further services. If I were looking for a source, I'd be looking in the Pictures forum, at the oh-so-helpful members...most/many of whom are sources (and who I get regular sourcechecks about).Last edited by Property of; 10-24-2006 at 08:38 AM.
10-24-2006, 09:07 AM #71
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Interesting, thanks.
10-24-2006, 10:01 AM #72
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
I'm not sure about the latter part tho.
Not disputing your info.. because admittedly, this is your turf but:
Aren't there a lot of custom issues on the Indian front? I know one source who was complaining that he bribed officials to get stuff out...and a another source reverse bribed officals to seize his stuff. He also said that bribes are about the only way to get the stuff outta there.
11-03-2006, 09:54 PM #73
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
What a jokeI NEVER sourced nor have I EVER ordered more then a few hundred dollars worth at a time.
So here's a challange for you hooker: Find one person that I ever sold anything to.
DocSus you wanna chime in on this one?
11-03-2006, 09:59 PM #74
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Originally Posted by MBaraso
Long time no see.
I am interested in this ...........
11-03-2006, 10:15 PM #75
Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
Here's the truth: Yes I did get some free gear once in awhile for refering ppl to legit sources but what long time mod doesn't? It's been going on since the begining of these boards so it should be no secret. But I have NEVER purposly bad mouthed any source for no reason. Anyone that was listed on my scammers list was there for legit reasons and I had proof of scamming with everyone that was on that list.
I never sourced, and I challenge anyone to find a source that will say I ever ordered more then a few hundred dollars worth at a time, which was for personal use.
I've helped hundreds of ppl with source checks over the past 4yrs and I did it because I was sick and tired of seeing ppl lose their money, not because I was benifiting monetarlily...
11-03-2006, 10:18 PM #76
Oh yeah and one more thing hooker: My modship wasn't taken away because I broke any board rules. It was taken away because I no longer had internet access and I couldn't spend anytime on the board...
11-03-2006, 10:22 PM #77
Originally Posted by MBaraso
11-03-2006, 10:25 PM #78
Originally Posted by MBaraso
11-03-2006, 10:28 PM #79
Originally Posted by MBaraso
11-03-2006, 11:29 PM #80
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i like the idea........sorta. i mean there will always be smack talk form one sourse about another sourse and you will never know whose lying.
Also as some other bro mentioned, feds are gonna alos know now who is lrgit and it could actually just end up getting dudes in trouble........maybe. I dunno if that could actually happen, but sure sounds like it.
how might you work around this?
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