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  1. #1
    stuball's Avatar
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    sustanon & prop question ????

    Me and one of my boys were talking about a sus cycle that he wants to run, he wants to do two shots a week, and i explained that EOD would be better, or the prop would be useless, and the more i though about it even EOD whats 30 mgs of prop really gonna do seems like a waste of prop, so he came up with a good idea why not add another 50 mgs of prop to the EOD shot of sus, so that gives you 80 mgs, i though it sounded great, anybody got any feedback ???

  2. #2
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    why not 2 run test e or c x2 ew besides test prop as a kick start

  3. #3
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hosam4ever
    why not 2 run test e or c x2 ew besides test prop as a kick start
    Thats all he's ever run was cyp and enan, so he wants to try sus, i mean i could sit with him set up a cycle of deca , enan, and prop, but he wants to run a simple cycle pre winter, 1 ml sus and .5 ml prop, mix it together, and good to go.. right now he dont want to do ED shots of prop, in march when the weather breaks here in NY, were gonna set up a monster cycle..

  4. #4
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Me and one of my boys were talking about a sus cycle that he wants to run, he wants to do two shots a week, and i explained that EOD would be better, or the prop would be useless, and the more i though about it even EOD whats 30 mgs of prop really gonna do seems like a waste of prop, so he came up with a good idea why not add another 50 mgs of prop to the EOD shot of sus, so that gives you 80 mgs, i though it sounded great, anybody got any feedback ???
    Bump, for more info...

  5. #5
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    The prop + sust would work, but it would be SO much easier just to run one or the other. Either run all prop, or bump the sust up and run just sust.

    Is you sust dosed a 50mgs/ml or just the prop part is?

  6. #6
    V_Vandetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Me and one of my boys were talking about a sus cycle that he wants to run, he wants to do two shots a week, and i explained that EOD would be better, or the prop would be useless, and the more i though about it even EOD whats 30 mgs of prop really gonna do seems like a waste of prop, so he came up with a good idea why not add another 50 mgs of prop to the EOD shot of sus, so that gives you 80 mgs, i though it sounded great, anybody got any feedback ???

    i just posted this a while ago... i have always shot sus 2-3 times a week never giving the 30mg of prop much mind becasue it was so low But a good bro did a sus prop deca cycle and I had a bet with him .. he ran the cycle EOD with sus and prop... and deca 2 X per week and i lost the bet ... his gains were great and pct wasa snap( lucky bastard) after pct B/W was great and maintained 90% of his gains ... Now Diet& TRAINING played a big part in this

    So I would say that yes adding the prop will better use the 30mg ... but my view is why care about 30Mg .. but like he said waste not want not ( but i will be trying this stack in the near future

  7. #7
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by V_Vandetta
    i just posted this a while ago... i have always shot sus 2-3 times a week never giving the 30mg of prop much mind becasue it was so low But a good bro did a sus prop deca cycle and I had a bet with him .. he ran the cycle EOD with sus and prop... and deca 2 X per week and i lost the bet ... his gains were great and pct wasa snap( lucky bastard) after pct B/W was great and maintained 90% of his gains ... Now Diet& TRAINING played a big part in this

    So I would say that yes adding the prop will better use the 30mg ... but my view is why care about 30Mg .. but like he said waste not want not ( but i will be trying this stack in the near future
    Yeah, the more i think about it the more i like it, i even like the idea of adding 70 mgs of prop, to make it an even 100mgs of prop, better for libido, even though the prop would be out of you system, a lot faster than the deca... Sounds like a great cycle.

  8. #8
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Me and one of my boys were talking about a sus cycle that he wants to run, he wants to do two shots a week, and i explained that EOD would be better, or the prop would be useless, and the more i though about it even EOD whats 30 mgs of prop really gonna do seems like a waste of prop, so he came up with a good idea why not add another 50 mgs of prop to the EOD shot of sus, so that gives you 80 mgs, i though it sounded great, anybody got any feedback ???
    Ok here's an update, now this is gonna be his cycle, EOD sus 250 plus 70 mg's of prop added to the sus shot, then the days he isnt doing sus hes gonna do 100 mg's of prop....I love it except the ED shots !!!

  9. #9
    skipp is offline Senior Member
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    Sittin around a gram a week... enjoy that sex drive lol

  10. #10
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    Sittin around a gram a week... enjoy that sex drive lol
    Yeah thats what it looks like !!! Im gonna run the same cycle except cut out the prop on the days off the sus after 4 weeks..

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