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  1. #1
    LM79's Avatar
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    My planed cycle HGH IGF AAS

    Just looking for some coments/susgestions for this upcoming cycle.
    i'm 27yrs
    been training solid 7 years
    This will be my first cycle using igf and HGH

    Week 1-26: hGH 3-4iu 5 on 2 0ff (also swap it up for a month when on igf & do hGH blast 10-15iu once a week on Monday)

    Week 1-5: igf 60mcg/ PWO only (5wks)

    Week 1-8: Test Prop 150mg eod

    Week 1-8: Mast 150mg eod

    Week 1-8: Anavar 30mg/day

    Week 8-12 igf 60mcg/ PWO only (5wks)

    Week 9-12 PCT – Nolva (40, 30, 20, 20) and hcg not sure on doseage yet

    Then have a 4 week break & run the exact same cycle

    Week 1-5: igf 60mcg/ PWO only (5wks)

    Week 1-8: Test Prop 150mg eod

    Week 1-8: Mast 150mg eod

    Week 1-8: Anavar 30mg/day

    Week 8-12 igf 60mcg/ PWO only (5wks)

    Week 9-12 PCT – Nolva (40, 30, 20, 20)

    Total time, 28 weeks, then have 8-12 weeks “off” & run something different depending on goals etc…

    Some help with timing and dosage of HCG would be great.

    All comments welcome

  2. #2
    goalseeker's Avatar
    goalseeker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Canada me2,eh..
    Dont know your history with Var, but it didnt do sh*t for me till I ran it 100mg/ed....

  3. #3
    LM79's Avatar
    LM79 is offline Associate Member
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    well i originaly had it at 60mg but i thought that might be over kill.
    It will be my first run with var.

    My goals are lean easy to keep gains also looking forward to the hardness i hear about with masteron first run with that to. and its just coming in to our summer here too so i don't want to hold water on this cycle.

  4. #4
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    The first thing I would say is what is the point of a four week break. Basically in your proposed cycle your test levels will be sky high, then rock bottom then sky high then rock bottom again. Kind of a hormone roller coaster. IMO cycling like this is asking for bad side effects. If you wish to use AS for a prolonged period then forget the break in the middle and forget the pct in the middle. Either run the cycle full on straight through or at the very least cruise on low dose test for a few weeks then hit it again. I think you need to drastically reconsider your whole cycle philosophy here.

  5. #5
    LM79's Avatar
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    Ok cool.

    How about if i have 8-12 weeks off and jump back on after having bloods checked?

    Appart from the roller caoster hows my planing and compounds used? Synergy etc

  6. #6
    LM79's Avatar
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    anyone else have any coments?

  7. #7
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    im gathering you want to cut? If you want synergy I would add some tren instead of var and I would run low dose T4 along with the GH. (low dose being 100mcg)

  8. #8
    LM79's Avatar
    LM79 is offline Associate Member
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    I am looking to add lean muscle, meaning i want to put more size on without going over 10%BF or bloating up with water. I want to get between 100-105kg at same BF as i am now.

    My plan was to run GH about two months then bring on the AAS. I wanted to run fast acting compounds with the idea that i could recover quick and jump back on taking advantage of the 6months HGH cycle.
    My last cycle i used Sust and Deca and recovery was a bitch.

    I have not used Tren before and thought as i am running hgh & igf for the first time i would be better to leave it out at this stage.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Why are you running Igf And HGH? Whats the point?
    Your 6'2'' 210lbs should be able to gain ALOT off of 500mgs of test at that size. Are you a pro athlete or bodybuilder?

    I don't get why you would want to introduce such compounds into your body when they are completely unecessary.

  10. #10
    LM79's Avatar
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    Well why not? Is there a rite time to introduce them? A sertain weight? age? number of cycles?

    I'm doing all the resurch and gathering all the gear to start in the new year.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Under A Bar
    Quote Originally Posted by LM79
    WHY? Exactly? Whats your reason for using HGH? Me personally WAS going to go that route for its ability to heal joints....Other than it being the most effective way for that I would never touch the stuff. Over priced and whats the point when Steroids, are better at gaining size & strength.

    Well why not? Is there a rite time to introduce them? A sertain weight? age? number of cycles?Your not that advanced in order where you need to add them to your arsenal...I could see you using them if you were 240lbs and were a competitive bodybuilder.

    I'm doing all the resurch and gathering all the gear to start in the new year.


    Whats your previous cycles look like?

  12. #12
    LM79's Avatar
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    I'v done a test only 10week @ 500mg
    & Sust500mg,superdrol30mg,Deca400mg

    I thought using GH & IGF-1 LR3 would be safer than bringing in something like a heavy Test,Tren ,Drol cycle. none of my doses are high. Just thought they would all work in different ways better than upping doses of AAS?
    I was thinking they would help me stay lean while on high calorie diet on AAS.
    Also i have Chronic degenerative arthritis in my right elbow and at 22yrs i had a disconectomy on my L2 disc (back opperation)

    MY goal is 100-110kg so that i can begin competing at 100kg if i don't do it this year i'll keep pushing until i do, i just have a thing about wanting to be on stage at 100kg.


  13. #13
    LM79's Avatar
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    Anyone else have any advice?

    Thought i'd post some pics so you could see what ya dealing with
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails My planed cycle HGH IGF AAS-lm79.jpg   My planed cycle HGH IGF AAS-les.jpg.jpg  

  14. #14
    LM79's Avatar
    LM79 is offline Associate Member
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